domenica 31 marzo 2019

Glenn Hauser logs March 30-31, 2019



Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update, which also concludes a comprehensive review of the various links started last week.

1) Australia - Reach Beyond: Updated links to new A19 frequency and
programme schedules
2) Morocco - Medi 1: Updated link to live stream
3) Nigeria - VoN: Update to link to home page
4) Taiwan - PCJ Radio: Removed link to home page (as seems no longer
existing); updated links to on-demand/archived programmes
5) Ukraine - RUI: Updated link to live stream
6) UK - EMR: Now shown as an archived website (ie no longer active).
Tom Taylor, RIP.
7) Update to UT offset notations for Croatia, Germany, Greece, 
Romania, Spain, and USA

Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be in late April. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe, March 30, DXLD)

** CUBA [and non]. 13605, March 31 at 1401, Radio Martí is S9+20 unjammed, having just made the totally predictable A-season switch from 13820, where the wall of noise remains. Something`s always wrong at the DentroCuban Jamming Command (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11880, March 31 at 1425, China Plus relay in English on NF for A-19, ex-15700; S9+20 and somewhat undermodulated as required. Earlier, Wolfgang Bueschel had accumulated the A-19 sked for these relays, via Quivicán site:

0000-0100  5990 QVC 250  ND NAM  Spanish
0000-0100  9810 QVC 250 160 SAM  Spanish
0100-0200  9580 QVC 250  10 NAM  English
0200-0300  9580 QVC 250  10 NAM  Chinese
0300-0400  9790 QVC 250 305 WNAM English
0400-0400  9790 QVC 250 305 WNAM Cantonese
1200-1300  9570 QVC 250  10 NAM  Cantonese
1300-1400  9570 QVC 250  10 NAM  English
1400-1500 11880 QVC 250 305 WNAM English
1500-1600 11880 QVC 250 305 WNAM English
2300-2400  5990 QVC 250  ND NAM  English
2300-2400 13650 QVC 250 135 SAM  Portuguese

** NEW ZEALAND. 9630, March 31 at 0553, RNZI with C&W music on NF for A-19, S9+10, the SSOB by fair, virtually the OSOB, and ex-25m is essentially dead. No het, as R. Aparecida, Brasil, has been missing from 9630.5v lately, but it`ll be a hetmess should it resume! A bad pick for RNZI, now sked daily 0459-0658; then 5945, and from 1259 on 5980 as yet unchecked here. RNZ National program times within will shift one UT hour later on April 7 when NZ go off wacky DST of UT +13. At least that match DST offdate in Australiaparts now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1640, March 31 at 0610 UT, KZLS ``Enid`` is dead air; by next check at 1400 UT has added a big hum, but still no programod (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 27185-AM, March 30 at 1731 on caradio, loop of ``Happy Birthday to You`` by amateur pianist, occasionally interrupted, but still/again going at 1930. Our local Enid CB pirate (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 7320-7325-7330, March 30 at 0551, DRM noise at S5, now RRI as scheduled 0530-0600 in English, plus 0600-0630 German. (WINB is also registered for same DRM frequency span at 07-09 M-F, 07-10 Sat/Sun) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA [non]. 7285-LSB, March 31 at 0441, VA5AA calling CQ contest, before Radio Sonder Grense would be on here anyway, but still no RSG at 0550, RSA SW gone for good. Others noted its finale on 3320 a few hours earlier. So NAmhams get a frequency back. shows VA5AA is: Mason John Hnatiw in REGINA, SK S4V 1V2 Canada --- that`s Witanh spelt backwards (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9515, March 31 at 0306, VOT English to N America at S9-S7. I had no luck for the earlier broadcast March 30 at 22 or 23 on 9830 or 5960, so this is my first A-19 QSY confirmation. Surely this will sidekick to 9515.7 at times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15180, March 31 at 1430, YL in SW/C Asian service? at S2-S4 but one of few signals on band. HFCC A-19 shows it`s IBB in Uzbek this hour, 300 kW, 80 degrees from Woofferton UK, i.e. Radio Liberty (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1974 monitoring: Manuel Méndez, Spain, reports: ``6190, Hamburger LokalRadio, Goehren, *0700-0800, 30-03, English, ID “Hamburger LokalRadio”, programs “Media Network Plus and “World of Radio”. 25322``

Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, reports: ``GERMANY, Reception of World of Radio via HLR on 6190 CUSB, March 30, Edition 1974, instead of 1975, due to medical distraxions of Glenn Hauser
0731-0800 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg CeEu English Sat, fair signal
0631-0700 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg CeEu English Sat, from April 8``

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1975 monitoring: not confirmed, Saturday March 30 at 1531 on HLR 9485-CUSB; monitoring via UTwente, inaudible, altho earlier circa 1520 I thought I heard a trace of Keith Perron during MN+. 

Confirmed Sat Mar 30 at 2100 on WRMI 9955, poor S4-S5; also confirmed UT Sun Mar 31 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, very good. Also confirmed UT Sun Mar 31 at 0318 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, S9+20, about 3 minutes in so started close to nominal 0315 this week. Next:

2130 UT Sunday    WRMI 7780
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 9395
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ 5130v Area 51
0330 UT Monday    WRMI 9955
0930 UT Monday    Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
1800 UT Monday    IRRS 7290 Romania [ex-1900]
0030 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7730
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780
0800 UT Tuesday   Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [2 editions]
2030 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5950
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0000 UT Thursday  WRMI 7730
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780
0930 UT Friday    Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW

[it is unclear when 1976 will start airing, as 1975 has unavoidably begun 4 days late; stations please replay latest available editionif necessary]

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

UNIDENTIFIED. 4774.975, March 31 after 0600, romantic? song at S7 vs double-CODAR swooshes. I seldom pull any modulation here. First thought is Brasil or Perú which insist on colliding with each other; but if you believe Aoki sked, neither would be on between 04 & 07. Instead, TWR English is on 4775 until 0700 --- but Manzini sunrise was already at 0403 today, surely too late for them. So I refine the frequency (and maybe there is a second carrier almost the same), which points to S America. I found one report of TWR only 8 Hz low, while here`s a typical comparison of Brasil and Perú by Carlos Gonçalves from June 2016y: ``PERU 4774.946 R. Tarma, Tarma, 2232-2240, 02/6, canções índias; 34433, QRM do Brasil [Congonhas] em 4774.914`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12031, March 30 at 1606 check, the extremely distorted spurblob is finally gone, no QRM to SPAIN. I had been hearing it at various times every day March 26-27-28-29. We may never know what it was (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1916 UT March 31

Wolfgang Bueschel: Radio Menschen & Geschichten log

UZBEKISTAN    Probably  from RRTM RED Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center heard

Radio Menschen & Geschichten on March 31

at 17.20 UT with an average strength S=9+40dB POWERHOUSE over all Europe, Moscow, Finland, Friesland, Holland, Bavaria, Italy,  Hungary, all loud and clear S=9+40 ... +45dB, well audio quality modulated.

in AM Mode, German hobby program on 'FM commercials'
in 1952 of Hessischer Rundfunk radio program on FM

"UKW heisst reiner Klang",

.... ich tue dem Mann den Willen, funny Torrero Hut Werber U.K.Willy visits the Hessia cities / town halls.

sehr kurzweilige Werbe Schnipsel ...

73 wolfgang  df5sx


UZBEKISTAN  Christian, mir hat Deine Sendung Spaß gemacht.

.... und um 17.50 UT den Bericht über die ehemalige WERAG in Köln, dem
Rundfunk-füll-sender zum Langenberg-Sender im Westen Deutschlands unter der
britischen Besatzung.
Alexander Henseler interview, Radio Museum Köln Planung,
Fritz-Encke-Volkspark, in Raderthal.

Heute wohnt im Haus eine bulgarische Familie.

18.00:05 UT Cologne dialect song, Black Foess group
18.03:48 Christian Milling Verabschiedung, bis zur nächsten Sendung
am 28. April.
18.03:56 UT Ende mit den Carillion_Gloeckchen bis 18.04:15 UT,
TX Tashkent switch OFF at 18.04:30 UT

(only DRM mode nearby of AIR India on 7550 kHz,
S=9+45dB here in Germany at 18.05 UT.)

73 wb df5sx

Radio Menschen & Geschichten on 7595, March 31

Radio Menschen & Geschichten on March 31
1700-1800 on 7595 AM and probably
1830-1930 on 7595 DRM mode, please check


73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

Media & Tech - 31/03/2019

AOKI ndxc A19 available

The prepared links are now active:

Trans World Radio India on unscheduled 9330 kHz, March 31

1315-1445 in various langs and
1500-1600 Sat/Sun in Hindi & English, instead of registered 9300


73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #2019-91

Greetings to my fellow hamateur radio and SWL radio enthusiasts around the

Welcome to my now shortened “not for profit” W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast.

It’s the only accurate daily global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast produced on the planet.

I'm a heliophysicist, troposphere meteorologist/climatologist, physical oceanographer and one of the few on the planet with advanced education and forecast experience in all aforementioned disciplines. In troposphere weather forecasting I have 46 years of experience and in solar, space and geomagnetic weather forecasting 31 years. In physical oceanography 10 years.

This is created and disseminated by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM in Lakeland, FL, USA © 1988-2019.

(((((W4HM Solar Cycle 24 Update and Solar Cycle 25 Forecast- Short and to the point.

Solar minimum will begin later in 2019 and may last longer than any previous solar cycle in the 20th century. When solar cycle 25 finally gets underway it could be the weakest since the middle of the 19th century. Another “Dalton” type lesser grand solar minimum may occur with a corresponding cooling of earth’s climate.

This would negate anthropogenic climate change (harmful man induced global warming) if it were occurring, WHICH IT ISN’T.

For more “truth” on the left wing lie of anthropogenic climate change (harmful man induced global warming) check out and

On February 1, 2008 I forecasted that solar cycle 24 would be the smallest solar cycle in the past 100 years. That forecast verified. I also forecasted that solar cycle 25 would be almost non nonexistent.)))))

#91 issued Sunday March 31, 2019 at 1500 UTC

Radio wave propagation condition “trend” on Mar 31, 2019- steady.

Radio wave propagation condition “trend” on Apr 1, 2019- steady.

Radio wave propagation condition “trend” on Apr 2, 2019- steady.


3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at day,

6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 to 9 at night and
S4-7 at day,

13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S3-4 at day,

21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,

24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S1 at day,
28000-29700 kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.


3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at day,

6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 to 9 at night and
S4-7 at day,

13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S3-4 at day,

21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,

24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S1 at day,
28000-29700 kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.


-East <-> West To 1100 Mi /1800 km
*North <-> South To 1100 Mi /1800 km
+South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800 km

-East <-> West To 1100 Mi / 1800 km
*South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800 km
+North <-> South To 1100 Mi / 1800 km

Northern Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-

High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude

Southern Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-

High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude

This HF-MF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF-MF radio wave propagation prediction software. X and O ray tracing is included.
I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it still can’t be distributed to the general public. It does outperform VOA CAP and Prop Lab.
I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary.

I also check global HF-MF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio
receivers on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if
and when necessary.

And last but not least I look at ionsonde stations on every continent of the

The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts
and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25
watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts
and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts
and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on
100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array

The MF broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 50,000 watts (50 kw) and an omnidirectional vertical antenna.

Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF-MF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable
by the average radio enthusiast.

Standard Disclaimer-

Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF-MF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).

However this daily HF-MF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW
public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this
daily HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted ©
1988-2019 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.

Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF-MF radio wave
propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.

Also HF-MF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science and therefore also an art. The forecasts are not official but for
educational and hobby related purposes only and are subject to human error

and acts of God, therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.

Stations heard in Lugo, Reinante and Friol

ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, *1300-1505*, 26-03. Here in Lugo carrier detected on 15476.0, but no audio due to the weak signal, except at 1500, signal improve and some songs detected with extremely weak audio. Via SDR Kiwi remote receivers in Pardinho, Sao Paulo and Paraguay, 15475.97, clear signal, songs,comments by women, Spanish with Argentinian accent,id. at 1357: "Pueden escribirnos a Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, nuestra dirección de correo electrónico, vamos a escuchar una canción", songs, at 1403 "Continuamos con el programa Compartiendo Esperanza". Non stop songs. close at 1505. Yesterday, 25-03 out of air.

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0615-0645, 31-03, Brazilian songs, id. “... Radio Clube do Pará...”. 25432.

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0615-0629, 29-03, Brazilian songs. Teletype interference. 12311.

6134.8, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0735-0744, 29-03, Portuguese, religious, “Santo Rosario”. 15321.

CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 0610-0621, 29-03, French, comments, African songs. 14321.

CONGO, D. R., Radio Kahuzi, Bukaku, 1720-1733*, 27-03, Vernacular, comments. Extremely weak due to increase of day light in the northern hemisphere. In a few days will be impossible to hear this station here. Signal cut off abruptly at 1733. Usual close at about 1800. 15311.

ETHIOPIA, 5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa, 1605-1635, 27-03, East African songs, Vernacular, comments. 14211.

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0545-0616*, 27-03, English, Spanish, religious comments and songs, id. in several languages, “Esta es la estación evangélica Radio Verdad...”, anthem and close. 15221.

6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, 1712-1728, 28-03, pop songs in English, id. “Mi Amigo, Mi Amigo”. 35433.

6190, Hamburger LokalRadio, Gohren, *0700-0800, 30-03, English, id. “Hamburger LokalRadio”, programs “Media Network Plus and “World of Radio”. 25322.

7265, Hamburger LokalRadio, Ghoren, 0908-0920, 31-03, German, comments. 25422.

GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, *0630-0815, 30-03, African songs, French, comments, id. “Radio Gunée”, at 0800 French, news. 44444.

FRS Holland, 5800, 0900-0915, 31-03, pop songs, German, comments, “German Show”. 15321. // 7700

FRS Holland, 7700, commencing at *0803-0915, 31-03 a song, English, "FRS Magazine", mentioned the American band "Chicago", "The Free Radio Service Holland", asking for reception reports, more songs in English, at 0900 German, “German Show”. 35433. 
Also 1045-1115, 31-03, program “FRS Holland goes DX” with Peter Verbruggen, English. 35433.

4800, AIR, Hyderabad, 1723-1733, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. Strong QEM from China on the same frequency. 21421.

4810, AIR, Bhopal, 1724-1732, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. 15321. (Méndez)

4910, AIR, Jaipur, 1725-1733, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. 15311. (Méndez)

4920, AIR, Chennai, 1726-1734, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. Strong QRM from China on the same frequency. 12311.

5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, seems to be out of air for about two weeks. 

5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1721-1733, 30-03, Hindi songs, at 1730 English, news. 15311.

5995, Radio Mali, Bamako *0554-0630, 28-03, music, anthem, tuning music, id at 0600: "Vous écoutez la Office de Radiofusion Televison de Mali émettant de Bamako. Nous émettons  en ondes courtes dans la bande de 49 métres, 5995 kHz, 61 métres, 4835 kHz, 60 métres, 4783 kHz kHz. Pour le district de Bamako et ?? nous émettons en modulation de fréquence dans la bande de ??? mHz, pour la ... nationale... mHz pour ... la Office de Radiofusion Television de Mali, émettan de Banako.", Vernacular, French, program “ORTM Matin”, news, comments, “ORTM, la passion du service public”, “Vous écoutez la Radio Nationale de Mali”, African songs. 35433. (Méndez)
Also 1850-1915, 30-03, African songs, id. “La Radio Nationale de Mali”, at 1857 Saturday En glish program: “...Welcome to our weekly magazine... comes to you at 1850 UTC...”, “The end of today’s magazine.. we will be back next Saturday...”. End of English program at 1911. 

9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1712-1802, 26-03, Vernacular comments, female, mentioned "Bamako", "Mali", African songs, tunig music and identification at 1801 id.: "Vous écoutez la Office de Radiofusion Televison de Mali émettant de Bamako. Nous émettons  en ondes courtes dans la bande de 49 métres, 5995 kHz, 61 métres, 4835 kHz, 60 métres, 4783 kHz kHz. Pour le district de Bamako et ?? nous émettons en modulation de fréquence dans la bande de ??? mHz, pour la ... nationale... mHz pour ... la Office de Radiofusion Television de Mali, émettan de Banako.". 43433.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0607-0621* , 26-03, Spanish, news, “Las noticias de Radio Francia Internacional”. News cut off abruptly at 0621. 25322. 
Also 0559-0614*, 29-03, music, anthem id. Spanish, comments, at 0607 Radio France International news in Spanish. Signal cut off at 0614. 15321

SUDAN, 9505, Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 1715-1727, 27-03, English, news about Sudan and other African countries, id. “Voice of Africa”, “The headlines”, “Broadcasting to you from Sudan on 9505 kHz, this is The Voice of Africa”, East African songs. 34433.

SURINAM, 4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0603-0633, 29-03, pop songs in English. 15321.

TANZANIA, 11735, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 1740-1805, 28-03, Swahili, comments. . 14321.

ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, 1755-1822, 25-03, Vernacular, at 1800 English, id. “Zambia Broadcasting Corporation” news in English at 1817 “This is the end of the news, good evening”, advertisements in English and Vernacular comments. 24322. 
Also 1735-1804, 27-03, Vernacular comments. 14321.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Lugo, Fiol and Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters

Radio Pirana beacon transmissions

Dear friends!

We have been now been on with our 8-10 watts Beacon transmitter from Europe for a week. This coming night will be the last one with this power in a time. From tomorrow we will reduce the power to 1 watt making it a more challenge to catch it.  So try it ;-)

The  8-10 watts CW Beacon transmitter has been heard in the east coast of th USA,  as well as in the southern part of South America. Lets see what a 1 watt can do :-)

The frequency is 6342kHz CW. Sched. is: 19.00 to at least 08UTC, sometimes even later.
If you are in doubt, you can check it at our website where we will have a sign of, if it is ON or OFF.

This coming week we will also sending out replies for reports for our broadcasts from South America.
Most have already received a preliminary answer from us, but this week a more complete reply.

73' Jorge or  www.radiopirañ

Ascolto Obiettivo DX 31 marzo

9610  31/3 0902 AWR Europe, Nauen Px "Obiettivo DX 822" It 45544
9610  31/3 0945 AWR Europe, Nauen Px "RVS magazine" It 55555

73 da N. Marabello
QTH  Treviso (IT)
RX:   SONY ICF-7600G
Ant.: esterna VHF orizzontale 230 gradi

Studio DX 822 - 31/03/19

Obiettivo DX 822 - 31/03/19

Log Roberto Pavanello

729 26/3 18.45 R.N.E. R.1 - Valladolid SS NX reg. Castilla y León buono
774 39/3 10.25 R. Città del Capo - Bologna IT Dietro le quinte buono
891 25/3 22.40 R. SIm - Lisboa PP MX fado suff.
990 39/3 10.40 Z100 - Milano IT MX buono
1413 27/3 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Girona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono
1476 29/3 23.15 R. Asia - Dubai Malayalam MX suff.
1584 25/3 18.35 RDE - Trieste IT ID e MX buono
1584 27/3 23.00 R. Ole’ - Ceuta SS MX insuf/suff.
1602 28/3 23.30 R. Ontinyent - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1635 25/3 22.50 R. Bluebird - Dutch MX buono
1645 26/3 23.20 R. Vrolijke Mijnwerker - Dutch ID e MX suff.
3330 30/3 23.45 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip suff.
3905 30/3 23.40 BBC - Singapore EE NX buono
4885 30/3 23.30 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP calcio buono
5140 24/3 17.25 R. Charleston Int. - EE ID e MX buono
5940 30/3 23.50 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP MX suff.
5995 29/3 22.50 R. Mali - Bamako FF MX afro buono
6205 30/3 23.35 Laser Hot Hits - EE MX suff.
6210 31/3 08.55 King SW - EE MX suff.
6230 25/3 21.05 Coast FM - EE MX buono
7585 29/3 17.45 R. Farda - Washington Farsi talk buono
9610 31/3 09.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
11780 25/3 21.10 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP NX suff.

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

FRS Holland on air

HOLLAND, FRS Holland, 7700, commencing at *0803, 31-03 a song, English, "FRS Magazine", mentioned the American band "Chicago", "The Free Radio Service Holland", asking for reception reports, more songs in English  Fair signal here in Reinante, SINPO 35433 on 7700 and nothing on 5800 at the moment. 

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Wolfgang Bueschel: first A19 observations

So, Europe is now again on DST this morning,

my longwave time signal sce Mainflingen Germany atomic clock
via 77.5 kHz longwave channel,
set all 7 clocks here in my house to DST last night.

CUBA  at least this morning at

07.44:12 UT
the Bauta technician switched off RHC transmissions on 49 meterband,
this Latin American night,
i.e. switched off 6060 kHz,
which heard today 07.00-07.35.05 UT as Esperanto sce,
S=9+40dB in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;
followed by empty carrier on air full power til 07.44:12 UT switch-off.

6165 kHz lasted also from Bauta, in Spanish sce 07.00-07.35 UT,
and sent out 'empty air' signal til 07.44:12 UT.
S=9+35dB in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

0700-0730 UT on March 31:
Surprisingly noted -Sunday only- sce Esperanto at 0700-0730 UT
today March 31 on

6060 kHz instead in A-19 season.     !!! ex6100 kHz in B-18 season

6100 kHz Bauta switched OFF exact at 0700 UT.

But both 6000 QUI and 6165 kHz Bauta are both on air in RHC SPANISH program
content, at 07.08 UT.

6165 kHz still on air at 07.20 UT, but Quivican 6000 kHz now OFF air.

Bauta R Rebelde 5025 kHz also on air, heard in Cape Canaveral SDR unit site
in Florida remotedly also after 0700 UT.

73 wolfie  df5sx

Sad news: Craig Allen (Ozy Radio) passed away

Sad news coming out of Australia. Craig Allen, the owner and operator of Ozy Radio (4835 kHz.) has passed away.

From Craig's Facebook page, posted by Grant Allen:

"To our friends and family. It is with a heavy heart to let you know that our brother Craig Allen passed away on Thursday afternoon [March 28]. We will let you know details of the funeral once it is confirmed."

(Ron Howard via WOR io group)

World of Radio Hitlist Update

My latest Hitlist update, which also concludes a
comprehensive of the various links started last week.

1) Australia - Reach Beyond: Updated links to new A19 frequency and programme schedules
2) Morocco - Medi 1: Updated link to live stream
3) Nigeria - VoN: Update to link to home page
4) Taiwan - PCJ Radio: Removed link to home page (as seems no longer existing); updated links to on-demand/archived programmes
5) Ukraine - RUI: Updated link to live stream
6) UK - EMR: Now shown as an archived website (ie no longer active).  Tom Taylor, RIP.
7) Update to UT offset notations for Croatia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Spain, and USA

Unless there's a major change anywhere, the next update will be in late April.

Best wishes and 73

(Alan Roe, March 30, DXLD)

Agenda DX 31/03/2019

Radio Tamandarè, Brasile 890 Khz (1951)
Radiobras, Brasile 11780-6185 Khz (1976)
WOWO, Indiana 1190 Khz (1925)
KFI, Los Angeles 640 Khz (1922)
WWL, New Orleans 890 Khz (1922)

sabato 30 marzo 2019

Mali on air with English program, 5995 kHz

Mali, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, ,on air now, 1857, with English program.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Media & Tech - 30/03/2019

260 foot tower antenna in Monticello nearing completion

The skyline in Monticello looks a lot different now. A 260 foot tower that will be soon be home to one of the largest short wave radio stations in the world is nearing completion. News Source 8's Ashley Blackford has the story.

Media & Tech L'Approfondimento - 30/03/2019

W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast #2019-90

Greetings to my fellow hamateur radio and SWL radio enthusiasts around the

Welcome to my now shortened “not for profit” W4HM Daily HF-MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast.

It’s the only accurate daily global HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast produced on the planet.

I'm a heliophysicist, troposphere meteorologist/climatologist, physical oceanographer and one of the few on the planet with advanced education and forecast experience in all aforementioned disciplines. In troposphere weather forecasting I have 46 years of experience and in solar, space and geomagnetic weather forecasting 31 years. In physical oceanography 10 years.

This is created and disseminated by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM in Lakeland, FL, USA © 1988-2019.

(((((W4HM Solar Cycle 24 Update and Solar Cycle 25 Forecast- Short and to the point.

Solar minimum will begin later in 2019 and may last longer than any previous solar cycle in the 20th century. When solar cycle 25 finally gets underway it could be the weakest since the middle of the 19th century. Another “Dalton” type lesser grand solar minimum may occur with a corresponding cooling of earth’s climate.

This would negate anthropogenic climate change (harmful man induced global warming) if it were occurring, WHICH IT ISN’T.

For more “truth” on the left wing lie of anthropogenic climate change (harmful man induced global warming) check out and

On February 1, 2008 I forecasted that solar cycle 24 would be the smallest solar cycle in the past 100 years. That forecast verified. I also forecasted that solar cycle 25 would be almost non nonexistent.)))))

#90 issued Saturday March 30, 2019 at 1400 UTC

Radio wave propagation condition “trend” on Mar 30, 2019- steady.

Radio wave propagation condition “trend” on Mar 31, 2019- steady.

Radio wave propagation condition “trend” on Apr 1, 2019- steady.


3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at day,

6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 to 9 at night and
S4-7 at day,

13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S3-4 at day,

21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,

24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S1 at day,
28000-29700 kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.


3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 at night and S1-2 at day,

6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 to 9 at night and
S4-7 at day,

13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at night and S3-4 at day,

21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,

24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S1 at day,
28000-29700 kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.


-East <-> West To 1100 Mi /1800 km
*North <-> South To 1100 Mi /1800 km
+South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800 km

-East <-> West To 1100 Mi / 1800 km
*South <-> North To 1100 Mi /1800 km
+North <-> South To 1100 Mi / 1800 km

Northern Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-

High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude

Southern Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans Pacific and cross Equatorial propagation conditions in excess of approximately 3200 mi / 5200 km-

High Latitude
Mid Latitude
Low latitude

This HF-MF Radio wave propagation forecast is produced based on the SIGINT_CAP HF-MF radio wave propagation prediction software. X and O ray tracing is included.
I wrote it beginning in the late 1980’s but I’m sorry to say that it still can’t be distributed to the general public. It does outperform VOA CAP and Prop Lab.
I do check the actual band conditions at my location in the USA and tweak the forecast manually where and when necessary.

I also check global HF-MF radio wave propagation conditions via remoted radio
receivers on every continent of the globe and tweak the forecast manually if
and when necessary.

And last but not least I look at ionsonde stations on every continent of the

The hamateur radio JT65A mode RF signal levels received are based on 5 watts
and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The hamateur radio PSK31 mode RF signal levels received are based on 25
watts and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The hamateur radio CW mode RF signal levels received are based on 50 watts
and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The hamateur radio SSB RF mode signal levels received are based on 100 watts
and ½ wave dipole up at 40 feet.

The HF shortwave broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on
100,000 watts (100 kw) and a typical high gain VOA type curtain array

The MF broadcast band AM Mode RF signal levels are based on 50,000 watts (50 kw) and an omnidirectional vertical antenna.

Please keep in mind that this is a relatively simplified HF-MF radio wave
propagation forecast, so as to keep it easily understandable and applicable
by the average radio enthusiast.

Standard Disclaimer-

Note! I use error prone RAW public domain data from the NOAA Space
Environment Center, other U.S. government entities and educational
institutions, to produce this daily HF-MF radio wave propagation
forecast. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using
taxpayer $$$ (including mine).

However this daily HF-MF propagation forecast that I produce from the RAW
public domain data is my personal intellectual property. Therefore this
daily HF-MF radio wave propagation forecast contained herein is copyrighted ©
1988-2019 by Thomas F. Giella, W4HM.

Feel free without prior permission to redistribute this daily HF-MF radio wave
propagation forecast, as long as you redistribute it in its entirety and
give me credit for it.

Also HF-MF radio wave propagation forecasting is still an inexact
science and therefore also an art. The forecasts are not official but for
educational and hobby related purposes only and are subject to human error
and acts of God, therefore no guarantee or warranty implied.

SWLDXBulgaria News March 30

AUSTRALIA   Reception of Reach Beyond Australia RBA in 25mb on March 30
1100-1130 on 11905 KNX 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAs Japanese Sat/Sun, fair signal
1100-1130 on 15565 KNX 100 kW / 005 deg to EaAs Japanese Sat/Sun from March 31

AUSTRIA   Very good sinal of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk, March 30
0600-0720 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Mon-Fri
0600-0710 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Sat/Sun
Summer A-19 schedule of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk from March 31:
0500-0620 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Mon-Fri
0500-0610 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Sat/Sun

GERMANY   Reception of Evangelische Missions Gemeinden via MBR Nauen, March 30
1130-1200 on  6055 NAU 125 kW / 222 deg to CeEu German Sat/Sun, good signal
1030-1100 on  6055 NAU 125 kW / 222 deg to CeEu German Sat/Sun from April 6

GERMANY(non)   BVBroadcasting Dardasha 7 via MBR Nauen, March 30:
0600-0615 on  9440 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Arabic, very good
0600-0615 on 11655 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Arabic from March 31

GERMANY(non)   New time of Radio Waves International via Channel 292 on March 30
0700-0800 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English/French Sat, ex 0800-0900
0700-0800 on  6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English/French Sat from April 6.

GERMANY(non)   Reception of World of Radio via HLR on 6190 CUSB, March 30
Edition 1974, instead of 1975, due to medical distraxions of Glenn Hauser
0731-0800 on  6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, fair signal
0631-0700 on  6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, from April 8

GREECE   Fair/good signal of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, March 30
till 0801 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3 and off

DX RE MIX NEWS # 1120 - March 30, 2019

ROMANIA(non)   Reception of Radio City via RADIOCOM Săftica on March 30:
0900-1000 on  9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat, weak to fair
0800-0900 on  9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat from April 6:

USA(non)   Summer A-19 frequency changes of VOA/R.Ashna/Deewa Radio:


73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

A19 schedule: NHK Radio World - Radio Japan


NHK World - Radio Japan Tokyo  -  March 31, 2019 - October 27, 2019.
A-19 summer season file, according NHK World Radio Japan leaflet.

Foreign language and Japanese Services


0600-0630 ME/NoAF  11975iss
2000-2030 ME FM via Radio Dijla, Baghdad-IRQ 88.3, Suleymania 93.0,
          Basra 88.5, Kirkuk Erbil 95.7, Mosul 93.1 MHz in Iraq on FM.
2000-2030 ME FM via Reehan FM, Ramallah 87.8, Jerico 95.6,
          in Palestine on FM.

for details please access URL

1300-1345 SoWeAS  11685sng
1500-1545 SoWeAS  FM via Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka 104.0, Chittagong 88.8,
          Comilla 101.2, Khulna 88.8, Rajshahi 88.8, Rangpur 105.6,
          Sylhet 105.2 MHz in Bangladesh on FM.


1030-1100 SoEaAS  11740sng
1430-1500 SoEaAS  11740sng

Via MRTV Myanmar Radio Yangon Yaegu, Myanmar.
1445-1500 Mon-Wed, 1445-1505 UT on Sat/Sun
          SoEaAS  SW 5985 MW 576 Myanma Radio, Yangon Yaegu
          SoEaAS  MW  594 Myanma Radio, Nay Pyi Taw
2340-2400 SoEaAS  13650yam


Chinese - time schedule reshuffeled.
0400-0430 AS 11825yam  [time changed, 30 mins earlier now]
1130-1200 AS  6090yam
1230-1300 AS  6190yam
1330-1400 AS  6190yam
1430-1500 AS  6190yam
2230-2250 AS  9560yam


0500-0530 EUR            5975mos-AUT
0500-0530 AF/EaAF/SoAF  11970iss-F__
0500-0530 AF/EaAF/SoAF   9860smg-VAT

1100-1130 SoEaAS        11695sng-SNG

1400-1430 SoWeAS         9450tac-UZB
1400-1430 SoEaAS         9605pal-PAL KHBN site

Via MRTV Myanmar Radio Yangon Yaegu, Myanmar.
1540-1600          Thurs and Fris
          SoWeAS   SW 5985 MW 576 Myanma Radio, Yangon Yaegu
          SoWeAS   MW  594 Myanma Radio, Nay Pyi Taw



0530-0600 WeAF     11730iss
0530-0600 CeAF     13840mdg
2030-2100 WeAF     11985mdg


1830-1900 SoWeAS   FM via Big FM. 92.7 MHz New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
                   Bangalore, Hyderabad.
0059-0120 SoWeAS    9820tac
1430-1500 SoWeAS   15745mdg
1530-1600 SoWeAS    9600tac


1115-1200 SoEaAS    9605pal

1205-1220 SoEaAS FM Elshinta ... &
1405-1435 SoEaAS FM Elshinta
          Jakarta 90.0, Bandung 89.3, Tegal 99.0, Surabaya 97.6,
          Medan 93.2, Semarang 91.0, Lampung 99.6, Sekayu 103.7,
          Palembang 96.7 MHz.

1315-1400 SoEaAS    9605pal

1400-1445 SoEaAS FM Indonesia
          90.9 MHz FM Ambom - Duta, 105.5 Bandung - Garuda,
          100.0 Bandar Lampung SAI, 91.7 Bandar Lampung -
          R.Heartline, 88.5 Banjarmasin - Chandra,
          103.1 Banyuwangi - GBS FM, 105.9 Bengkulu - Flamboyan,
          102.6 Cirebon - Maritim, 103.5 Kupang - DMWS, 104.1 Malang -
          Senaputra, 96.7 Mataram - Global Lombok, 92.1 Mojokerto -
          Satriya FM, 101.8 Palangkaraya - RCA, 101.0 Palu - Nebula,
          95.9 Pontianak - DIA 96 FM, 106.8 Semarang - Thomson,
          103.8(!) Surabaya - Prima Radio(!), 106.2 Tarakan - Grass,
          103.5 Jambi - Jambi FM, 107.2 Yogyakarta - KR, 106.0 Banda Aceh
          - Nikoya, 106.9 Bantul - Global, 102.3 Batam - Kei FM,
          103.6 Biak - Perkasa, 96.5 Denpasar - Global FM Bali,
          90.4 Kediri - Jayabaya FM, 103.5(!) Makassar - SPFM(!),
          102.0 Manado - ROM2 FM, 102.6(!) Medan - Alnora FM(!),
          102.6 Padang - Padang FM, 103.4 Palembang - LCBS,
          96.7 Pekanbaru - Green Radio, 105.1 Samarinda - Gema Nirwana,
          98.1 Serang - Harmony, 107.3 (Surakarta) Solo - Karavan,
          94.6 Tasikmalaya - Style Radio, 92.5 Muaro Jambi,
          93.9 Maros - ZIP, 94.6 Aceh Tenggara - Lauser,
          92.6 Batulicin - Dong Lay Nusantara, 101.2 Pematangsintar -
          Cek Radio, 96.9 Waingapu - Max, 98.8 FM Wonosobo - Citra.
          New 94.3 MHz  Solo - Radio Immanuel, New.
          MW 1170 kHz Simalungun - Radio Rasita.

2130-2200 SoEaAS    9560yam


0200-0300 AS FE     11790yam   [new time]
0200-0500 AS        15195yam
0700-0800 AS        11825yam
0800-1600 AS         9750yam
2100-2400 AS        11910yam

2000-2100 OCE/Hawaii 9480yam

0200-0500 SoEaAS    17810yam
0700-1000 SoEaAS    15280yam   [new time]
1000-1500 SoEaAS    11815yam   [new time]
2100-2300 SoEaAS    13680yam

0200-0400 SoWeAS    15325yam
1300-1400 SoWeAS    15325yam   [new time]
1500-1700 AF/SoWeAS/SoAS  12045yam

0800-1000 SoWeEUR/WeAF    15290iss
1700-1900 SoEUR/ceAF/soAF 11945iss
1900-2100 CeAF            15130iss

0300-0500 SoEaEUR/NE/ME/NoEaAF  9490nau
1700-1900 SoEaEUR/NE/ME/NoEaAF 15445nau
1900-2100 CeAS/ME/NE/NoAF       6010yam

0200-0400 SoAM       6105iss  [now DST, 1 hr earlier]
0700-0900 SoAM      13720yam  [now SoAM mornings, not 17-19 UT anymore]


0415-0445 AS 11895yam
1100-1130 AS  6090yam
1200-1230 AS  6090yam
1300-1330 AS  6190yam
1400-1430 AS  6190yam
2209-2230 AS  9560yam


0400-0430 ME 11970tac
1430-1500 ME 13680iss
             FM Radio Killid in Kabul/Herat 88.0 MHz
1630-1700 ME MW927tjk


0900-0930 SoAM  6195hri  [not night sce 2130-2200 UT anymore]


0330-0400 EU      MW 738msk  MW1386lit
0430-0500 EU       6165nau
0530-0600 EaAS FE 11790yam
1100-1130 EaAS FE  7355yam
1600-1630 EU      MW 738msk  MW927tjk
1730-1800 EU      MW1386lit


0400-0430 SoAM     6195hri
0400-0430 CeSoAM   5985rmi
0930-1000 SoAM     6195hri


0330-0400 EaAF   9560mdg   94.1 MHz Radio Uhai, Tabora, Tanzania (addit)
1730-1800 EaAF  13730mdg
                92.5 MHz Tanzania (FM), Hits FM - Zanzibar.

1740(!)-1800 EaAF  TZA FM TBC FM
          90.0 MHz Dar es Salaam, 89.7(!) Tanga-Mnyusi, 89.9(!) Arusha -
          Themi, 89.7(!) Mara - Mkendo, 90.0(!) Mwanza - Nyashana,
          89.7(!) Kagera - Kiziru, 89.7(!) Kigoma, 89.7(!) Tabora - Kazeh
          89.7(!) Dodoma - Imagi, 100.4 Mbeya - Kawetere,
          89.9(!) Lindi - Kipehe, 105.9 Masasi Town, 97.4 Newala,
          89.9(!) Tunduru, 90.0(!) Songea, 89.7(!) S/wanga,
          89.7(!) Mpanda - Katavi, 89.9(!) Morogoro, 89.7(!) Iringa,
          90.0(!) Moshi, 89.9(!) Babati, 89.9(!) Singida,
          89.9(!) Shinyanga, 89.7 Geita, (new)91.3 Arusha - Namanga,
          (new)99.9 Kilimanjaro - Rombo Tarakea, (new)90.1 Mara - Tarime,
          (new)98.9 Kigoma - Kibondo, (new)92.5 Nyasa - Mbanbabay.
          {a lot of FM frequencies re-shuffeled now, wb.}


0200-0230 SoEaAS 107.25 MHz FM Naresuan University Phitsanulok
                 (new time)
1130-1200 SoEaAS 11740sng
1230-1300 SoEaAs 11740sng
1230-1300 SoEaAS Mon - Fri
                 MW Thammasat University Radio, Bangkok MW 981 kHz
                 FM Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham
                 102.25 MHz
1230-1300 SoEaAS FM Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 103.0 MHz
1230-1245 SoEaAS FM Maejo University, Chiang Mai 95.5 MHz
2259-2320 SoEaAS 13650yam


Urdu (time limited now back, again to 30 mins each)
1515-1545 SoWeAS 11775uae
1700-1730 SoWeAS MW927tjk


1100-1130 SoEaAS 11740sng

1300-1315        Tues-Fris
1300-1320        Mon
1330-1345        Sat
1330-1350        Sun
          SoEaAS FM VoVTN Giao Thong
                 91.0 MHz Hanoi, HCMC, Can Tho, Quang Binh.

2320-2340 SoEaAS 13650yam
{1300-1330 SoEaAS 11740sng, transmission seemingly ceased now,
not in leaflet, not in hfcc database anymore, wb.}


SW / MW relays:
hri  HRI Furman-SC, South Carolina, USA
iss  TDF Issoudun, France
mdg  MDC MGLOB Talata Volonondry, Madagascar
mos  ORS Moosbrunn, Austria
msk  Moscow, Russia
nau  MBR Nauen, Germany
pal  KHBN Palau
rmi  WRMI Okeechobee-FL, Florida USA
lit  RRT Lithuania
smg  VR  Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican State.
sng  ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, Kranji, Singapore
tac  RRTM RED Telecom, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
tjk  Teleradiokom Dushanbe, Tajikistan
uae  ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, Al Dhabayya, UAE
yam  Ibaragi-Koga Yamata, Japan

MW/SW relay on MRTV Myanmar Radio, Yangon Yaegu and Nay Pyi Taw sites;
FM/MW relay in Thailand;
and FM relays in Palestine West Bank, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia, Iraq, Tanzania, and Vietnam.


comment: NOT  YET  PRESENTED  on website
http files, nor https PDF format files - of A-19 season, wb.

(transformed by wb at wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Germany March 29, 2019)

no Meyerton SenTech relay anymore, wb.

Glenn Hauser logs March 27-28-29-30, 2019

** CUBA. 15700, March 27 at 1431, China Plus relay is S9+30 but suptorted. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13661.5 & 13738.8 approx., March 28 at 1443, buzzes centered about 13700, more spurs out of that RHC in addition to the bigger ones plus/minus 28.3 kHz. Then I have some modulation about 13634.7 during apparent asymmetrical multiple spur carrier peaks. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6000, March 29 at 0530, RHC English S9+10 but JBM; 6060 is S9+20/30 with good modulation but CCI and SAH from Algerian Qur`an via FRANCE; 6100 S9+10/20 undermodulated; 6165 S9 but JBM; 5040 S9+20/30 loud; talk is about slavery. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15700, March 29 at 1415, China Plus relay is JBA S5-S7, fadey, maybe also undermodulated. Usually this inbooms whatever the modprob. Cuba is about all one can hear in the morns on 19m: 15825 WWCR & 15770 WRMI being JBA to JBA carriers. How about the RHCs? 15140 is steady S9 but suptorted; 15230 weaker S5-S6 and not distorted. Can`t have everything. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI. 5995, March 27 at 0612, R. Mali finally audible in this daypart: poor S3-S4 of African language; Cuba off 6000 already.

5995, March 27 at 2359, African song, S9+20 but ACI; some widely-spaced tones maybe own timesignal? Or from 5990/6000 Cuba; by 0000 March 28, 5995 is off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6880-USB, March 30 at 0115, rock music the only pirate found; 0118, 0125, 0137 YL IDs as Mix Radio International/Worldwide; S7-S9; off by 0256 recheck. More logs:,52390.0.html

** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. 9985, March 27 at 1534, RFA Korean is S9-S5, from now confirmed refurbished Saipan antenna. I don`t hear any jamming on this; does DPRK try? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, March 27 at 1500 UT, Classical KUCO-FM manager Brad Ferguson, after Stardate, in pledge drive, says this is the first full day they are on full power from new transmitter, 100 kW ERP, new processor and antennas; and want reports about improved reception. He asked me directly how it is in Enid. Transmitter power is 38 kW.

I checked around 19-20 UT as I was driving around. Altho the signal seemed somewhat stronger overall, I had to tell him:

still picket-fencing
still subject to Vance aircraft multipath Doppler flutter
still blocked by noise at traffic signals
still not breaching stereo threshold, tho caradio shows ST; it blends 
rather than separates
unlike 91.7 KOSU, 92.5 KOMA and many other OKC stations rock-solid

Later he explained that KUCO had been running only 20 kW ERP from old transmitter; that side-mounting antenna on mast has been positioned for max lobes up I-44 to the NE and down I-35 to the S. No doubt that makes sense demographically. So away they go! That explains why there is not much improvement here to the NNW, still a need for a translator, if it could get a perfect signal input, perhaps from the feedline to KBCW and KCSC relays.

EARLIER as installation was underway, Chris Stevens of RFSolutions wrote, ``Once this is complete it will be pretty much the top of the line radio site in terms of power, efficiency and technology. We are running the best processors you can get into the best transmitter you can want. Add in the efficiency of liquid cooled and it’s a perfect combination with remote control capabilities that Captain Kirk would be jealous of`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WORLD OF RADIO 1975, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. 7285, March 29 at 0525, R. Sonder Grense in Afrikaans including a clip in accented English, S9+10 and still on air; for its last day? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1974 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday March 27 at 2100 on WRMI 9955, fair vs storm crashes up to S6; also one second later on WBCQ 7490+ at S5-S7. Also confirmed UT Thu Mar 28 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, good S9+10/20 better than usual on this NEward frequency.

Due to medical distraxions I could not get WOR 1975 prepared and recorded until Friday March 29, availablized on website at 0200 Mar 30

WORLD OF RADIO 1975 contents: Angola, Antarctica, Australia, Bangladesh, Congo DR, Cuba, Denmark, Equatorial Guinea non, Indonesia, Kuwait, Laos, Mali, New Zealand, Oklahoma, Philippines non, Romania, Suriname, UK and non, USA and non, Zambia, Zanzibar, unidentified 12031; and the propagation outlook

Larry Will wrote: ``On 3265 via WBCQ at 0223 UTC March 30. First airing?`` Must be; tnx, Larry! Ad-hoc, confirmed here at 0242 check on 3264.9, recognizable but JBA and vs increasing line noise level bothering here; it`s always something.

The other shortwave broadcasts should be:
0729 UT Saturday  HLR 6190-CUSB Germany
1000 UT Saturday  Unique Radio 5045-LSB NSW [March 30, alt weeks]
1130 UT Saturday  WRMI 9955
1531 UT Saturday  HLR 9485-CUSB Germany
1930vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM
2100 UT Saturday  WRMI 9955
0030 UT Sunday    WRMI 7730
0300vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315]
0830 UT Sunday    WRMI 5850 5950 7730
1030 UT Sunday    HLR 7265-CUSB Germany [ex-1130]
2130 UT Sunday    WRMI 7780
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 9395
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ 5130v Area 51
0330 UT Monday    WRMI 9955
0930 UT Monday    Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
1800 UT Monday    IRRS 7290 Romania [ex-1900]
0030 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7730
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780
0800 UT Tuesday   Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [2 editions]
2030 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5950
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0000 UT Thursday  WRMI 7730
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780
0930 UT Friday    Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW

[it is unclear when 1976 will start airing, as 1975 has unavoidably begun 4 days late; stations please replay latest available editionif necessary]

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. 7490.15, UT Sat March 30 at 0050, WBCQ is playing a lot of music, DJ Larry Will, Jane, et al., so is it really called Allan Weiner Worldwide? Live timechex, said would go off at 0100 and continue on 3265 ---- but 7490 did not cut off until 0113* after more music. John Carver files his fuller report:

``Tonight's show started at 0001 after an audio clip from One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. No voice overs during the theme song, then a clip of Allan flying off the handle about moonbats then into music which told me that Larry and Jane Will were doing the show this evening. Larry said that Allan and Angela were off on super, secret business for the station. Some talk of this week's special HAARP broadcasts, then a short description of what HAARP was and consisted of. Then a synopsis of all of the conspiracy theories involving HAARP. Some more music.

Then some talk of Ken Nordine and playing one of his bits from the record collection from the old WXM. A refreshing change from last week`s Gloom and Doom show. A brief rundown about 3265 and the birth of the Falling Star Network. Said that Monday thru Friday 0100 to 0500 the programming came from Area 51 and Area 51 programmers. Said they are still running low power during this testing period and are still experimenting with different antenna systems though no technical details included.

Phone call at 0049 from Ramsey then into more music. Program was off the air at 0100. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505v, March 28 at 0100, WRNO is back on after a few nights? off, S9 but just barely modulated. March 29 at 0125, now it`s VG S9+10/20 with fully modulated gospel huxter; 0522 hymn at S9+20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 2940.14, March 28 at 0540, harmonic with the most modulation yet but still too weak, seems YL talking but can`t tell language. At 0548 an OM instead. Have been presuming it`s 2 x 1470.07v, but since 2+9+4 = 15, a multiple of 3, this could also be a third harmonic of 980+. shows a few remote possibilities (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12031, March 27 at 1437, approx. peak of extremely distorted blob at S5-S6; ``modulation`` cadence of some talk but totally unreadable; compared to RHC and Martí frequencies, but NO match. 12050 is a JBA carrier, presumably WEWN Spanish which unseems source, but if so is putting most of its power out here.

12031 blob is still there at 2024 March 27 and now QRMing 12030 Spain when tuned to LSB. 12050 has two weak signals presumably WEWN and Ascension. So it`s on long hours and propagating, but not heard later in afternoon, evening.

12031v blob is still2 there at 1452 March 28 before Spain is on weekdays. FM mode tuning makes it sound a bit more like speech, totally unreadable past 1500 and again not matching OCB or RHC.

12031 blob extends up to 12040, March 29 at 1418, QRMing TURKEY 12035.7. (12050 WEWN is VP but sounds OK) (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1975, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0503 UT March 30