martedì 8 giugno 2021

Glenn Hauser logs June 7, 2021

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17895.070, June 7 at 1427, Qur`an at S3-S5 about equal to noise level; hardly anything else on 16m except their other frequency slightly minus from 17615, not measured (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, June 7 at 2200, REE English is good today, S9 with some fades to S6. Amy Egan first with what`s happening in Spain, about Catalan independence; Justin Coe later; at 2220 he starts to play Miles Davis` jazz version of `Concierto de Aranjuez` but I can`t stand to hear it with so much distortion (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830, June 7 at 2200, no signal from VOT English (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** UGANDA [non]. 15170.000, Monday June 7, I`m running late but bring up UTwente just in time at 1527.5 to confirm that the mystery station has been on the air again today as well as Sat & Sun, S9/+10, just hilife music fill until 1529*.

The question is, whether it will be any different on Day 3 = Tuesday per HFCC registration with a very different azimuth - from somewhere. Day 4 - Wednesday is the only day lacking either broadcast, according to that.

On June 4, I asked Alfredo Cotroneo of IRRS:

``Alfredo, Could you identify the service on 15170 at 1500 UT by name
and target, possibly contact info? Tnx, Glenn``

His reply June 7: Re: 15170 program
Alfredo Cotroneo <>

``Sorry, the broadcast is still under test, and the (legitimate organisation, not clandestine) client does not wish to make their name and address public for the time being.

Would you or any listener have any message, we will kindly relay it to them. Please email any message to with the **Explicit** request of the message to be forwarded to the producers. This is necessary for privacy/GDPR reasons for EU citizens.

Please refer to them when and if they provide a contact address during their broadcast. Best 73s. Alfredo``

James Careless noted in ODXA iog: FYI ...

Footer: ``© 2016-2021 Milano Ventures Ltd. | Directors: C. Corcoran, Y. Roman, A. Cotroneo (Italian) | Registered in Dublin, Ireland, No. 593079 | Tel. +353 1 9069231``

Yes, they have been operating out of Ireland for several years, suspected for tax reasons. On-air announcements never mention Ireland, and continue to give Milano postal address. While somewhere on their other website, it says not to be used. ``IRRS`` is conveniently ambiguous.

ROMANIA? Despite Dave Kenny`s hearing an RRI IS once at the end of a 15170 transmission, this is not necessarily conclusive! These are after all *tests* which may very well involve different transmitter sites on different occasions (gh)

Further discussion of this from the WOR iog:

Re: [WOR] Uganda broadcast 15170 kHz
Jun 7 at 11:08 AM

``My suspicion that the African language in Glenn's recording also was Lugandan. It was not Swahili because the sounding was different than Swahili language to my ears.

I tried to search one of the presenters mentioned Ibrahimi Kasatu/Casatu or similar.... but I found nothing until this time.

We shall not forget that the station is not necessarily a NUP party station but heavily leaning toward that party. Maybe their simpathizers are running the station until the fundings allows them to do. They are all amateurs in broadcasting, they don't know how to use microphone correctly or make humless audio, did you hear the deep electric hum at the beginning? Maybe a non-correctly shielded microphone or other non-shielded audio equipment caused it.

Hearing the available recordings (thanks for everyone for it) it seems that the music fragments under the speeches are from mobile phone as the phone rings (ring tone) and the music with which the mobile phone signals that it received a SMS or e-mail message. Tibor Gaal, Budapest, Hungary``

``Fair to poor at 1518 today in south-central British Columbia. Harold Sellers, Vernon, BC`` June 7

``The new Ugandan clandestine station on 15170 kHz at 1500 UT provided a fairly good signal into NB today (7 June). But somewhat stronger into the U. Twente SDR receiver. Recorded at both sites. Predominantly in English today with a bit of Luganda. Transmission started with a minute or so of an English-language (American-accented) news program before an IRRS, Milano, ID before the Ugandan program. Just a bit of music and at beginning and end of the program. The talk by Rashid Kasaato seemed to end at about 1520 and then there were two repeats of some parts of the talk before the closing music and transmitter sign-off at 1529. I did not hear mention on any website or e-mail address or station name. At one point the speaker said "... on this channel, we'll be letting you know when you should really tune in ..." But what is the channel called? -- Richard Langley`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 13089-USB, June 7 at 2210, robotic marine weather, slightly distorted on a USCG frequency, dealing only with forecasts of wind speeds and direxions, and ``seas``, i.e. how wavy; mentions area concerned as Atlantic waters between 19 and 22 degrees north, 55 and 65 west, i.e. north of the Leeward Islands. Surely it`s NMN Chesapeake VA, despite EiBi showing it at 2130-2205, and the only other station supposedly on at 2210 would be NRV Guam at 2130-2215 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2089 monitoring: Sunday June 6 at 2200 on WBCQ: ``Glenn, Yes, WOR did air in its entirety on 6160. Started a couple of minutes late but the entire program was heard. This is when I normally listen to WOR. John Carver, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0146 UT June 8