giovedì 31 ottobre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs October 31, 2013

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 6080, Oct 31 at 1146, R. Australia, weak beam to Asia has CCI, probably CRI Russian, northwestward from Beijing site, as in HFCC B-13, where RA has not bothered to register anything. Thought I would check this following recent one-day appearance of Solomon Islands on 6080 at 0830-0900+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9490, Oct 31 at 0052, usual wall-of-noise jamming is reduced to only lite pulse jamming, yet I cannot hear any R. República. Suspect they have made the timeshift early in Europe even tho it`s from the US to Cuba where clox don`t change for another quadriday.

Jeff White just told me it`s still supposed to be at 00-02, but HFCC B-13 shows a 3-hour span from Issoudun, FRANCE, at 00-03 starting 27 Oct; I suspect really to encompass the two different 2-hour spans, i.e. already 0100-0300 instead of 0000-0200, but did not recheck after 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6270, Oct 31 at 0114, RHC Spanish weak but readable, leapfrog of 6060 Spanish over 6165 English fulcrum another 105 kHz higher, but no English audible on 6270 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Oct 31 at 1348, VOI is missing for the third day in a row. Is it heard at any other dayparts, e.g. in Europe? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT [and non]. 21580, Oct 31 at 1245, very poor signal starts to fade in; 1248 Arabic music mixing with another. The understation at 1257 seems // 21690, which fits for RFI FRANCE as scheduled on both at 1200-1300 (and don`t you believe RFI comes back on 21580 with ENGLISH at 1430-1500 as registered in HFCC B-13!!! All SW English was dropped a year or two ago and I don`t believe it`s coming back.)

So Kuwait is on 21580 for a second day, apparently deliberate to evade Spain`s usurpation of 21540 (still there today but barely audible unlike good sig from Kuwait). The geniuses in MOI frequency management have jumped from one frying pan into another; there are plenty of totally open frequencies on 13m, but at least 21580 is unimpeded after 1300. At 1411 recheck, 21580 is still very good in Arabic, and 21540 Spain JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** MEXICO. 900, Oct 31 at 1226 UT, XEOK Monterrey, with feature report about ballet, overmodulated and somewhat distorted, typical of this station, 1229 non-ID as ``Es 900 AM`` (really???), 1230 ``reporte de tráfico y clima en 88.9``, 6:33 TC. It`s the relay of 88.9 in México DF as if anyone in Monterrey cared about traffic jams there. DF (direxion finding) fits for MTY, a bit west of due south (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Oct 31 at 0101, R. Chaski carrier detectable, until cutoff at 0102:36.5, which is right on time, 5.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. As quickly found via:
The IRS B-13 schedule is now up at

Showing the usual one-hour time-shifts, and alleging that it is still broadcasting to North America at 0100-0230, including English at 0130-0200 Tue-Sat, and back on the winter frequency 6190 - except it`s NOT --- no signal at 0110 check Oct 31, just like there has been no signal for months on the A-season frequency 9685. Whom are they kidding? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1693, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 21540, Oct 31 before 1300, weak signal in Spanish, no QRM from Kuwait since REE drove it off yesterday to 21580. 21540 REE is still barely audible at 1411, while the other new frequency, 21630, continues to collide with BBC Hausa via Ascension (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 5875, Oct 31 at 1308, BBCWS with report from Melilla, about porteadoras, poor underpaid women who haul goods across the border with Morocco, and how others sneak into Spanish territory this way. Very good signal today, only a little RTTY on the lo side.

It now appears that BBC is adhering to its HFCC registration to stay on this frequency at 12-14 UT seven days a week; as Aoki accurately listed for A-13, and as we heard it last week, the Thursday frequency via THAILAND used to be 5980, with 5875 really in use only on Sundays and Wednesdays, in a silly attempt to escape ChiCom jamming (which we could never hear anyway); alternating with 5820 and 5840 other days of week, all of which we heard at one time or another during the past few months, but keep checking them in case 5875 be missing again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1693: first airing will be Thursday Oct 31 at 2101v on WTWW-1 9479; then: UT Friday 0327v on WWRB 3195 (ex-, or maybe // 5050); UT Saturday 0200v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; Saturday 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB; Saturday 1500 on WRMI 9955; Saturday 2327v on WTWW-2 9930; UT Sunday 0401v on WTWW-1 5830. Remember from next week all these times shift one UT hour later so people can imagine they are at the ``same`` time by local clox, except in non-DST states (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3215, Oct 31 at 0057, WWRB back on lower winter frequency instead of 5050, as Dave is on live talking about being on 3195 and 3215, looking for ``reservations`` for winter business, offering 200,000 watts if you want to be on both 3195/3215, and 5050. Says the 3 MHz frequencies are on antenna favoring east of the Mississippi and 5050 for west of the Miss. Getting serious now since more people are listening 5 pm-midnight ET after gardening and harvesting is over. Says WWRB airtime costs half of what that other station on 3215 charges, and delivers more.

He`s really off on a rant and doesn`t notice that it`s 0100 and WWCR has shifted right on time to 3215 with steel drums and programming. Makes a SAH of about 6 Hz, roughly equal strength. He emphasizes that, unlike other stations, WWRB does not insert commercials --- if you buy half an hour, you get 30 minutes. Still colliding at 0103 as he`s talking about ``patriot baloney``, making fun of fear-mongers with silly voices.

Someone must have complained to WWCR because at 0104 they drop carrier for a few seconds as if to check that he`s really on 3215 at the same time putting down WWCR. Then he announces QSY to 3195, and his 3215 finally goes off at 0105*. Retune to 3195: carrier on there at *0105:22, resumes talking at 0105:46, about ``phoney-baloney patriots, spelled PAY-triots --- all you need is to trust in the Lord``, not be fearful that the government is coming to take away your rights, your guns, etc. At 0109 he starts looking for a song he wants to play from a CD, hasn`t found it by 0111; 0113 recheck it`s ``Wonderful Words of Life``. Lou Johnson reports this was going on during most of the previous hour on 3215 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.4+, Oct 31 at 0053, WRNO is already on early, while last night it was not on late after 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 670, Oct 31 at 1157 UT, numerous ``Hog-Call`` program promos, 479-area code phone, from KHGZ Glenwood AR; this early, WSCR has to be exactly nulled, but they are close to 90 degrees apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 730, Oct 31 at 1159 UT, Korean talk and a couple IDs in passing for ``KKDA``, the letters pronounced in English --- well, of course, since there are no letters in Korean. Then at 1200 full legal ID in English for Dallas Korean Radio, and one tone/timesignal. Allegedly there is no requirement that legal IDs really be in English.

A few minutes later, I was hearing some Vietnamese on 870, another Metroplex language, from KFJZ Fort Worth (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 820, Oct 31 at 1200 UT, WBAP with legal ID mentions 820,  99.5 HD2 and KPLX HD2. Sounded like three separate ``stations``, but KPLX is the one on 99.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1370, Oct 31 at 1211 UT, as I tune in, ``Memories 13-70 AM,``, WTTN(?) or something similar, definitely a W-call; poor with CCI and splash from local 1390 KCRC, peaks from ENE? Looking fuzzily thru NRC AM Log for resembling calls on 1370, the closest is NOStalgic WCCN in Neillsville WI, ``America`s Best Music``. Then Googling on ``Memories 1370 AM``, that indeed leads to WCCN, subsidiary of a rock FM outlet:  FCC shows 5000/42 watts, so it is sunrise yet in central Wisconsin? No, 1215 UT in October, 1300 in November, but they do have a PSRA of 500 watts which would be in effect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 21560, Oct 31 at 1259, some station in Italian, then ``Laudetur Iesus Christus`` and `Radio-Giornale` from R. Vaticana, which is now scheduled here daily at 1300-1320 toward the south. Keeping the local language on SW unlike Rai; fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP carrier search Oct 31 at 1151: JBA on 612, 702, 882 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 880, Oct 31 at 1223-1225+ UT, audio of a couple of syllables and rumble caught in a loop over and over for more than two minutes, interrupted by one IAD. Roughly east/west with KRVN nulled, and very likely KLRG AR, altho KHAC NM can also make it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5055, Oct 31 at 0054, weak Spanish here; thought would be leapfrog of 5025 Cuba over 5040 Cuba another 15 kHz higher, but not // either; maybe SSB mode, and also a JBA carrier which could really be the leaper (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5805, Oct 31 at 1312-1313* open carrier of fair strength; wonder what? Except for far-out 5745 VOA Radiogram, HFCC B-13 has 5810 WEWN as the lowest frequency SWBC registered in this band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1922 UT October 31