martedì 3 novembre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs November 2-3, 2015

** ALBANIA [and non]. Did not check UT Monday Nov 2 at 0230 on 7470, since I assumed R. Tirana would be taking its usual Sunday night off.

UT Tuesday Nov 3, checking the QRM problem at 0154, I find that Vatican Radio in Spanish is already underway on 7305 via Greenville, and consequently also on the leapfrog mixing product 7425, making an S3 signal, weak audio from Vatican and also Radio Marti mixing together. Even on the fundamental 7305, some RM audio can be detected underneath VR, which certainly should not be happening. If there is a similar mix on the fundamental Martí frequency, 7365, it can`t be detected due to all the Cuban jamming. 

The 7305 carrier used to come on long before 0200, but the Vatican broadcast would not start until 0200. Now the Pope is preaching in Italian, with voice-over translation into Spanish. This continues right thru 0200 with no ID or formal opening. With VR, you never know, it could be a one-time special, but none such found in their website listings. 

Furthermore, the schedule info for Spanish on SW still shows outdated A-15 info, 1130 on 9610, which is now at 1230, and 0200 on 7305. The 7305 broadcast is registered and previously heard until 0245, but lately has been closing at 0230, and so it does tonight, after interval signal playing at 0227-0230*. If this keeps up, and who knows whether it will, or whether the evening broadcast will start at 0145 from now on? Or 0130? The spur on 7425 would go off just as R. Tirana is starting.

7470 is still the frequency for R. Tirana tonight, UT Nov 3 at 0232 check, poor signal as propagation is disturbed, and predicted to get much worse the next few days. 7470 remains a totally clear frequency, however, and R. Tirana should stay there. An additional problem to 7425 would be radio-teletype signals now detected on 7420. And there is stray Cuban jamming on the other side, 7430.

Wolfgang Büschel was also monitoring and agrees that the announcer does say ``7426`` instead of correct ex-frequency 7425. Let`s hope there`s no other typo when changed to 7470 in her script. He also measured it exactly on 7469.78 --- it seems Shijak habitually is offset like this to the low side.

Drita replies that Shijak would rather stay on a single frequency for all broadcasts, 7465. While 7465 itself is clear at 0230-0300, as I pointed out before, there is adjacent 7460 with a 500 kW broadcast from Moldova, which will make it difficult to hear Tirana in Asia, e.g. as a morning broadcast in India, where we know there are listeners off-the-back of the antenna toward North America. 

While that one is not a problem for listeners in North America, another reason for recommending 7470 instead of 7465 is that there is an extremely strong USA broadcast on 7455, WRMI aimed 285 degrees from Florida, and which can splatter upon 7465, 10 kHz away. While it may be convenient for Shijak to stay on 7465 at all times, we are trying to assure that Radio Tirana have the best possible reception with the least possible interference (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 11387-USB, Nov 3 at 1403-1404*, VOLMET by synth YL, can`t copy locations, but scheduled as from here at top and bottom of hours, to hand over to Kolkata at :05 and :35, per EiBi, but that not heard. Meanwhile there was blaaaaap QRM from some other utility (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. 5040, Nov 3 at 0111, RHC is in Kriyol/Creole, as per the non-DST scheduling (following English at 00-01, preceding French at 0130-0200).

15370, Nov 3 at 1350, no signal yet from RHC, while 15730 is the SSOB. 11950, Nov 3 at 1401, QSY announcement closing 9550 & 9850, opening 15370, and that is on by 1408. However, at 1500, I find 9550 is still on starting `Sonido Cubano` music show until it`s cut off at 1504*. More confusion caused by the unnecessary DST shifts, and worsened by RHC`s delaying its own final frequency schedule changes another two weeks! May I point out that there`s very little point to observing any DST in the tropix, altho mostly subtropical parts of Brasil mess with it too.

15700, Nov 3 at 1408, no signal from CRI relay in English, as the Cubans screw that up too; by next check at 1455, it`s on.

15370, Nov 3 at 1456, modulation is breaking up on this RHC frequency; wiggle that patchcord! While it`s OK on // 15730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 15435, Nov 2 at 2201, SE Asian? music, fair, 2205 two or three IDs sounding like Radio Atmen, or Atren?? in Indonesish. HFCC shows it`s KSDA, 100 kW, 255 degrees in Sundanese on Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat; Sun/Tue/Thu in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9445, Nov 2 at 2207, AIR GOS news in English, fair; 2225 IDs as AIR World; 2226 programs on tomorrow`s broadcast (at 1000?), 2229 closing down here until 1000 for Australia/New Zealand, but 2230 still on as another English newscast starts until cutoff at 2231*. Sloppy operation from Bengaluru, 500 kW at 325 degrees favorable for us; much better here than // 11670 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9955, Nov 3 at 1342, KBS World Radio relayed by WRMI, but I`m afraid it`s a mistake, as still scheduled at this time is R. Slovakia International (one UT hour later than during DST). We enjoy it, since KBS doggedly (and stupidly) stix to 15575 for their only direct broadcast to North America during this same hour, inaudible in the B-season and much of the A-season. Yes, checked again and nothing propagating.

At 1344 it`s `Korea Panorama`, all about their KTX bullet trains, SK being only the sixth country to have them (not including USA, of course), and how the network is being expanded. This program is interrupted at 1359 for sports bit from WRMI and off the air at 1400* an hour earlier than it should be now. The originally 1-hour KBS broadcast may have started at 1330 so we are only halfway thru it. I suppose WRMI automation was still set up to capture RSI on WRN feed, but the time for that has shifted and now it`s KBS coming over. 

I`ve notified Jeff White, including: ``I look at your updated 9955 program grid and see everything(?) is merely supposed to have shifted one UT hour later as usual. Also I don`t see any note that it`s web only from 10 am to 5 pm [EST]. But I hope it will be fixed by tomorrow morning so WORLD OF RADIO can be on 9955 at 1415.5 UT. 73, Glenn`` More under USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7255, Nov 3 at 0708, VON is still on and audible in French, fair but undermodulated. Nothing on 9690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. Re: ``6950.70-AM, Oct 30 at 0006, ``Bicycle Built for Two``, and big band music of that era; 0013 ``Germany Calling, Reichsender, in 31 meter band,``. Time warp as except for the e-mail address sounds like it`s from four-score years ago. Not as strong as RFW on 6960; 0018 repeat same canned ID, I think, which also mentions Hamburg, Bremen and maybe a D- callsign; ``Deutschland Über Alles``, as NA, but the lyrix sounded different, maybe a further verse, ending at 0020:40* and off the air. Many other logs of this:
Wish I had tuned in earlier. Hallowe`en weekend should be a pirate festival (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``

``Glenn, Attached is an eQSL, and an mp3 of an earlier portion of the program which you had missed. Thanks for logging/listening! See disclaimers.

William Joyce
aka 'Lord Haw Haw'

For more information on program components of 'Germany Calling'
William Joyce AKA 'Lord Haw Haw'
Charlie And His Orchestra  (Karl Schwedler),
a Nazi-sponsored German propaganda swing band
German National Anthem
Horst-Wessel-Lied (the Nazi-party hymn)
Program material of 'Germany Calling' is intended to accurately illustrate certain facets of one of the darkest periods and regimes in the history of the world.

It is expected, even intended, that the content, when clearly understood, may induce disgust, revulsion, and perhaps chills, upon the listening audience of today. While the clumsiness of some of the propoganda may afford some small amusement, the program is not intended to 'entertain' and is not intended to be 'funny'.

All program material was obtained from historical archives.  Transmission of the program is not meant to convey or imply approval by station personnel, of the content or of the historical Nazi regime or its ideologies; and particularly not the anti-semitic content in some of the musical numbers or elsewhere. On the other hand, if the program induces any feelings of anger, disgust, revulsion, or even horror, we will have succeeded`` (Glenn Hauser, Nov 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Nov 3 at 0112, soul music at S9; 0113 some sweeping sounds introducing another tune. Four logs here agree it was UNIDENTIFIED
No logs of it at the Free Radio Café forum. At 0150 Nov 3, I am hearing instead on 6925-LSB, some Brazilian 2-way (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, Nov 3 at 0106, usual mix of two very weak carriers slightly apart making double het with BFO; the stronger one goes off at 0109:35.5*, i.e. R. Chaski. This is 18.5 seconds later than last check 3 nights ago, Oct 31 at 0109:17*, averaging 6.2 seconds later per 24 hours. The weaker one remaining is BBC Hindi via UAE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15770, Nov 2 at 2153, WRMI is playing fill music, first something Middle-Eastern, then something Western; 2159 ID by Zanotti and 2200* off. Supposed to be on 15770 at 2100-2200 Mondays is Radio France International (also Tuesdays; also at 2115-2200 Wednesdays, 2130-2200 Thursdays, despite being only fragments of the one-hour broadcast, evidently strictly as filler). Apparently, the timeshift has confused WRMI automation which has not been updated to compensate. See also KOREA SOUTH [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 7305, Nov 3 at 0154, Vatican Radio relay via Greenville USA is already on fundamental and mixing spur 7425 leaping over 7365; Pope speaking Italian, voice-over in Spanish. While the 7305 carrier is always on long before 0200, normally VR does not start modulating until 0200. So is this a special, or a permanent change? Goes off at 0230* instead of 0245 as well, but when did it start? More under ALBANIA, where the 7425 intermodulation has made it necessary for R. Tirana to move (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1741 UT November 3