** ARGENTINA [non]. 5950 // 9395, Fri Dec 28 at 2240, WRMI in Italian mentioning Buenos Aires --- and also // 7780. So the RAE relay gets three transmitters this hour today (four if you count Spanish on 5010 only). Transmission skedgrid shows RAE Italian supposed to be on 7780 only, while 5950 & 9395 are supposed to be on WRN in the 22-23 hour (which had been DW in English). The program grids find RAE Italian only on System G (primarily Oldies) at 22-23 Mon-Fri on 7780 and 9395, but not 5950 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 12000, Dec 29 at 0552, RHC English is S9, so is this an harmonic of 6000, or intentional; or harmonic but deliberately not filtered out? I check 2 X all the other 6 MHz frequencies and no trace of harmonix from them: 12330, 12200, 12120.
At this hour English on 6000 & 6165 only; Spanish on weak 6100, strong 6060 & 5040. 0602 recheck, the last three have also switched to English, so 0600 is the nominal changeover time, at least tonight. I`m managing to doze before 0700 lately so unchecked which if any stay on another hour. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ERITREA [non]. 17545, Sat Dec 29 at 1529, talk and HOA music, best yet but still VP from the new clandestine at 15-16 Sat only via FRANCE. We still don`t have definite info about its name, source or mission, but Dave Kenny, UK, reported last week Dec 22:
``Not audible locally here in UK but heard again with a good signal on the TWR South Africa SDR. Opened at 1500 with Horn of Africa music, s/on ID and talks in vernacular (Tigrinya?). ID sounded like "Hababa Radio Samood", Language switched to Arabic at 1520 UT; Arabic ID (as last week) was "Idaat Sawt Alsmood" - or something like that. 73s Dave`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 9690, Fri Dec 28 at 2301, I finally settle in to listen to M/W/F English from REE --- but already playing music, flamenco, and more music for the semihour, except for brief English ID at 2302, ``You are listening to the English language program of Spanish National Radio`` (not REE), and on to a song about Nochebuena. 2320 A Spanish REE ID inserted, so how is this really the ``English`` service, no spoken programming, rather music in Spanish? 2325 multi-lingual Happy New Year wishes. All four frequencies audible: // 12030 is as VG as 9690; 11940 good; 11685 quite weaker (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 5960, Dec 28 at 2301, no signal from VOT English to N America. Dozy sloppyrator at Emirler probably forgot to change frequency from previous broadcast, but I don`t have time to go hunting for it nor check whether 5960 appear belatedly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1962 monitoring: missed checking Sat Dec 29 at 1200 on Unique/WINB 9265 and new 1230 on WRMI 9955. Got to sleep sometime. Anyone hear them?
Not confirmed Saturday Dec 29 at 1531 on HLR 9485-CUSB; no signal here, but a JBA carrier at UTwente SDR; and WOR may have been holiday pre-empted again this week, anyway.
Confirmed NOT on WRMI 5950, Sat Dec 29 at 1715; is supposed to be carrying WRN at 15-18 UT, which would include WOR at 1700 Sat. Finally I am able to pull enough JBA signal to tell that it`s something in Spanish and with bits of music. At least no WOR today: per other obs, what`s really on 5950 is quite unpredictable with skedgrids ignored.
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM non-direxional
2200 UT Saturday WRMI *9955 to SSE [NEW]
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND
0830 UT Sunday WRMI 5850 to NW, 5950 to WNW, 7730 to WNW
1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to WSW
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ *5130v Area 51 to WSW
0430 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE
0930 UT Monday Unique 5045-LSB low-power NSW Australia
2330 UT Monday WRMI *9955 to SSE [OR, I hope, NEW #1963]
* also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at:
Complete updated WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM:
** U S A. 5950 // 9395, Fri Dec 28 at 2240, WRMI in Italian mentioning Buenos Aires --- and also // 7780. So the RAE relay gets three transmitters this hour today (four if you count Spanish on 5010 only). Transmission skedgrid shows RAE Italian supposed to be on 7780 only, while 5950 & 9395 are supposed to be on WRN in the 22-23 hour (which had been DW in English). The program grids find RAE Italian only on System G (primarily Oldies) at 22-23 Mon-Fri on 7780 and 9395, but not 5950.
So what will happen at 2300 today Fri Dec 28? 9395 // 5950 switch to SMTV where it is *not* scheduled. 7780 switches to Blalock the Blaster, `Full Gospel Hour` [sic] where it had been nominally for some time, 2300-2330 only. You never know what these frequencies will be carrying at the same hours from one day to the next.
0500-0700 UT is another span when WRMI runs different programming from one night to the next. UT Sat Dec 29 at 0552, Oldies on 5950 // much stronger S9+10 9395. 0556 VOA News starts --- oh2, 5 minute segment likely to get chopped short at hourtop --- but no, allowed to continue to conclusion 0601, commercial, and more Oldies on both.
BTW, checking the WRMI System B program skedgrid Dec 29, I see: `Media Netework Plus` [sic] Tuesdays at 6-7 pm EST = 23-24 UT, AND `Media Network +` [sic] Wednesdays at the same time --- and during this hour only, 5950 is supposed to duplicate 9955. MN+ on the skeds does not necessarily mean that particular program, but anything from PCJ Radio International; I have not tried to hear what (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5130.4, UT Sat Dec 28 at 0058, WBCQ with `Analog Telephone Show` ending with website something like analogtelephonesystemsshow.web.com but that doesn`t work nor any variations I try. What is it correctly? Includes lots of recordings of intercepts, tones, switching sounds of years ago, phone-phreaking I would like to hear. But reception here is too poor to get much out of it, UT Sats at 00-01. NOT on the WBCQ sked. And not part of Area 51 so assume it is not webcast. At 0059 a bit of switching confusion, seemingly about to go AWWW but instead on to `Intelligence Report` with Michigan militia guy Mark Koernke who is back in business after many years` silence.
7490.19 at 0100 Dec 29 is starting `Allan Weiner Worldwide`, stronger than // 9330.004, almost on-frequency! Both these were much stronger an hour ago but are fading down now, so over to John Carver`s report on AWWW:
``Dead air this evening on 7490 at the top of the hour but soon the familiar strains of the theme song start. Allan in the studio in FLA by himself this evening as Angela is off on her own. Allan lamenting the end of the year, referring to it as the year of the moonbat.
First phone call at 0106 from a gruff caller who probably could be called a moonbat. Complaining about the Cubans, Russians and commies in general who are taking over our government. Meanwhile an annoying, pumping hiss in the background of the audio. Freddie calls at 0121 and the topics go all over the place. Strange show this evening. The usual support for Trump but also warnings again from Allan about the coming year and possible financial problems. Urges everyone listening to have at least two weeks worth of food, water, fuel and money along with weapons to defend it.
After phone call Allan states that he and Angela will be back in Maine by the middle of February so that he, Tom and Timtron can begin work on installing the transmitter for the superstation. New on the air date for the new station is July 1st with some testing earlier in the year. He also stated that most of the work on the 3265 transmitter is done now and once it's up he might run it 24/7.
Another pro Trump phone call. The caller does state that 9330 is working this evening as that's what he's listening on. Freddie calls again at 0150 to say that he agrees with the previous caller and more Trump talk ensues. Reading of the Free Radio Report at 0156 and closing prayer at 0159. Program was off the air at 0201. 7490 was also off the air shortly after that. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5970, Dec 29 at 0552, WEWN Spanish is back, after missing for a few nights (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report despatched at 1837 UT December 29