martedì 19 novembre 2019

Wolfgang Bueschel observations

6210.003 kHz It is definitely from Tehran, Iran. 18.00 UT
S=9+30dB here in CeEUR,

and underneath seemingly COD R Kahuzi on even 6210 kHz, at same time.

// 6060.002 kHz IRIB Arabic via Zahedan site too,
til 0230 UT, S=9+20dB carrier strong, but undermodulated signal towards

6110.004 Powerhouse IRIB Bosnian S=9+20dB 1720-1820 UT.

6055.003 Some S=8-9 signal IRIB Sirjan in German, female presenter heard.
Well ahead of CRI Albania Cerrik relay underneath,
CRI in French on even 6055 kHz.

73 wb  df5sx