lunedì 31 dicembre 2018

Uncle Bill's Rockless NYE Special now on air

FTIOM, UBMP & Uncle Bill's Rockless NYE Special

Uncle Bill's Rockless New Year's Eve Special:

Unusual new year's customs and music from around the world.
A. For Europe: Monday, December 31, 1800-1900 UTC
on Spaceline, 9400kHz from Bulgaria

B. For the Americas and portions of Europe: Midnight, December 31 (0000-0100 UTC Tuesday, or 7-8pm Eastern Time US) on WBCQ 5130 kHz

From the Isle of Music, December 30-January 5:

This week, we celebrate the new year with a Cuban dance party including some new music that most of you have not heard before plus great music from past decades.
The broadcasts take place:

1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Kostinbrod, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)

2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0100-0200 UTC (New UTC) on WBCQ, 7490 KHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US). This has been audible in parts of NW, Central and Southern Europe with an excellent skip to Italy recently.

3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1200-1300 UTC (New CETs) on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany.

SPECIAL: Uncle Bill's Melting Pot AND
Uncle Bill's Rockless New Year's Eve Special:

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, Dec 30 2018 & Jan 1, 2019
Episode 94 presents music from Senegal

A. Sunday 2300-2330 UTC (6:00PM -6:30PM Eastern US) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 KHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe

B. Tuesday 2000-2030 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.  If current propagation conditions hold, the broadcast should reach Iceland AND Western Russia due to a long skip.

Happy New Year!

William "Bill" Tilford, Owner/Producer
Tilford Productions, LLC