domenica 3 gennaio 2016

Glenn Hauser logs January 3, 2016

** BRAZIL. 11855.05, Jan 3 at 0447, JBA carrier from R. Aparecida, edging closer to truly accurate frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13740, Jan 3 at 0448, RHC Spanish is S4, and nothing on 6870. 6870? Chris Smolinski in Maryland has been hearing it there occasionally, with definite RHC IDs, and we had been trying to figure out how RHC could land on 6870? Not an obvious SW mixing product, until Chris asked if it could be a semi-harmonic? 

Yes! I told him, it happens, tho rarely. So that`s it. This transmitter is not completely suppressing 6870 before it`s internally doubled for the intended frequency, which is scheduled 2200-0500, 100 kW, 160 degrees from Bauta. Checking SDR recordings, he`s found the carrier on 6870 as early as 2149, opening at 2200 and signing off at 0459. I was thinking I had also logged an unID on 6870, but can`t seem to find it now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. 6000, Jan 3 at 0659, RHC is in Spanish news instead of English! For how long, or did it just switch over before turning off? 5040, 6060 and 6100 are briefly in music presumably still from English service program feed, but 6165 is already dead air; by 0700, 5040 goes to dead air and soon off, while 6100 correctly starts the weekly Esperanto service theme (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11760, Sun Jan 3 at 1435, `En Contacto` after birthday notes, RHC repeating as always last week`s show, to the tune of Jingle Bells, naming the most regular listeners during 2015 (i.e. presumably only the ones who have written in); starting with four LA countries with only one individual each, up the chart to the USA in ninth place with only four! Including one name recognizable, Dino Bloise, producer of another DX program. Did not follow the rest of it, but Cuba itself is usually #1, probably enhanced by the new FM relay in Habana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 9975, Jan 3 at 1425, soft music and tonal Asian language, from KTWR. Aoki shows it`s a lot of Hui on Sat & Sun during this semihour, and Cantonese on weekdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055.00, Jan 3 at 0417, TGAV good signal with organ music. Dr Madrid has asked me to monitor for additional R. Verdad relays on other frequencies close to 4055 in various parts of the world, supposedly testing. I hear absolutely no other broadcasting between 4000 and 4100 at additional chex until 0453. Details such as exact frequencies, locations and hours have not been provided, and I can`t help but wonder if this whole thing is legitimate. I hope he has not paid anything upfront for it, as I have told him. Nothing found in Google searches on the name of the entity allegedly carrying this out, as below. Here is his request to me on January 2; he did not ask me to keep it confidential:

``A VERY IMPORTANT FAVOR --- Dear Glenn: We, at Radio Verdad, have started some test short wave transmissions for the whole world through "Short Wave Alliance Euro-USA", besides our regular short wave transmissions. The test transmissions started on December 29th, 2015, at noon, and will last up to the 4th of January 2016. Our test transmissions are on 4055 Khz or near to that frequency. We have had some irregularities due to Internet fail, and other causes. I plead if you can check our signal, and let me know a report. We are suppossedly transmiting to United States, Europe, Rusia, China, Japan, Africa, South America, Antillian Isles, and Mexico. But I wonder how our test signal is getting to the world. Will you please check our signal and let me know of the results? These transmissions are done besides our regular short wave transmissions. You should check on 4055 Khz, or close by frequencies, as the frequency may vary a little, according to different countries and how strong our frequency may be in such a country. We are transmitting from Guatemala City these days, and will transmit from Chiquimula afterwards. Our test transmissions will stop on Monday January 4th, 2016. But I need to know any information about our signal. I will appreciate your help on this matter. May God bless you. Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid Radio Verdad & Radio Verdad TV``

Since we have no idea where these transmitters are [or all in Guatemala City??? This is not lucid], I asked the DXLD yg to look for them too, but so far no replies. Obviously anything else on 4 MHz will have only limited range in daytime, and if less than 1 kW like TGAV itself, still be a challenge to detect over night paths. Any additional logs of TGAV around 4055 would indicate this is not all imaginary (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1806 monitoring: confirmed on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, UT Sunday Jan 3 at 0420, as I am talking about Czechia some 8 minutes into the program, so started circa 0412; already over and back to ham news at next check 0443. I should move up the nominal start time to 0410v. Also confirmed newest addition, Sunday Jan 3 at 0900 on WRMI 5850: I had to run a timer recording to do this. Next:
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A. 5015 & 5956.20, Jan 3 chex at 0417, 0451, 0657, 1407, no more signals from WRMI-5 on either frequency, so apparently off for repairs. Except: Jan 3 at 0434 there`s a poor S7 carrier briefly on 5015, no modulation, so was that WRMI, I ask Jeff. Same time, 5950 is running S8-S9. Elsewhen, such as 0451, heavy splash from 5025 Rebelde extends to 5015, so does WRMI really want to go there? Why not, as the umpteenth BS frequency. Maybe they should try WRMI-1 for this, now designated as an auxiliary standby transmitter; however, it may not be convenient to attach it to the wanted antenna, as each unit is only set up to access a certain antenna or set of antennas. Too bad WYFR did not leave them a totally flexible antenna switching matrix (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Sun Jan 3 at 1411, WRMI with Mideastern music fill, and then other eclectic mix for rest of half hour; must have been a shock to the scheduled programmer at 1400 Sundays, `Living the Bible`; back to preaching at 1430, scheduled `Word for the World`. We always enjoy the music fill loop and wish there were some time to reliably hear it. And yes, 9955 still on at 1506 with more and more midday BS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5830 & 9475, Jan 3 at 1431, PPPP is missing from both night and day WTWW-1 frequencies, boo, hoo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 3975, Sunday Jan 3 at 0709 tune-in to organ music, but off a few seconds later, tail of VR`s Latin Mass starting at 0630, and before I had time to compare it to 6070 blocking CFRX. Sunrise in Roma today was 0638 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Jan 3 at 1434, R. Sana`a, ME music at S9+10, into yelling and dramatic music we`ve heard before; break for Maghrib sunset call to prayer at 1445:39. Right on: shows today`s sunset in Sana`a as 1445; Aden 1446. Here`s how it`s been timed the last few days: 

xxxxxxx   Jan 2 skipped! 
1442:54   Jan 1
1443:28.5 Dec 31
1441:56   Dec 30
1441:22.5 Dec 29

In case anyone can hear 11860 around sunrise, calls to prayer then should be circa 0322 for Aden, 0330 for Sana`a, a much wider disparity, so which one would be favored? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 2660, Jan 3 at 0703 UT check, JBA carrier as usual probably from KGLD Tyler TX, 2 x 1330, as previously IDed. Now someone else has reported it:

``Is this group still alive? Heard one early this morning at 0700 UT 1/1/2016 on 2660 kHz with a steady but very faint signal. Urban / black gospel music with no announcements until 0700 UT TOH when a faint "AM 13-30" was mentioned and then a set of even fainter call letters given. "KGLD" is the closest set of calls that I found that sound similar to what was given in the weak ID, no guarantees though.  Maybe others closer to the TX can check it out. No matching parallel here on 1330 at the time of reception. 73, (Tim Tromp, West Michigan, Perseus SDR + South D-KAZ, harmonics yg via DXLD)``

I replied: ``Tim, If you didn`t see my recent report about this, and came to such a tentative anyway, perhaps that makes it more likely.
73, Glenn Hauser [Viz.:]

UNIDENTIFIED. 2660, Dec 12 at 0111 UT, JBA AM carrier. It`s a frequency I always check during 2 MHz bandscans along with the Canadian Coast Guards. I continue to think it`s still the second harmonic of KGLD, Tyler TX, 2 x 1330, and claim to be the only DXer who ever definitely IDed it, a couple of years ago, but now it`s never strong enough to pull anything more than traces of audio. . .`` 

[as in DXLD 15-50; see also DXLD 15-33, 15-34, 15-35]

Then a follow-up report from him in ABDX yg: ``Heard early this morning at 0700 UT, very weak but steady and without distortion with urban or possibly black gospel music. A simple ID finally given at 0700 UT TOH "K-G-L-D, 13-30 AM". Very very faint copy. After repeated playbacks I'm fairly certain the calls are KGLD. I still need this one on 1330 but I heard no parallel when checking 1330 during this time. 73, Tim Tromp, West Michigan, Perseus SDR + South D-KAZ``

I don`t know if Tim collects QSLs, but I urge him and everyone in such cases NOT to try to get one from MW harmonix, unless they are causing harmful interference, and this certainly is not; lest, upon getting DX reports of it they be motivated to eliminate the harmonic and with it some of our neatest DX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1738 UT January 3