lunedì 7 ottobre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs October 6, 2013

** CHINA. 10000, Oct 6 at 1229 as I was checking WWVH, heard BPM Morse ID mixing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5855, Oct 6 at 0400 as I am about to check WORLD OF RADIO on 5830, notice that RHC has finally been turned off from this spy-numbers frequency, first noted at 0117 and last noted at 0327.

13780 et al., Sunday Oct 6 at 1338, after birthday greetings, RHC `En Contacto` plugging its Oct 27 ``Guerra de los Mundos`` special with special QSL card (it must be very condensed to fit into less than 15 minutes); Voz de Rusia to abandon SW from January 1; director of RHC discusses their new website, including additional online programming at 11 am - 2 pm [15-18 UT] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. 4781.7 approx., Oct 6 at 1058, music with a fast beat exceeding the CODAR QRM, 1100 canned ID I can`t make out, 1101 more readable live(?) announcement in Spanish, another canned one, 1103 finally mention of Tena, so R. Oriental as expected. I never hear this one in my circa 0100 UT sessions, as it goes off at 0000* per Ralph Brandi & Rich D`Angelo in NASWA Flashsheet, who put it on 4781.665 and 4781.6 respectively. The latter is also the QRG per Bob Wilkner with whom I agree that it is the last S American to fade out on 60m, as I am hearing no others when it`s still audible with music at 1117. A Colombian might exceed it, except there aren`t any.

WRTH 2013 showed it as HCLE7, 3 kW from Tena, Napo, irregular schedule and mostly inactive; but I think it has been mostly active lately.
shows Tena sunrise at 1056 UT today, and at less than 1 degree south of Equator, varies little, only about 20 minutes thru the year, as late as 1111 both 3 and 6 months from now, i.e. January and April, which doesn`t make sense; distance from my IP as 4.6 megameters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. 4870-, Oct 6 at 1225, JBA signal, trace of music, presumed RRI Wamena. 4750, Oct 6 at 1226, very poor with song, presumed RRI Makassar, and this one as usual with a second offset carrier beating, i.e. Bangladesh or China (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1550, Oct 6 at 1107 UT, ``La Rancherita 15-50`` ID overtaking KAPE Girardeau. Of only 4 XEs on 1550, Cantú shows it`s:
1550 XENU La Rancherita Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. 5,000 250

** MEXICO. 2910, Oct 6 at 1055 UT very poor signal with music, no doubt persistent third harmonic of 970 XEVT, Villahermosa, Tabasco. Still audible at 1146 with music, then talk. Terry Krueger in FL recently logged this too, but I can`t refind it; please resend, or was I dreaming? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 71.75 MHz, Oct 6 I am still aiming at Monterrey and again hearing some meteor scatter bursts in Spanish and pings including music, likely from XHWX (or XELN Torreón), channel 4 analog audio, at: 1420:50, 1535, 1540 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Three other stations logged again on 1210; See USA. Meanwhile, still no sign day or night of KGYN Guymon OK on 1210, presumed off the air (or running night pattern 24h? Instead of day pattern 24h?). Their accessible Facebook site is however active and up to date with current weather (freeze warning), stuff about SBGs, hunting, etc., and nothing found about being silent on 1210. Nor anything out of the ordinary on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, Oct 6 at 1152, very poor signal singing, presumed NBC Madang. Only other 90m PNG carrier frequency audible is 3325, which could also be Indonesia. 3260 continued past 1200, and went off circa 1206 tho I missed the exact instant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7630.5-USB, Oct 6 at 1322, Air Force MARS net, generally weak, NCS slowly reading some document including ``I spell`` and ``figure`` protocols. Hard to catch his call as not always fonetik; 1325 net callsign is NEM1, from AFA5NF; 1327 refers to page 44 of the Oct issue of CQ magazine about QRMers. AFA5NF is Ken: includes a shot of him at Dayton 2011:
But where is he really? Somewhere in the Northeast Division (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7305, Oct 6 until 1159.5*, R. Vaticano relay via Greenville cuts off promptly unlike yesterday when stayed on with R. Martí on wrong frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1689 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-1, 5830, UT Sunday Oct 6 starting at 0400:57, and complete except for the last word, ``-nine`` cutting back to SFAW just before 0430.

That concludes the cycle of easily heard airings in N America, but further repeats are Thu 1100 on WRMI 9955; Wed 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB; (and unless 1690 be ready in time, one more on WRMI UT Thu 0330) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5830, Oct 6 at 1317, WTWW-1 is still on nite frequency instead of 9479 from 1300; WTWW-2 is still on 5085 instead of 9930; and WTWW-3 is not yet on 12105 at all. BTW, for B-13 there are still no plans for a WTWW-3 lower nite frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9265, Oct 6 at 1124, lo-key preacher from WINB, citing II Kings, in program schedule as `Harvest for Christ Radio` during this quarter-hour; Sundays only starts at 1100 UT, requiring night-frequency instead of 13570 during first hour only. Quite a contrast to the screaming, gasping, gospel huxter I tuned across 9265 after 0100 UT Sunday, listed as `Full Gospel Hour-Terry Blalock`.

BTW, Roger Tidy reports WINB has approached R. Taiwan International about relaying it, as discussed on a mailbag show; that would add up to two programs worth listening to on WINB. RTI should leap at the chance, or make a deal with a stronger US station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9980, Sunday Oct 6 at 1230, big opencarrier/deadair from WWCR. WWCR-4 is supposed to be ``signed off`` at 12-14 Sats & Suns instead of continuous BS on weekdays. Next check at 1319, it`s on without BS, not // WWRB BS 9370, but modulating country music.

I also see that WWCR has now put up their B-13 schedules at
starting with the Week of Confusion spanning Oct & Nov, and showing they will finally put ex-WYFR channel 6115 into regular use, on WWCR-1 at 21-01, then from Nov 3 at 21-02, ex-6875. Nothing else new except the usual timeshifts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11715, Oct 6 at 1313, KJES, very good signal but JBM with some hum; then kID from ZIP 88072 asking if we can hear her/him; into guitar `Ave Maria` accompanying adult with verses in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1030, Oct 6 at 1209 UT, `Cowboy Corner` show loops NW/SE, soon losing to biz radio station. So is it KTWO or KBUF? Show`s list
has it on both! But KBUF Garden City KS at 5 am Sunday (CDT), KTWO Casper WY at 6 am Sunday (MDT), so it`s KTWO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1210, Oct 6 at 1144 UT, M&W discussing alabanzas, and I can barely make it // 890, so the RGV gospel-huxters affiliated with HCJB, formerly known as ``World Radio Network``: 1210 KUBR San Juan, and 890 KVOZ Del Mar Hills. Don`t be fooled by the McAllen studio/office address for both of them: San Juan is near McAllen, but DMH, too small for Rand McNally index, is a suburb of Laredo. Meanwhile, still no sign day or night of KGYN Guymon OK on 1210; see OKLAHOMA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1210, Oct 6 at 1214 UT, country music, slogan sounds like ``Truckin` 92`` or somethin` rhymin`; hmm, could that be KGYN`s FM side KKBS 92.7 simul? No, NRC AM Log leads to KHAT, Laramie WY, 10/1 kW U2, ``Buckin` Country 92` (simulcasting its FM, KDAD 92.5; that slogan must allude to the WY license plate design, still?). KHAT is ND day, but it`s still officially night when pattern should head westward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1210, Oct 6 at 1219 UT, ad for non-local seed company; 1220 National Guard PSA, fortunately with a South Dakota tag, so KOKK Huron is in again, yet another station facilitated by silent KGYN OK.

You might wonder how Huron SD got named, so far inland from the Great Lake? Wikipedia says: ``Huron was named for the Huron Indians. Exactly who gave it the name was never established, apparently either Marvin Hughitt or someone in the Chicago office of the C&NW railroad company.``

Encyclopaedia Britannica (congrats, gets top Google hit ahead of Wiki) on Huron Indians (a.k.a. Wyandot, various spellings) says they started out along the St Lawrence, were eventually pushed to Kansas and Indian Terr., no mention of SD. Wiki says they are HQ in today`s OK at Wyandotte. And no mention of Dakota there either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1550, Oct 6 at 1106 UT, reference to Cape Girardeau, presumed KAPE which is 5000/48 watts, and leaping over KLFJ `Branson` which often dominates. Maybe KAPE has a higher PSRA which I can`t look up with FCC shutdown (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UZBEKISTAN. 12160, Oct 6 at 1312, open carrier, fair with flutter, whence? Aoki shows TWR India, 100 kW, 131 degrees from Tashkent is about to start its Hindi-on-weekends (Dogri on weekdays) broadcast at 1315, plus other languages as late as 1615, overlapping with WWCR from 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 738, Oct 6 at 1152 UT, JBA carrier loops E-W, apropos for Tahiti, while no other TP carriers found from NW, nor a few later chex on the prime spots from Japan, 747, 774 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 880, Oct 6 at 1135 UT, romantic music with repetitive lyric, ``El Amor``, making fast SAH with KRVN. As I try to null one or the other, this one is from the SSE or the SE. There are no Mexicans in Yucatán or QR, further east than Veracruz or Tabasco, so suspect R. Progreso`s 12 kW outlet in the western tip of Cuba at Mantua, Pinar del Río. Unfortunately there`s no SW // to compare, as the new 4765 runs only from 0030 to 0400. Sunrise time fits: in PdR today 1128 UT per which claims Cuba is not on DST now, but UT -5. however reaffirms that DST in Cuba lasts until November 3; coinciding with Yankee Imperialism (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1521 & 1539, Oct 6 at 1049 UT, weak hets against 1520 and 1540 stations, audible on FRG-7 only with E-W longwire, so can`t DF them, but unlikely trans-Pacific as there is nothing listed over 10 kW anywhere in the Pacific or East Asia. I vaguely recall that this also happened a few years ago, and assumed to be matching spurs from some domestic 1530 station; was it ever IDed? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)