For 3 days there have been severe problems in the Perseus worldwide server map of Leaflet access.
Mostly only 13 servers are offered in the Leaflet map display worldwide.
But if you select a Perseus server somewhere in the world from an old URL address table entry, you get a positive connection to the given SDR remotedly still.
MYANMAR Likely some poor strings seen on 9730even kHz Yangoon and 9589.989 kHz likely Thazin Radio in northern Pyin Oo Lwin, or poor exciter signals seen? 09.00 UT Oct 4.
KUWAIT 7249.860 kHz Radio Kuwait Kabd in Persian, usually 08-10 UT, noted in Delhi Perseus, and Kuwait Kiwi server at 09.02 UT on Oct 4, S=9+20dB or -51dBm strong and powerful signal at Kuwait Kiwi #4 unit.
PAKISTAN 7264.860 kHz Surprisingly after a very long break time, I heard Azad Jammu/Kashmir Urdu/Kashmiri language service from Islamabad Rewat center today at 0905 UT on Oct 4 via Perseus Server Delhi remotedly. S=7-8 fair signal, 100 kW and other details visible according WRTH 2021 on page #307.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 4)