venerdì 16 ottobre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs October 15-16, 2015

** ALBANIA. 9849.95, Oct 16 at 0130, JBA carrier from R. Tirana, so at least we know it`s on, via off-frequency, just not propagating any more than that to North America Central (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BONAIRE. 800, Oct 16 at 0120, weak Spanish underneath KQCV OKC gospel huxter in English, making SAH of 2.53 Hz, presumed R. Transmundial, TWR, PJB, in the absence of XEROK (or CKLW for that matter) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11934.91, Oct 16 at 0050, Brazuguese mentions São Paulo, very poor S3, from RB2; no sign of Cairo if it`s still attempting to reach Latin America on 11935v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 12070.0, Oct 16 at 0052, JBA carrier, presumed R. Cairo Spanish, which if audiblized would surely be unlistenable. Sought here anyway after hearing not even a carrier on // 11935, just Brasil, q.v. Then check Arabic on 9964.985 approx., S6 carrier with no modulation I can detect. Didn`t get around to checking the fourth channel at this hour, 9315. 

So where will they be mis-broadcasting in B-15 between 0045 and 0200? HFCC B-15 as usual shows more frequencies than transmitters, i.e. some are just wooden alternates: 9315, 9860, 9965, 11750, 11935, 12070, 12080. English at 2300-2430 still on 9965; at 0200-0330 on 9315 or 9860 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 6155, Oct 16 at 0041, very poor signal with S Asian song, still so at 0114. HFCC shows AIR Urdu, 0000-0430, 250 kW, 282 degrees from Aligarh. No sign of R. Fides, ex-6155.1, which very well may have been driven off that longtime frequency by AIR inbooming to Bolivia. So far I`ve had no luck hearing Fides on its replacement, 6055 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1300, Oct 16 at 0127, as I tune in, ``Radio México Noticias, XEP, tercera edición, por Radio Trece, info desde Chihuahua Capital, en Radio México Noticias``. So Ciudad Juárez dominating as usual with 38 kW instead of 200 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEWFOUNDLAND [and non]. 2598-USB, Oct 16 at 0053, YL in English with marine weather, very poor with storm noise level from western and northeastern OK. CGC website says starting at 0048 is VCP Placentia, Nfld., via St. Lawrence site. 

2749-USB, Oct 16 at 0053, YL in French, poor signal slightly better than 2598. CGC says starting at 0040 is VCO Sydney, Nova Scotia via Port Caledonia site, but not in French? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1170, Oct 16 at 0125 UT, KFAQ Tulsa forecasting a high today of 91 --- guess what, it`s night already, and this is outdated on a 50 kW IBOC-monster. You can`t do better than that? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1530, Oct 16 at 0030 UT, Gregorian chant catches my ear, like the stuff your hear on EWTN/WEWN network; 0031 into lo-fi Spanish talk from phone, 0032 UT mentions Catedral de la Sagrada Familia; loops ESE/WNW, so I suppose it`s just KXTD Wagoner, tho not the programming I would expect nor normally hear on QueBuenaTulsa. No way it`s daytimer WJDM Elizabeth NJ, the only SS:REL 1530 listed in NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1600, Oct 15 at 1818 UT on caradio, KUSH Cushing resumes the `Marilu Henner Show` after a break; and at 1906 UT after some news, she herself voices a KUSH ID. This is contrary to my recent writeup where I had found on their website that Dennis Miller occupied the M-F 1-4 pm CT slot. So I search on Marilu and find this:

``Happy New Year from the KUSH! Molly Payne Published on: 12/31/2014
This past year we have also added a few new things to the KUSH. In the fall, not only did KUSH add a new show (The Marilu Henner Show) to its weekday afternoon programming, but we also began broadcasting Drumright Tornado football on Citylinktv/Drumright``

So it seems Marilu has been on KUSH for at least a year, altho the few-programs page
still shows Dennis Miller at 1-4 pm CT. There`s a lot about her guest lineup every day, here when show is live at 9 am-noon `PST`, 
presumably meaning PDT for the rest of October = 16-19 UT:
subtitled `Life, Love, Laughter` and a lot lighter, more variety than you would get from far-right convert and ex-comedian Dennis Miller.

I don`t recall running across her talkshow before, and here`s why. Altho at a variety of delayed times, affiliate list has only 28 stations, mostly in small markets, 
with exception of: CKLW 800 Windsor and a few small stations in bigger cities. But Clark Howard is still on afterwards, at 2107 UT check October 15. By now a SAH is starting, presumably from 25 kW Vietnamese KRVA The Metroplex skywaving already (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Oct 16 at 0021 UT, promo by wacko Alex Jones at 9 pm on ``KYHN``; 0024 UT, jingle SID, ``Arklahoma`s Talk Radio, KYHN``. As of Oct 2, the FCC thinx callsign changed to KFSW, so maybe that will be the legal ID at next hourtop? Nope: same old KYHN SID jingle as at 0024 UT, adding ``Fort Smith``, in an adjacent state, before 0100 UT CBS bong and news. 

So --- more confusion about the identity of FCC Facility 87114 which is really in Sallisaw, OK, but the city you have to search on at AM Query is Ft. Smith --- the only AM station there, the others allegedly in Fort Smith. You`ll recall an attempt earlier this year to change calls to W, yes, W-FSM which was never heard on air either, and expunged from FCC records after having been granted. So when will it ever become KFSW? Note the new call could be construed as merging Fort Smith-SallisaW (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 96.5, ``Exitos 96.5`` is getting a lot of promotion on OKC`s Estrella TV, KOCY ``48`` via RF 29 KTUZ, which I sometimes let run muted on a spare screen to display the busty girls they so favor (¿ojobombones?). (BTW, previously this subchannel`s aspect ratio could be changed, but now it cannot, despite needing to compensate at times for squeezing or stretching.) 

96.5 in OKC is of course a mere 120-watt translator, K243BJ, licensed to Tyler Media, which means it`s supposed to be relaying some other station, even an AM one, but no such station is mentioned in its TV promotion, so is it being illegally originally programmed? I suppose they could get away with that if it`s officially duplicating some IBOC channel from a real FM station not worth mentioning (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Oct 16 at 0038, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, Urubamba. Retune at 0106 to track the sliding shutdown, and it`s so JB that I`m afraid I`ll miss it if it happen during a choppy fade; but I do nail it at 0107:40.5*, which is 37.5 seconds later than last check six nights ago, Oct 10 until 0107:03*, i.e. averaging 6.25 seconds per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Oct 16 at 0115:17.5 mis-timesignal from SLBC is JBA on extremely weak signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 9777.00, Oct 16 at 0102, I`m tuning down the 9 MHz band and find a 3 kHz het, quickly refined on the NRD-545 to here, weak S4 signal in Spanish with news about Turkey, and // weaker 9870.00 which also has some CCI, presumably India as usual. So the Emirler operator fingerslipped, punching in 9777 instead of 9770, the scheduled and usually heard frequency --- just one more SNAFU from this site. Still there at 0131 with Turkish music.

The 9780 station getting abutted must have been ChiCom jamming and/or RFA Uyghur via Kuwait. In B-15, VOT Turkish moves to 9410 and 9650, and like everything else, one hour later at 02-03, as if coming and going of DST in Turkey should impact listeners abroad! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1795 monitoring: confirmed Thursday October 5 at 2100 on WRMI 7570, sufficient. Also confirmed after 0100 UT Friday October 16, S9+20 on WBCQ 9330.06-CUSB. His voice sounds somewhat different than usual, modified audio processing? but still quite clear. Followed at 0129 by WBCQ The Planet ID/IS loop before closedown. Next:
Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.5 WRMI 7570 to NW
Fri 2330   WRMI 5850 to NW
Sat 0630   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 1430   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 1930v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND?
Sun 0315v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND?
Sun 2300   WRMI 11580 to NE
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5110v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 1100   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A. 9974.90, Oct 16 at 0056, KVOH at S9+25 with a `TruNews` clip of Netanyahu, soon followed by Rick Wiles promoting his warped view of the world. Frequency continues to vary slightly from time to time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9475, all day Oct 15 at random chex, WTWW-1 continues to be AWOL, nor anything on 9930, the WTWW-2 frequency. However, 12105, Oct 15 circa 2110 UT, WTWW-3 is on the air with Bibling in French (unlike a couple days ago when it was dead air for hours and hours). And WTWW-2 had succeeded in broadcasting Art Bell on 5085 at 0608 UT Oct 15 while WTWW-1 was off 5830. So the other two transmitters are funxional, even if neither is being employed for petunia-pushing Pastor Pete Peters. Perhaps Ted does not know how to operate 2 or 3 on any but their originally programmed frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 860, Oct 16 at 0122, KKOW Pittsburg KS with ``20/20 weather``, forecasting cooloff there like here into the 60s/40s, then cowboy & indian love song. At least their weather is not colored, like some radio stations claim, on a totally aural medium except for synesthesians (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0408 UT October 16