** BANGLADESH. 15105, Oct 8 at 1257, BB in English detectable but very poor. 15505, Oct 8 at 1359, BB fair with IS; ``time`` signal ends at 1359:40, into Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake [non] CNR1 jamming, Oct 8 before 1400:
16920, very poor with flutter at 1355; none in the 17s
15570, very poor at 1355 with het; also probably 15555 ditto
13970, very poor at 1357; none in the 14s
13830, fair at 1357
12980, very good! with flutter at 1358, unlike all the others, whence?
12910, poor-fair with flutter at 1357
12230, very poor with flutter at 1357
** GERMANY. 21600, Oct 8 at 1300, here`s something new, never heard before on frequent 13m scans around this hour: S Asian language talk and songs, fair peaks but deep fades, stronger than 21610 Spain; 1313 now the music has that suspicious `Christian` touch, and announces Post Box in Kathmandu; then mentions shortwave, Nepali, and meterband; 1315 starting another program, (and another language?), I catch a `` Athmeeya Yatra Radio`` ID, i.e. Gospel for Asia. Now it`s reaching good level, the SSOB even exceeding 21540 Kuwait.
HFCC has nothing scheduled on 21600 except Riyadh in Arabic at 12-14, and this is certainly not that, nor has BSKSA ever been active here this season, AFAIK. Nothing at all on 21600 in Aoki, but searching on GFA, at 1300-1315 we find Nepali daily on 15350, along with a huge string of other languages via Nauen, GERMANY, at 1230-1500, and Tuesdays at 1315 into Vadari. EiBi also has GFA on 15350, and only BSKSA on 21600. So I suppose GFA 21600 is ex-15350, as yet unchecked. However, at 1345 recheck, 21600 is off, which it should not have been if intentional. GFA has/had another group of languages on 15390 at 1330-1530, but nothing on any higher band, until now. Maybe testing 13m, as Nepal sunset is circa 1200 now and the high band might hold up that long (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & weaker RF 32 intercity relay, Enid`s only TV station, KXOK-LD continues to be all SNAFU`d with its two subchannels: Oct 8 at 1413 past 1520 UT, 31-2 M - FOX PSIP, so supposed to be Mundo-Fox, is just color bars, seven of them top to bottom --- which hardly any TV station broadcasts intentionally any more, and silent sound. 31-3 is still labeled Azteca but is black and mute. You never know when one or the other of these will axually present the programming. Meanwhile main channel 31-1 continues with TV-OK on RTV network. BTW, the color bars on 31-2 can have aspect ratio changed, while 31-1 and 31-3 are stuck at full-screen only, why? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3905, Oct 8 at 1244, AM carrier here with heavy LSB QRhaM. Straining, it`s JBM with talk, 1248 a bit of music, more talk, but just too weak. At least the hams are slightly to the side tho loquacious.
Checking this since Ron Howard reported yesterday that Kavieng had reactivated unexpectedly, announced as for the "anniversary celebration of NBC New Ireland", and he too was hearing it again today, better, at 1153-1302. Says last heard before Oct 7 was July 24, and here`s his audio of Oct 7:
Unknown when exactly the anniversary is or how long this return to 3905 will endure. Note colorful slogan as in WRTH: ``Singaut bilong Drongo`` (BTW, is there *any* similarity between Old Ireland and New, except perhaps being green?).
BTW, Ron says 3365 Milne Bay is also back today after several weeks off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST).
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5085, Oct 8 at 0515, the overnight Brother Scare service via WTWW-2 is off. Day frequency 9930 is on circa 1300 // but not synch with 9980 WWCR, what a waste (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 15525, Oct 8 at 1400 silent carrier, then opening V. of Tibet (via MADAGASCAR) at 1400:03; no CNR1 or any other jamming audible. *1408:03 autojump to 15520, also fair and still no jamming audible on either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific carrier search Oct 8 at 1231 finds only 774, likely Japan, and at 1234 UT, 1053 kHz, likely S Korean jammer. (Also still something on 541 like last evening which I conclude must be of local origin) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake [non] CNR1 jamming, Oct 8 before 1400:
16920, very poor with flutter at 1355; none in the 17s
15570, very poor at 1355 with het; also probably 15555 ditto
13970, very poor at 1357; none in the 14s
13830, fair at 1357
12980, very good! with flutter at 1358, unlike all the others, whence?
12910, poor-fair with flutter at 1357
12230, very poor with flutter at 1357
** GERMANY. 21600, Oct 8 at 1300, here`s something new, never heard before on frequent 13m scans around this hour: S Asian language talk and songs, fair peaks but deep fades, stronger than 21610 Spain; 1313 now the music has that suspicious `Christian` touch, and announces Post Box in Kathmandu; then mentions shortwave, Nepali, and meterband; 1315 starting another program, (and another language?), I catch a `` Athmeeya Yatra Radio`` ID, i.e. Gospel for Asia. Now it`s reaching good level, the SSOB even exceeding 21540 Kuwait.
HFCC has nothing scheduled on 21600 except Riyadh in Arabic at 12-14, and this is certainly not that, nor has BSKSA ever been active here this season, AFAIK. Nothing at all on 21600 in Aoki, but searching on GFA, at 1300-1315 we find Nepali daily on 15350, along with a huge string of other languages via Nauen, GERMANY, at 1230-1500, and Tuesdays at 1315 into Vadari. EiBi also has GFA on 15350, and only BSKSA on 21600. So I suppose GFA 21600 is ex-15350, as yet unchecked. However, at 1345 recheck, 21600 is off, which it should not have been if intentional. GFA has/had another group of languages on 15390 at 1330-1530, but nothing on any higher band, until now. Maybe testing 13m, as Nepal sunset is circa 1200 now and the high band might hold up that long (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & weaker RF 32 intercity relay, Enid`s only TV station, KXOK-LD continues to be all SNAFU`d with its two subchannels: Oct 8 at 1413 past 1520 UT, 31-2 M - FOX PSIP, so supposed to be Mundo-Fox, is just color bars, seven of them top to bottom --- which hardly any TV station broadcasts intentionally any more, and silent sound. 31-3 is still labeled Azteca but is black and mute. You never know when one or the other of these will axually present the programming. Meanwhile main channel 31-1 continues with TV-OK on RTV network. BTW, the color bars on 31-2 can have aspect ratio changed, while 31-1 and 31-3 are stuck at full-screen only, why? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3905, Oct 8 at 1244, AM carrier here with heavy LSB QRhaM. Straining, it`s JBM with talk, 1248 a bit of music, more talk, but just too weak. At least the hams are slightly to the side tho loquacious.
Checking this since Ron Howard reported yesterday that Kavieng had reactivated unexpectedly, announced as for the "anniversary celebration of NBC New Ireland", and he too was hearing it again today, better, at 1153-1302. Says last heard before Oct 7 was July 24, and here`s his audio of Oct 7:
Unknown when exactly the anniversary is or how long this return to 3905 will endure. Note colorful slogan as in WRTH: ``Singaut bilong Drongo`` (BTW, is there *any* similarity between Old Ireland and New, except perhaps being green?).
BTW, Ron says 3365 Milne Bay is also back today after several weeks off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST).
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5085, Oct 8 at 0515, the overnight Brother Scare service via WTWW-2 is off. Day frequency 9930 is on circa 1300 // but not synch with 9980 WWCR, what a waste (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 15525, Oct 8 at 1400 silent carrier, then opening V. of Tibet (via MADAGASCAR) at 1400:03; no CNR1 or any other jamming audible. *1408:03 autojump to 15520, also fair and still no jamming audible on either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific carrier search Oct 8 at 1231 finds only 774, likely Japan, and at 1234 UT, 1053 kHz, likely S Korean jammer. (Also still something on 541 like last evening which I conclude must be of local origin) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)