sabato 29 dicembre 2018

AIR Mumbai vagabunding transmission in Urdu at 00.25-04.30 UT

INDIA  re AIR Mumbai vagabunding transmission in Urdu at 00.25-04.30 UT.

Noted today a rather weak signal probably Urdu transmission on
6911.993 kHz at S=7 signal at 04.01 UT on Delhi SDR remote unit.


Noted an 15 minute extension or special Christmas broadcast(?) by
TWR Africa also in the 03.45 til 03.59:45 UT time range.
Heard many 'Jesus' preaching items in probably Oromo language ?

All TWR Africa schedules in A-18 and B-18 season, in HFCC, Aoki Nagoya list
show the TWR Africa towards Ethiopia/Eritrea outlet
on various languages like Amharic, Oromo and Sidamo,
only during 15 minutes duration in 03.30-03.45 UT slot.

Today morning the UAE Al Dhabbaya tx was slightly odd fq on 7244.991 kHz.
Heard the Babcock control room cello music over and over again
even from 03.20 UT onwards, S=9+25dB in Delhi.
Bad fq selection by TWR Africa FMO though.
Much terrible audio mixture co-channel
with Tajik R Yangi-Yul on even 7245 kHz, same audio signal level.

Other to mention from morning log 02.15 til 04.00 UT

5839.992 DNK  WMR Latin AM mx S=9+5 at 0215 UT, Ireland SDR unit used.
5829.986 USA  WTWW S=9+15 in Sligo Ireland,
         but contain 60 Hertz deep BUZZ signal too !
4760.008 UNID peak signal poor, maybe AIR Port Blair ?
4820even CHN  V E R Y  F A U L T Y  audio buzz signal from Lhasa Tibet
         seven x 100 Hertz apart distance signals visible either
         sideband, by PBS Xizang Mandarin Chinese px.
4869.906 much  o d d  fq of AIR Kingsway? outlet as AIR Urdu sce,
         at 0232 UT, I guess the HolyQuran presenting prayer
         read/sung by female voice ?
4949.741 AGL  Mulenvos weak and tiny these days,  0236 UT S=6-7
         two UTE signals co-channel too 4949.990 and 4950.006 kHz.
5009.935 MDG  Malagasy R poor S=6 in Sligo Ireland, at 0240 UT.

and now logs from Cape Canaveral Florida state.
5025even CUB  R Rebelde, distorted overmodulated audio. S=9+20 in IRL.
5040even CUB  RHC Bauta, S=9+15db, talk in Spanish on Venezuela
5085even USA  WTWW still Christmas music played, S=9+15dB at 0244 UT.
5130.411 USA  WBCQ guitar mx/singer px, 0245 UT
6050.001 EQA  HCJB QUITO, Sp, fluttery S=6 in IRL at 0255 UT.
6065.007 Probably MDG, Talata Volonondry, S=5-6 signal,
         poor AWR program start at 0300 UT (need further check, wb.)
6105even F__  NHK Radion Japan in Japanese, female presenter, powerful
         out of TDF Issoudun France relay, S=9+35dB or -35dBm strong.

all RHC okay on 6000, 6060, and 6165 kHz mostly S=9+30dB powerful.

6185.011 kHz upper side of the channel now, R Educacion Mexico D.F.
         fluttery S=8-9 signal at 0311 UT on Dec 29.
7730even USA  WRMI, Brother Stair Overcomer Ministry sermon, 0313 UT
         S=9+25dB, and also \\
7570even USA  WRMI, Brother Stair Overcomer Ministry sermon, 0314 UT
         S=9+30dB powerful, 11.2 kHz broadband audio signal here,
         talk on Christmas.
7504.997 USA  WRNO not in Chinese, but English sermon heard,
         at 0316 UT, about future of Israel, Jewish people and brothers.
         Little distorted audio noted in the feed path,
         like transformed scratching digital audio on phone line ?
7485even MDA  Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac,
         very early on air around 03.17 UT,
         to warm-up their bcast center and staff during wintertime, hi.
         Scheduled from 03.30-04.30 UT, BBC Persian, instead heard an
         1025 Hertz tone in 03.19-03.29 UT slot, then BBC Persian started
7385.003 USA  WHRI En sermon, S=9+50dB powerhouse in Cape Canaveral, FL.
         0321 UT, gifts for the children, St. Nikolaus theme.
7314.997 USA  WHRI pop mx px, (not Lester Sumrall) at 03.23 UT,
         also S=9+50dB powerhouse in FL state remote SDR.
         10 kHz wide audio broadband, excellent audio quality,
         seemingly the best sounded transmitter unit in Cypress Creek ?

and at Delhi and Qatar remoted SDR again:
7430.009 IND  AIR Mumbai, S=9+25dB signal at 03.37 UT.
7420.004 IND  AIR Hyderabad px, flute mx at 03.38 UT, S=9+20dB.
7289.994 IND  AIR Chennai, Hindi, S=6-7 only, maybe under skip zone ?
7270.003 IND  AIR ?, pop mx S=9+20dB power, 03.42 UT
7140.020 ERI  Asmara S=6-7 poor signal into Qatar remote, SDR, 03.47 UT
         not 7180v on air this morning. Only Omdurman SDN on 7205 kHz.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 29)