** ARGENTINA. 15345v, Saturday Oct 8 at 1834, no signal detectable at all from
RAE ATTW, nor at 1851. Is English really on the air weekends now as
11710v, UT Sunday Oct 9 at 0307, NO signal circa 11710.6v
either, so it looks like their promise to expand to 7 days a week was empty
** CUBA. 5040, Oct 9 at 0002, RHC
is back on tonight, in Kriyol, but still undermodulated, and suffering excessive
splash from 5050 WWRB. Really, it`s Cuba which ought to do the splashing, like
around 11670! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ETHIOPIA [and
non]. 15625-15630-15635, Oct 8 at 1827, DRM style noise jamming but VOA Amharic
on 15630 is still readable. Then I look for // frequencies.
15700 via
Lampertheim, Germany is reported to be one such, and there is something weak
here, and apparently no jamming, but not enough audio to make a // to 15630.
Also reported were a bunch in the 12s, as of Sept 23 via Wolfgang Büschel in
DXLD 16-39 under USA, which were already getting jammed, but tuning across them
now, I don`t detect any AM or DRM, presumably too low to be propagating here at
midday: 12040, 12080, 12110, 12140, the sites switching around among
Lampertheim, Woofferton and Kuwait. I don`t remember a 13 MHz one, but scanning
that band I do find:
13855-13860-13865, Oct 8 at 1845, here`s more DRM
noise and enough AM signal within it to make a // to 15630, apparently
Woofferton too at the moment. Wolfy also figured the formerly M-F Amharic
broadcasts had also been expanded to daily, and indeed this is Saturday.
Concerns 18-19 UT Amharic, flanked by Oromo at 1730-1800 and Tigrinya at
1900-1930 on more or less the same jumparound frequencies.
I wish some
DRM enthusiasts would tune these jammers and report if anything intelligible is
audible or visible from them. They might as well play some nice music, à la
Firedragon (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUINEA. 9649.98,
Oct 8 at 2343, African music maybe in French, fair signal, presumed. R. Guinée,
Conakry which closes around 2400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 15360, Oct 8 at 1823, poor signal in
Russian. Aoki shows it`s KBSWR this hour, relayed via Woofferton UK, 300 kW at
74 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
15115-15120-15125, Oct 8 at 1820, DRM noise, no doubt Voice of Nigeria,
scheduled in English at 1800-2000, but seldom reported lately; has it really
been on? I also detect a JBA AM carrier amid at about 15121; nothing else
scheduled now: could it be the other VON site competing with the DRM site??
** NORTH AMERICA. 6950.0-USB, Oct
8 at 2348, big band music at S9: bet it`s Wolverine Radio: yes, such an ID
interjected at 0010.5 October 9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** SOUTH CAROLINA [and non]. 13695, Oct 8 at 1838, Brother Scare
via WRMI is talking about staying on 12 WRMI transmitters if station has
survived Matthew, as he hopes, having ``rebuked`` the storm and winds on behalf
of WRMI, like Jesus allegedly did about some such threat. Complains of a false
prophet from the west coast bothering him, trying to supplant R. G., overcome
his ministry.
Apparently a playback now, referring to conditions
``tonight`` and later to Thursday night. Says the Compound is 50 miles west of
Charleston, and he is ``not going anywhere``, despite evacuation order that far
inland. Well, by Saturday, the hurricane has moved on, leaving flooding and
other destruxion in SC. Note to self: must *rebuke* stuff, as it seems to be so
On another segment BS was begging already for another
megabuck donor to cover broadcast costs in 2017, to be renegotiated with
stations in December. This is obviously a lifeline especially for WRMI, so sure
hope Jeff has a contingency plan when 85-year-old BS imminently goes to his
heavenly reward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** UGANDA [non].
15239.96, Sat Oct 8 at 1818, recheck of R. Munansi via WWRB (which I had heard
starting in English just after 1600): Now it`s open carrier/dead air; is no one
paying attention? Still DA at 1822, 1834; finally at 1849 modulation has
resumed, now lo-fi internet feed of presumed Luganda talk. Still a huge signal
today, unlike sometimes JBA; at a critical propagation distance from TN (Glenn
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1846
monitoring: confirmed Saturday October 8 after 2230 on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB via the
BST-1 caradio. Next:
Sun 0310v WA0RCR 1860-AM ND [audible at 0307 with ARRL
news before]
Sun 0830 Unique Radio NSW 3210 ND
Sun 2330 WBCQ
9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030 WRMI 7730 to WNW
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5130v Area
51 to WSW
Mon 0330 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to
Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 2130 WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2330
WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v
to WSW
Wed 2330 WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. (7490), Sat Oct 8 around 2315 it`s more convenient for
me to check WBCQ webcasts, and (5130) Area 51 --- to my surprise, both are
carrying `Radio TimTron Worlwide`, altho far out of synch. 7490 is supposed to
be `Shortwave Saturday Night`.
By 2336, I am on the NRD-545 instead
(never with internet at same time), and now SWSN is indeed on 7490 not // 5130
TimTron; was there a change in the meantime, or a protracted mixup in web feeds?
9330 is in a few-week-old playback of `Allan Weiner Worldwide` about how
equipment smells, TimTron guesting here too, and called upon for reception
antenna advice. 3250: no signal audible.
At 2359, 7490 chops off J. P.
Ferraro in progress for a canned WBCQ ID and immediately into a KCAA ID with the
`Mitch & Kathy` show at 0000 UT Sunday Oct 9. Now I recheck 3250 and find a
JBA carrier about 3250.065, so maybe that`s WBCQ continuing J. P.`s show (Glenn
** U S A. 11580, Sat Oct 8 after 2000,
checking what`s on WRMI now: `Frecuencia al Día`; and after 2030: Hobart Radio
International, additional airing filling in a blank on the sked when last
checked. Later in the semi-hour we hear Rob talking about hurricane hitting
Bahamas Thursday. Excuse me, but with saturation coverage in the USA, we hardly
need someone from Tasmania telling us about it two days later as if it were news
** ZAMBIA. 11680, re my earlier
report, Oct 8 at 1434 of a good signal with hymns, suspected of being Voice of
Hope - Africa on wrong frequency instead of 13680: Yes, Richard Langley hears
from Ray Robinson of KVOH confirming the fill music and the frequency, which
tomorrow should be back on proper 13680. Well, 11680 works great for us. New
program schedule is up,
some long-dormant shows such as the jazz and swing hours, bait for proselytizing
which used to be on 9975 when KVOH had English broadcasts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED. 13680, Oct 8 at 1837, S5 open carrier,
slightly wavering. Nothing scheduled now but elsewhen on 13680 are VOA, Sound of
This report
dispatched at 0323 UT October 9