sabato 26 ottobre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs October 26, 2013 [more]

** CUBA. 6165, Oct 26 at 0513, RHC English quite undermodulated and even weaker signal than 6125; 6060 is poor, and 6000 is very good. Just another anomaly to note (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY. It takes the CQ Worldwide SSB DX Contest to fill up the hambands (not including 12, 17 m) --- Normally hardly anyone ventures above 28500 on 10m, but Oct 26 at 1348-1350 I am hearing a couple of USB Germans as high as 28969, DP9Z, and 29012, DL2IAN both calling CQ Contest with plenty of contacts, plus one US station a little higher.

DP9Z is ``Contestcall of DF9ZP: Hans-Joachim Burger; Südring 24; 64832 Babenhausen; Germany`` per --- condensing call from 6 to 4 characters saves valuable microseconds and inevitably increases score. Since call needs to be spoken fonetikally, he should really try for single-syllable letters instead of two syllables for two of them (if not ``nine-er``; and no escaping ``delta``), e.g. M for mike, G for golf --- in fact those are the only two single-syllabers in the official fonetik alfabet, and several letters are even three-fers. What were they thinking in setting that up?

DL2IAN is: ``Thomas Schenk, Hintergasse 9, 76865 Rohrbach / Pfalz, Germany``. Not even named Ian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Oct 26 at 1142, R. Verdad in Chinese with musical background. Seems to be regular around this hour, 7:42 pm prime-time for all their listeners in China. But I`m afraid their online program schedule
as I copy it, but which shows in the address field with accented-o asón
is long-outdated, still showing nothing about Chinese, weekday start at 1100 UT instead of 0930, and El Tren del Evangelio at 1125-1200 --- it`s copyright 2009 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15300, Oct 26 at 1422, VIRI IS, 1423 opening Hindi, NA, etc., poor with flutter.

13800, Oct 26 at 1425, VIRI not // 15300 but in Russian, fair. Not satisfied with being out of step with most of the world on a :30-minute timezone, official start time of broadcasts is now :23 or :53 past the hours. 13800 is Sirjan, 15300 Kamalabad. For B-13, all frequencies change to lower bands, but odd times remain the same.

The so-called ``Voice of Justice`` English to North America at 0320-0420 will be on Kamalabad 9710 and Sirjan 11770 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DFX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA [and non]. 15275, Oct 26 at 0524, DW English is inbooming, while no signals on 15190 EqGuinea or 15120 Nigeria. Sometimes Rwanda is not propagating either, but fine tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21610, Oct 26 at 1432, REE has good signal even with long-path echo, as a Belgian ``flamenco`` is attempting to read a statement in fraxured Castilian about the Euro, but the natives are pleased that he tried.

Much weaker on // 21515, which I see will be gone from tomorrow in B-13, with 21630 added, registered 13-17 UT, despite BBC and WHRI still being on it during much of that span. Will they really collide? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 750, Oct 26 at 1211 UT, ranchera music from WSW/ENE, heavy CCI, 1213 Spanish announcement mentions Tejas. Probably KAMA El Paso.

Since NRC AM Log again in 2013 says 750 KMMJ Grand Island NE has some Spanish, I`ve been wary of logs here based on language, so I look at the website (why don`t stations` own sites show up at or near the top of Google searches? Instead lots and lots of streaming services, etc. Finally I find KMMJ site by going to Wikipedia).

There looking at the entire program schedule for M-F, Sat and Sun, there are NO titles in Spanish, FWIW, just gospel huxters and Dave Ramsey in English. We also learn that the calls retroactively signify: ``Keeping your Mind on the Message of Jesus``. Nothing about ``The Bridge`` as in NRC Log, not even by internal search of the site.

750 is also the home of a much-wanted OK station, KSEO in Durant, 220-watt ND daytimer, which I have never heard a trace of in daytime, SRS or SSS, and continue to wonder if it`s really on the air. If not closer to Durant, would someone on I-35 around the Red River please check for it? (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1190, Oct 26 at 1222 UT, promo for Bob ----, ``The Grim Reaper`` not only M-F at 10 am but ``could be even worse when repeated at 4 pm``, on ``the all-new KQQZ, The Patriot``. This website:
linx only to streaming, no program schedule to look up his last name, but it`s really Insane, as ``Hot Talk, Kool Killer Kountry, The 1st Amendment and All American Station``.

KQQZ Has two mascots: a yellow-devil wielding a trident(?) weapon; and a much cuter green double 6-gun-totin` saguaro cactus cowboy sheriff, a perfect match for St. Louis MO, roughly a kilomile from the nearest wild saguaro. At least KQQZ no longer confronts cross-state QRM as Disney turned off and pulled out of Kansas City.

Then I search on Grim Reaper and find he pertains [-ed?] to sibling(?) station KZQZ 1430:
Riverfront Times article about Bob Romanik says he`s an ex-con. So what exactly is the division/relationship between the 1190 and 1430 stations? This long article goes into the convoluted history of these and other stations, as of 15 months ago:

UNIDENTIFIED. TP carrier search Oct 26 at 1151-1157: JBA on 594, 693, 747, 774, 882, 972, 1143. 774 and 972 are slightly stronger than the others. I decided to sit on 972 at 1200 trying to detect a S Korean timesignal, but inconclusive (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1631 UT Oct 26