domenica 1 novembre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs October 31-November 1, 2015

** ALBANIA. 7465, Oct 31 at 2123 check, R. Tirana, English to Europe is very poor here, but presumably better along the east coast and should incrementally improve as we get into earliest Solstice sunset.

7465, Nov 1 at 0017, music in Albanian service of R. Tirana, makes S9+10, no QRM.

7470, Nov 1 at 0229, R. Tirana IS on second night of testing, S9+15v, 0230 sign-on, again sounds like she says ``7426``, instead of 7425, the original frequency for this broadcast; could she be reading a typo?? Band is noisy but somewhat better than last night, and the important thing is still no adjacent or co-channel interference on 7470; 0238 into segment about economic growth in 2015, quoting the World Bank.

7425, meanwhile I was checking at 0227 when the Vatican Radio IS was mixing with béisbol from Radio Martí, as provided by Greenville intermodulation 7305/7365/7425. But VR stops at 0230, shortly 7305 transmitter off and with it the mix on 7425. Well, before I have heard it continuing past 0230 and scheduling is until 0245, possibly depending on day of week, or whim at the See. 

R. Tirana should stay safely away on clear 7470. Normally it skips UT Mondays, but possibly may test again this week in 24 hours? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 5403.5-USB, Nov 1 at 0010, Bob, VE1YX, 100 miles west of Halifax in NS, making quick contacts almost at the contesting level, preferring Europeans such as MM4GGI, M5AFG (not heard), while KA0DWR (YATES, DONALD L, KA0DWR, SPRINGFIELD, MO 65802) tries to reach him, then hooks up W3FOX with M5AFG (or was it N5-?). Also CW QRM from someone calling CQDX. See also USA.

5346.5-USB, Nov 1 at 0009, more ham activity here on another discrete ``60 meter`` frequency, someone about to QSY to ``channel 5`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CHINA. 15840, Nov 1 at 0035, Chinese at S5 --- must be a CNR1 jammer, since there is no B-15 legit registration, and A-15 Aoki showed it as a 100-watt Sound of Hope *nuisance frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9900, Oct 31 at 2119, extremely distorted talk, presumably English, as the intonation seems like it, as scheduled for R. Cairo to Europe at 2115-2245, instead of alternate 9800.

9965.0, Nov 1 at 0027, R. Cairo, overmodulated & distorted, plus whine, but I can tell it is in English with sign-off announcement, 0028 music. So the first broadcast to North America at 2300 is still on the air, even if the second at 0200 is not --- at least not found on any listed or other frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, Nov 1 at 0022, mentions BBC World Service, and All India Radio, 0022 outroing a ``BBC produxion``, at odd time, into autotune music. It`s not BBC but AIR GOS in English, 500 kW, 90 degrees from Bengaluru at 2230-0045 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 6110, Oct 31 at 2359 music into Chinese talk at 0000 Nov 1, poor at only S9+10. I`m about to conclude it`s China, rather Tibet as in Lhasa, scheduled almost 24 hours here, until I see HFCC B-15 also with IRIB in Mandarin, 500 kW, 75 degrees from Sirjan at 2320-0020, and Lhasa is supposed to be in Tibetan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 11665, Oct 31 at 2116, J-pop and Japanese announcement from NHK, back here for B-15 at 21-23, fair signal. Presumably will collide with Malaysia after 2200, but avoids 11670 India, and soon, 11670 Cuba (what`s wrong with RHC staying on legacy 11760 at 1900-2130? Nothing else known there) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 730, Nov 1 at 0048, W and then M with extremely rapid-fire long list of addresses and phone numbers. I don`t see how even a native speaker could possibly copy or remember them at that rate, without taping and transcribing. Mentions Zaragoza several times, but that`s a ubiquitous Mexican name; e.g. suburb of Juárez, but this is probably the only Chihuahuan, far from there, and the usual dominator of 730, XEHB in Parral, as it loops roughly southwest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1560, Nov 1 at 0041, gospel huxter in Spanish, roughly east-west, very poor, 0042 into song and soon lost. Only SS:REL in NRC AM Log is KVAN in Washington, no way; so how about México? Yes, XEJPV in Ciudad Juárez, is RELigious per IRCA Log. And per my log of over a year ago: ```1560, Oct 21 at 0547 UT, ``Radio Viva, 100% música cristiana``, i.e. XEJPV``` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7395, Oct 31 at 2348 bears R. Romania International, S9+ but very poor with noise, bits of jamming on the side. It`s aimed eastward, after all, but apparently because of this 23-24 transmission, The Mighty KBC via GERMANY is already gone from its new frequency, moved without notice to 7350, as quickly reported by those who have a stake in it, near-Washingtonians Kim Elliott and Kraig Krist. 

This will also avoid another collision, with BBC on 7395 at 0100-0130 which others have noted. But what about 7350? I`ve been hearing a weak signal from CRI English via East Turkistan, scheduled 0000-0200, but not a problem tonight with very strong signal from KBC, S9+40 at my first check 2348. At 0000 UT November 1, `The Giant Jukebox` is starting with Eric van Willigen; he refers to the previous hour having been `The Dave Macon Show`, from America? 0101, Part two of the G.J., still no CRI CCI audible. Eric may well have mentioned the frequency change when I wasn`t listening; or was it news to him too, imposed by MBR? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** NICARAGUA. 8989-USB, Oct 31 at 2351, pescador preacher is S4 with usual ``Señor`` stuff (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6955-USB, Oct 31 at 2350, pirate music at S9+25 --- bet I know what it is --- yes, Wolverine Radio ID at 0003 Nov 1; 0016, pause for SSTV beeps; 0018 back to a song; 0036 weird sounds for Hallowe`en. Lotsa logs here, one saying it`s reaching a remote receiver in Qatar:

** NORTH AMERICA. 6975-AM, Nov 1 at 0233, music but mostly talk, S6 very weak vs noise. But it was hugely logged elsewhere until 0318* as X-FM:
It started at 0035, but I was not hearing it during earlier bandscans (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6955-AM, Nov 1 at 0235, very poor music, S5, and since it`s AM, presumably not Wolverine Radio as much stronger and earlier in USB. A few reports from coast to coast say it was Radio True North:

** OKLAHOMA. 960, Oct 31 at 0655 UT I find that local KGWA is open carrier/dead air except for some hum, so dare to turn up the volume and try to ID something else with the carrier nulled as much as possible, but cannot, not even KGWA, until modulation slams back on at 0700 UT for Fox ``news``. So it`s a Fox non-hole, contrary to what we used to enjoy intermittently at local midnite for 5 minutes, but not any more at random chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESET)

** SLOVAKIA [non]. 7570, Oct 31 at 2121, WRMI with report about launching balloons to study the Perseid meteor shower, mentions Slovakia --- yes, it`s RSI now scheduled on 7570 at 2100-2130 Sat & Sun only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** THAILAND. 13745, Nov 1 at 0056, JBA carrier in heavy splash from 13740 RHC, presumably R. Thailand, English to North America, not a good choice as long as RHC is adjacent in a band with plenty of openings. Unfortunately, Arnie plans to keep 13740 at 22-05 UT in B-15. Of course, HSK9 has to do a lot better than JBA even with no QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 9460, Oct 31 at 0625, BBCWS in English is good here, tho at 65 degrees from ASCENSION, during this hour only, ex-7445 in the A-season, which remains in use during the previous hour with even better signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5403.5-USB, Nov 1 at 0037, W3FOX is calling CQDX (David M Fox, in Arnold, Maryland); very poor signal; also someone calling CQDX in CW. See also CANADA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15580, Sat Oct 31 at 2105, VOA News in English gives way to nondescript rock music, presumably from VOA Music Mix, VG signal as the only hour left in English via Greenville. Too bad it`s not an hour earlier when I suppose `Music Time in Africa` still airs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1797 monitoring: confirmed from 1531 UT Sat Oct 31 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB, as heard via UTwente SDR (and a few minutes earlier, gh with the propagation report on Media Network Plus). There is lite CCI from CRI in Hindi via Kashgar, East Turkistan, which was not the case when checked in late A-15, and HLR programming was one hour earlier, altho then and now CRI was also scheduled on same parameters in Sinhala at 14-15. 

Also confirmed on WA0RCR, Missouri, 1860-AM, UT Sunday Nov 1 at 0345 at 23 minutes into show, so started circa 0322. From next week, nominal time is 0415 (and previous airing in daytime, Saturday 2030v).
Sun 2300   WRMI 11580 to NE
Remainder are [DST unshift now]:
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A. 7455, Nov 1 at 0102, WRMI is open carrier/dead air instead of TruNews, just some hum and the RTTY QRM. TN is OK on its other frequencies 5850 and 9395. 0111, still DA on 7455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Oct 31 at 2114, WTWW-3 with open carrier/dead air. I leave a receiver on 12105 for the next 4 hours while otherwise occupied, and no modulation ever starts, as Ted wastes at least 400 kWh of juice which his employer, Scriptures for America will have to pay the bill for --- but then, maybe the Bible Worldwide ministry will still be billed for and pay more than enough for this airtime, clueless that nothing was transmitted, as we have noted frequently on this transmitter. Boo hoo, I find this ``programming`` much more interesting than anything else on WTWW-3. Specific later chex of same: DA at 2318 Oct 31, measured on 12104.97 at S9+25; at 0056 UT Nov 1, DA, down to S3 and CODAR QRM.

9475, meanwhile, WTWW-1 was modulating normally thruout.

5085, WTWW-2 not on the air before 0000 (nor 9930), but at 0008 it`s starting an `Unshackled` episode, and another must have followed (Ted imposing reverb to give it more ``depth``), as wrapping up at 0103; 0105, ``WTWW brings you – an exclusive Hallowe`en Unshackled``, as must have dredged up from huge archive episode(s) on that theme (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Correxion: the upper spur is circa 15965, not 15695:

15680-15690 & circa 15965, Oct 30 at 2040, WWCR scratchy spurs are audible // very strong fundamental 15825 at modulation spikes, plus and minus about 140 kHz. No doubt they are always radiated, but this path is getting a sporadic E boost, as evidenced by 10m ham maps, but not 6m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 4880.0, Nov 1 at 0006, very poor carrier at S6, no modulation heard. No Latin Americans here, but Aoki shows only AIR Lucknow, India, opening at 0025. But it`s pretty steady, maybe something closer, like an harmonic, 4 x 1220 or 8 x 610 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11930, Oct 31 at 0628, the residual Cuban pulse jamming here against R. Martí which uses 11930 only during the daytime, is now accompanied by intermittent carriers cutting on and off quickly and irregularly. The are at several different displacements from 11930.0 which means with BFO we hear a variety of tones; and if we zero-in on one of them, the pitch of the others naturally changes. Not CW, but I wonder if these are nevertheless conveying some intelligence, as part of the Dentro Cuban Jamming Command, and the DGI Spy Numbers Stations. I had the same thing around 11930 several months ago. Or just random bleeps out of the jammers in addition to pure noise? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0531 UT November 1