mercoledì 2 giugno 2021

Glenn Hauser logs +June 1-2, 2021

** CUBA [and non]. 11860, June 1 at 0419, beepery again on a Cuban jammer frequency vs Martí but which funxions only in the daytime. Now there are two different pitches from slightly different frequencies which are beating against the JBA spur carrier of RHC 11850 which is on 11860, so BFO not necessary to hear them. Pattern now is: very rapid strings of one tone, pause, alternating with same very rapid strings of the other tone. Too fast to count but estimated about 20 at a time. There is also a SAH from a second weak carrier on 11860, presumably the Sa`udi Yemeni, known to be slightly off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** JAPAN [non]. 9490, June 1 at 0406, Japanese with CCI from a LAH but no jamming. NHK is relayed 0300-0500 via Nauen, GERMANY for Mideast but only other listee at this hour is Tibet. Radio República relay via FRANCE is supposed to be over at 0200, but Issoudun is known to be off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. On 5/31/21 10:26 PM, Glenn Hauser wrote: ``95.3, May 31 at 2225 UT and continually, KOKC OKC talk is solid; hard to believe it`s just a 250-watt translator K237GE of 10 kW 1520; but it does have high-tower advantage, I think, tho WTFDA has default 0.0 entries for HAAT!`` --- Doug Smith replies on the WTFDA gg:

An FM translator can (often does) have *twelve* HAATs and for that reason, most don't have a HAAT entry in the FCC database.

(For full-power stations, "average terrain" is calculated along eight radials, every 45 degrees, around the tower; then, all eight radials are averaged. For translators, twelve radials are used -- and the highest radial determines the maximum permissible power.)

You can calculate the HAAT of a translator (or any other station) on this page:

It has no legal standing but allows you to compare a translator's coverage to a full-power station's on an equal basis`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 15170.061, June 1 at 0425, S8-S9 of Arabic, 0427 Qur`an. We are now getting into summer solstitial `midnite sun` propagation mode of higher `night` MUFs due to increased insolation of high-latitude paths such as this, which peaks about 62 degrees, almost reaching Reykjavík. Scheduled 0300-0600, the only 15170 station anywhen. Previous summers this has attained soporific status, but more sunspots would be helpful. Typically skewed Riyadh frequency.

Several other JBA carriers on 19m band now, and even one on 17530 at 0431: but that would be low-latitude T-E MWV Madagascar in Chinese.

15170+, next night June 2: 0316 continuous Qur`an S9 fluttery to S7, soporific enough until 0359 announcement and A.S. ID, then mostly talk and weakening. A lot more carriers on 19m now, surely all except 15230 Cuba originating in the dayside, Afroeurasia. Sesqui-decades ago, 15170 would have been Tahiti (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Re WORLD OF RADIO 2088 monitoring: Correxion: 6159.905, not 6159.105; fixed: Also confirmed Sun May 30 from 2200.1 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6159.905 as measured by NA5B remote in MD, S7-S5 but sounds VG signal. IS & ID loop from 2158 tune-in, other music across hourtop before WOR start.

1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Chris Campbell, OH, for a contribution via PayPal [in US funds but not necessarily], to woradio at and comments, ``Thanks for the weekly information. I can't tell you how many times you turned me on to great DX. I try to give periodically for your efforts.``

Or by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9940, June 1 at 0335, WTWW on here and // 5085 with rock song ``My Mother-in-Law``. 5085 is known as WTWW-2 but so is 9940 new ex-9930. A test, I guess. Neither of the WTWW-1 frequencies is on now, 5830 & 9475, so could be #1 transmitter on #2 frequency? Or what about the #3 transmitter? Hardly ever active on registered 12105 or 15810. Would be of interest if anyone ever hear WTWW on any three frequencies at once. Tnx to tip from Jorge Freitas, Bahia, Brasil who noted the duoply at 0253-0313. Next night, June 2 at 0040 check, only 5085 is on, with rock, a bit early for a weekday; and still solo at 0110 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 28204-CW, June 1 at 1523, beacon W0WF/B, JBA I copied as W9WF/B, but this one is listed by WJ5O: ``28.204 WØWF * SAINT CHARLES, MISSOURI # 20W, VERTICAL (*) Daylight New 16 June 14`` ``W0WF USA flag USA, JERRY D WATTS, SAINT CHARLES, MO 63303. IF YOU COPY MY BEACON ON 28.204 PLEASE E-MAIL ME A SIGNAL REPORT AND YOUR LOCATION TO W0WF.B@AOL.COM``

There is also an even weaker one slightly lower between 28203 and 28204, perhaps 28203.3, WB9OTX, Versailles IN I have logged recently.

28199.5-CW, June 1 at 1527, DE WA4OTD/B CARMEL, IN. This is the one still listed on wrong frequency by WJ5O, 27288.8 with 5 watts; stronger than W0WF now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Re: ``93.1, May 31 at 2223 UT, ``93.1, The ---`` sounds like one syllable. I have to cope with marginal KS and OK signals not DX and this may be one of them rather than usual dominant ``My 93.1`` KHMY in Pratt KS. WTFDA Database shows no OK or KS with a The --- slogan, so maybe skip but not enough data!

Dave Hascall replies on the WTFDA gg: ``Hi Glenn. Could your 93.1 be Lima Ohio, The Fan? Dave in Indy`` --- Could, but too many other possibilities and at this time I was getting Manitoba/Ontario. That`s WWSR, only 3/3 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0450 UT June 2