domenica 13 ottobre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs October 12-13, 2013

** BRAZIL [and non]. 4874, Oct 13 at 0055, approx. center of wandering blob vs 4875 Rdif. Roraima, so need to hear it on USB.

4885, Oct 13 at 0142, fair signal with romantic music, presumed R. Clube do Pará. I notice that there are CODAR swishes when listening on USB, while there are none at all on LSB (but a fleeting lite ``running water`` ute) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 12060, Oct 13 0119, grinding jammer vs station in Spanish. So the DentroCuban jamming command is not only hitting R. Martí on 6030, but La Voz de Rusia via ARMENIA on its second harmonic!

6000, Oct 13 at 0128, English here is not from RHC, but CRI! // 9580 and synchronized, as the RadioCuba operators have got their wires crossed again. RHC English is at least on 6165. There can only be a finite number of possible errors, and RHC is racking them up, one by one (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, Oct 13 at 0117, AFN is barely making it, very poor signal with music; 0136 it`s better with some talk and rock music. Unless the government shutdown has modified it, manager gave me schedule last month that on Sunday mornings there are no relays of the local FM outlet, so presumably plugged into some network service now. At least this confirms it`s still on the air, unlike Guam (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 11870, Oct 13 at 0121, CRI English mixing about equally with WEWN Spanish. This hour only, it`s 173 degrees from Kashgar. 11870 is also subject to breakthru of the second harmonic of 5935 WWCR, from receiver overload if not axual radiation, but not at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA

** INDIA. 11985 // 11740, Oct 13 at 0054, AIR Sinhala service is on both tonight and about equal level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 12080.0, Oct 13 at 0119, Qur`an, fair-good with flutter, so IRIB is back on-frequency, in the same 1620-0520 UT transmission I logged Oct 11 at 2017 on 12081.5, listed as Zahedan site. Meanwhile, Wolfgang Büschel had notified IRIB of his logs of the other 15150-off frequency transmission and forwarded my log, so this may have caused it to be fixed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6965-AM, Oct 13 at 0057, sounds like ``Peter Gunn`` theme vamping, but turns into something else. Best signal by far of all the pirates tonite, but 0101.5 announcement with music background is a bit undermodulated; mentions ``broadcasting under the stars this evening``, ``second week of October``, ``cat`s fur is starting to change color``, musing on Xmas, fall and Hallowe`en.

0103 address and always welcomes reports on FRN, FRC, HF Underground; live timecheck as 4 minutes after 1 o`clock; `` no new music tonight but some slower stuff``; acknowledges a report on HFU; ID as ``XFM, the Power of X``, intro Red Hot Chili Peppers, but first where`s the liner? ``Broadcasting in C-Quam stereo from the United States to the World on shortwave, this is XFM, music to the power of X`` is asserted. Still going at 0110 and later chex till I quit at 0140 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-AM, Oct 13 at 0058, another pirate, but very poor with SSB QRM; 0107 says going to shut down very shortly, gives e-mail which presumably includes an ID but I can`t copy it in the noise; says will be back tomorrow or the next day. Now there is no QRM. ``Have a good evening, all``, e-mail again and again can`t copy it; 0109 music, goes off at 0114*. Maybe this was MAC Shortwave per numerous logs on HF Underground starting at 2257 Oct 12, but none yet posted later than 0033 Oct 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-AM, Oct 13 at 0058, weak signal music mixing with SSB QRM (``peskies`` to the HFU folk); 0135 still too weak. HF Underground posts name it Radio Free Whatever (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-RCDSB, Oct 13 at 0106 announces 6-9-4-0 as I tune in, music; 0112 talking and weird vocal SFX. 0113 synthetic YL says ``coming up next is Radio Jamba International``. SSB tuning helps as the carrier is somewhat reduced, but on both sidebands equally. 0130 it`s better with drumming but some audio interruptions; 0133 strange/strained voices ranting about Microsoft, pancakes, basketball, pork rinds, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 9775, Oct 13 at 0111 and a couple more chex, still no more show from Radio YHWH. Wonder if they are using other frequencies? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Oct 13 at 0052, R. Chaski carrier with heavy splash from 5990 CRI via Cuba; cuts off at 0100:56.5* which is 5.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1690 monitoring: excellent signal confirmed starting at 2329:05 Saturday Oct 12 on 9930 WTWW-2, following some gospel music. Next: UT Sunday 0401v on 5830 WTWW-1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7555, Oct 13 at 0124, KJES is missing on this UT Sunday. It was on last night, in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490, Oct 13 at 0124, WBCQ is off the air. Online schedule still shows `VSI Radio International`, at 01-02 UT Sundays, but some weeks ago Paul Lambert told us he was going back to Wednesdays, expecting a larger audience, but at what time? Brother Scare usage of 7490 skips Saturdays/UT Sundays, with the only other show currently listed being `Heart & Soul of America`, Sat 23-01 Sun. Lots of good airtime going to waste. Checking 9330 and 5110, those are on the air as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0343 UT Oct 13

** U S A. 7506.4, Oct 13 at 0125, WRNO is on and so strong that it`s putting modulation spike spurs from 7485 or so to 7524 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UZBEKISTAN. 11730, Oct 13 at 0122, S Asian language, good with flutter, and slight hum. Aoki shows it`s Vatican Radio via Tashkent at 0040-0200 including Malayalam at 0120-0140 to be followed by English.

11600, Oct 13 at 0122, another S Asian language via Tashkent, as TWR India is back, listed Dzonka for Bhutan, after missing yesterday, and weaker than:
11590, Oct 13 at 0122, NHK Hindi service

WRTH shows there are 11 x 100 kW transmitters available for all these relays (but not for Radio Tashkent, defunct) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TA carrier search, Oct 13 at 0046-0051: JBA on 1521, 1215, 1152, 1044, 882 kHz, not necessarily in that order, and not 783 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)