CUBA Yes, Radio Rebelde 5025 kHz is back on air, when checked at 06 UT.
Same carrier strength like Bauta 5040 kHz 22 kHz wide !,
but less modulated,
? due to TX break yesterday night occurence - dropped down the mod now ?
'Condor Pasa' theme heard at 0552 UT. 20 kHz wideband audio signal.
some other logs this morning Dec 31:
5950 USA WRMI extreme weak S=5-6 signal from Okeechobee here on that
channel, seemingly decreased to only 10 kW of power
- or total different antenna azimuth ?,
compared to other RMI outlet's these days.
9395 kHz Oldies via WRMI heard at 0600-0610 UT. S=9+20dB on NJ/NY states.
5829.986 kHz WTWW En sermon, 0556 UT.
7505.005 USA WRNO, Mandarin Chinese sermon at 0606 UT on Dec 31,
S=9+25dB signal in NJ-US,
few 'Jesus' mentions could be recognized talking.
UNID 5019.998 kHz signal string visible on remotes in Edmonton Alberta
(thanks Don Moman VE6JY ! ), and in MI,NY,NJ states also.
Could it be Solomons Isl radio again ? 0634 UT Dec 31.
UNID 4915.130 kHz at 0548 UT, BRA station ?
UNID 6089.995 kHz noted at 06.51 UT in Ireland remote Atlantic Ocean coast.
Maybe Ethiopian drifted down ?
EQUATORIAL GUINEA 5005even, fair S=6 signal into NJ US,
RNacional Bata heard female Spanish presenter at 0550 UT.
CUBA 5999.999 kHz QUIVICAN San Felipe TITAN 250 kW outlet,
Arnie Coro's DXers Unlimited noted 0616 to 0623 UT,
S=9+30dB in NJ New Jersey, S=9+55dB in Edmonton Alberta CAN.
\\ 6165 S=9+15dB - but underneath co-ch NHK Radio Japan Tokyo Arabic sce
from TDF Issoudun relay equal level in NJ-US. S=9+65 powerhouse in Alb-CAN.
6100 kHz best audio in NY/NJ S=9+30dB, S=9+55dB in Alberta CAN,
6060.003 kHz S=9+5dB fluttery. S=9+60dB in Alb-CAN.
5040 kHz distorted audio quality, overmodulated, S=9+25dB in NJ,
S=9+55dB in Alb-CAN
Prof. Arnaldo Coro presenter of radio hobby px _DXers Unlimited'
til 06.22:55 UT, then followed by Mailbag Show,
'write to Radio Habana Cuba, P.O.Box 6240, Havanna, Cuba.'.
More than 6000 e- and snail mail letters received at Habana in 2018 year.
Lots of New Year greetings received from all over the world,
and also especially from US blockade country, from all US states.
Dan Henderson' mail from SC was mentioned as example...
Economic blockade states USA and Israel mentioned ...
9700.005 kHz TUR TRT Emirler Turkish S=7 at 0611 UT
5939.697 BRA Voz Miss., S=7 at 0614 UT,
heavy splash from adjacent WWCR 5935 S=9+30dB,
latter best audio quality US station these days on shortwave.
Few Ascension Island bcast center relays noted:
5960even R Ndarason Internat, S=9+20dB,
but co-ch Radio Kuwait hundreds Hz odd heterodyne ...
6005even strongest ASC into Europe, S=9+30dB,
BBCWS sports review 2018, Tiger Woods, Wimbledon Tennis etc.
5975even BBC Hausa px, S=9,
7305even BBC Hausa px, S=9+15dB.
7345even BBC WS En classical music px, and Star Wars song mentioned,
but suffered by ROU RRI European services in En and German
Very bad fq selection request by Babcock and RadioCom Romania FMO's
at the HFCC conference.
Lot's of nearby empty fq channels seen in 41 meterband at same time.
NIGERIA 7254.940 kHz at 0702 UT on Dec 31.
Abuja Voice of Nigeria appeared on the band,
but only S=5 signal in central Europe. Female presenter read nx.
and hospit. R Kaduna Nigeria program via TDF Issoudun relay
rental time block at 06.57 UT at S=9+35dB level,
strength depend how far the remote SDR rx post is in distance
to ISS antenna location - here in Europe.
At night made it to Europe at S=7 level:
7496even kHz Voice of Tibet via Yangi Yul TJK 2300-2330 UT Dec 30
did need 5 seconds to switch / move 12 kHz down to
7484even kHz Voice of Tibet via Yangi Yul TJK 2330-2400 UT Dec 30
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 31)