On December
31st we'll be waving goodbye to 1008 (100kW) from Holland and RTBF International
on 621 (300kW) from Belgium. In the case of 1008 kHz:
December 31st only for UK/Ireland/Portugal, https://www.grootnieuwsradio.nl/k/n663/news/view/115687/41482/vanaf-22-30-oudejaarsuitzending-met-hans.html
now says that they will wave goodbye to mediumwave at 01:00 (CET of course, =
0000 UTC). In Belgium things could get really interesting, considering
that during the last days the 621 kHz carrier again stayed on air all night
long. And once more: In no way this signal is still run with 300 kW. A two-digit
figure appears to be realistic. (Kai Ludwig via WOR io group)