mercoledì 20 novembre 2019

Iran International Radio TV on shortwave and mediumwave

ARMENIA/IRAN   Persian IRAN INTERNATIONAL TV audio relay via 1395 kHz Yerevan Gavar site, and via 6210.000 even kHz, - probably also via Yerevan Gavar relay site (and jammed-covered by IRIB Arabic Sirjan program on 6210.003 kHz).

Confirms the station ID IRAN INTERNATIONAL, I heard at 21.02 UT on shortwave 6210 kHz at Kiwi SDR rx in Kuwait

with Kiwi SDR rx net at Kuwait

Persian / Farsi program on 6210 kHz

Hotbird 13C 11373 horizontal MPEG4 27500 VPID 5011

Hotbird 13B 12322 horizontal MPEG2 27500 VPID 8101

Between 00.30 and 01.00 UT I checked the IRAN INTERNATIONAL TV
program on 12322H Hotbird 13B signal

against SW 6210 kHz, latter shortwave  signal was 39 seconds later than TV.   S=9+40dB or -38dBm signal strength.

against MW 1395 kHz, latter mediumwave signal was 42 seconds later than TV.
S=9+30dB in Mauno's place in Finland.

73 wb