We're in the midst of a government shutdown that won't be resolved before Thursday at the earliest. I got designated non-excepted this time so I don't have to report for duty. The last two rounds of this at the start of the year had me designated excepted and required to report for duty at IRS staffing the phone lines.
According to a check of the K3FEF websdr it appears WWV is still up and running on at least 5 MHz. When I looked at NIST's shutdown plan, there aren't too many people designated excepted at the Boulder office. The equipment is on auto-pilot and there won't be anybody immediately nearby if something breaks. If anybody notices something wrong like the transmitter going off the air please notify Megacenter at 1-877-4FPS-411 and they'll hopefully relay something to the right people.
On the good side, I've got plenty of time to catch DX now that I'm on unpaid furlough until further notice. Hopefully I'm not on unpaid furlough too long to be unable to pay the bills. I've also got some "stealth antenna" building to do now that I've got some time.