domenica 1 novembre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs November 1, 2015

** CANADA. 1610, Nov 1 at 0647 UT, all-Spanish from Toronto, ``CHHA, Radio Voces Latinas``, décimoprimero aniversario promo, celebrating 11 years on air, 416 AC phone, then promo 16-10 AM, y su departamento de ventas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Marching in lockstep with Yanqui Imperialism, Cuba has gone off DST of UT -4 to standard time of UT -5 at exactly the same time as América, so RHC Spanish and some other language programming shifts one UT hour later. However, final B-15 frequency/schedule changes are not due for another biweek, Nov 16. 

5040, Nov 1 at 0640, RHC English is still on here with jazz // overkill rest of The Cuban Five, 6000, 6060, 6100, 6165. So 06-07 will be in English on 5040 instead of off at 0600* --- but whether 05-06 will be English too instead of Spanish is never clear.

9640, 9820, 9850, 11860, 11950, 15370, 15730, did I miss any? Nov 1 at 1339 RHC with `Cuba Campesina` rustic music show, ex 1230 on Sundays, and now instead of `En Contacto`, confirmed shifted one hour later to start at 1434. The repeats should now be circa 2340 and UT Monday 0235 on whatever frequencies are vigent.

How about the weekly Esperanto broadcast? Confirmed at 1618 UT Sunday Nov 1 on 11950, ex-1500. The repeat will presumably stay at 2230 Sundays on 15370, and the prepeat earlier at 0700 UT Sunday on some 49m channel, 6100?  (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 13870-13930, peaking about 13910, Cuban pulse jamming against nothing (except unfortunate utes, MARS), evidently spurious out of the 13820 pileup against R. Martí, which however, is so strong that the jam is barely audible there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [non]. 15620, Nov 1 at 1500, R. Veritas Asia ID in Filipino, good signal on VATICAN relay, as SMG succeeds again in serving areas far beyond its nominal targets, in this case, Mideast. Not on alternatively registered 15460. Better signal than RCC neighbor 15610 WEWN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 13710, Nov 1 at 1508, Qur`an, good with flutter, i.e. BSKSA 500 kW, 295 degrees from Riyadh at 15-18, succeeding CRI English vs AIR English until 1500 on 13710. Must be vesper-time in the Kingdom (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17885, Nov 1 at 1457, news discussion, soon outro as `The Correspondents` from VOA, ``so long from Washington`` and drop carrier immediately at 1459*. This is so strong, the SSOB in fact, that it could easily pass for Greenville, but HFCC shows 100 kW, 126 degrees from SAO TOME at 1400-1500 [sic] only. Directly off the back would be 306 degrees. Yes, I am within one degree of that reverse azimuth! Are there more such emissions? No, this is the only one in English; just 15460 at 17-19 in ``sna`` which means Shona (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. One of WEWN`s three transmitters continues to be down: Nov 1 at 1416 and still at 1505, 1618, missing from 12050, leaving Spanish on 11550, English on 15610. Not on 13830 either. Own SW schedule still hasn`t been updated from A-15 and DST:

** U S A. 5085, Sunday Nov 1 at 0641, WTWW-2 is on very late with Christian testimonial, not even music, new schedule? Tue-Sat only it`s of course on for `Midnight [sic] in the Desert` with Art Bell at 05-08 UT [ex 04-07], but had been silent on weekends during those hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9265 [non], WMLK: See USA: 1540 KXEL log

** U S A. 1540, Nov 1 at 1331 UT, Elder Jacob O Meyer is speaking on `the Sacred Name Telecast [sic]`, also on radio and has own ``SW radio station here at Bethel, Pennsylvania``. EJOM is sounding quite vivacious, considering he is dead since 2010.

This loops NE/SW and is surely KXEL Waterloo IA, still in on skywave half a sesquihour after sunrise here. Yes, on the SNB radio log at:

Which however is amusingly outdated, a page from their magazine of two years ago, and it was outdated even then. Of only five US domestic stations, KXEL`s time shown as Sunday 11:30-12:00 pm = ambiguously meaning morning instead of night? 

Also with long-gone split-frequency Caribbean outlets, Dominica 595, Grenada 535, and also Radio Anguilla 1530 --- huh? Was it ever on that frequency? Long ago it was on 1505, and a neat split DX catch for many including myself.

As for WMLK shortwave, CYA: ``WMLK Radio Assemblies of Yahweh Shortwave (Note: There are times that WMLK is not broadcasting because of maintenance or repairs.)`` I`ll say! it remains off the air as it has been for over a decade. Read all about it at
especially this Update page, but undated and unchanged for years, no progress at all? They got the 250 kW unit in 2006!
If they EVER come back, WRMI and WINB may have to cede some time to WMLK on 9955 and/or 9265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1644 UT November 1