** AUSTRALIA. 12085, Oct 2 at 1335, no signal from RA while always weaker 12065
is quite audible as well as bigsig 9580, during ABC Local Radio music show on
Fridays which is mostly talk; 1412, still no 12085, the one aimed at Alaska
** COLOMBIA. 5910, Oct 2 at 0601,
Alcaraván Radio is off again, after hearing it reactivated earlier at 0144-0147.
Perhaps just testing so far (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
INDIA. 4895, Oct 2 at 1252, algo with talk, presumably the only 4895 SWBC
station on the nightside, AIR Kurseong.
Many other JBA carriers on 60 m
fitting India or Tibet/China without achieving any modulation, at 1301 Oct 2
scan: 4800, 4810, 4820, 4870, 4880, 4910, 4920, 4970, 5010, 5040, 5050 (Glenn
INDONESIA [and non]. 4750-, Oct 2 at 1248, RRI Makassar with music, clear with
no low audible heterodyne, but at 1259 recheck now there is CCI from a 4750.0
LAH. I keep wondering whether the 4750 station coming on somewhere in the
1245-1300 span is Bangladesh or China? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** MEXICO. 800, Oct 2 at 0632 UT, no sign of XEROK Juárez; I can
still hear KQCV OKC with it nulled as much as possible. Nor is XEROK evident
around 1245. Now I`m wondering if it`s totally off the air, rather than just
during daytime as I observed while in New Mexico last month. It would be quite
ironic if one of the historic border-blasters quit AM for FM as the Mexican
government encourages. That could open up 800 for some new USA stations in the
Southwest, should anyone be interested in Old Technology (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** NIGERIA. 9690-, Oct 2 at 0602, VON is absent here,
but audible in Hausa on 7255-. I leave a BFO on 9689, and at 0627 notice that
one is now on too, perhaps from somewhat earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, Oct 2 at 1250, pop music at almost
equal fair level to 5025 Cuba! and easily separable from it as Rebelde is
weakening into dayside. So SIBC is running late today past usual 1200*, probably
relaying Wantok FM; however, cuts off abruptly during music at 1258:15* (Glenn
** TAJIKISTAN. 4790, Oct 2 at 1300, very
poor signal with a bit of talk audible, vs CODAR, presumably the new BBC Uzbek
relay via Dushanbe-Yangiyul since Sept 1 at 1300-1330 only. Beware, however,
that this service on higher bands is jammed by the ChiCom, interfering in the
internal affairs of Uzbekistan, and will presumably also do so on 4790. However,
Aoki does not yet show it as *jammed. As Ron Howard also points out, do not
assume something on 4790 is a reactivated RRI Fak2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED. 6165, Oct 2 at 1309, music atop pileup
with SAHs, CCI; not // 9420 talk which is CNR6 in Chinese (or is it? Aoki also
lists CNR13 from Lingshi in Uyghur at same time on 9420!). So maybe the 6165
dominator is Thazin Radio, Myanmar, but Vietnam and India are also on there, a
bigger mess surely in Asia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
report dispatched at 1736 UT October 2