martedì 3 marzo 2015

News for March 2nd to March 22nd for 6070 kHz

Friends of Radio Channel 292,

perhaps you already read it on our homepage; from March 8th until March 22nd we will be off air, due to preparations for our second power amplifier. Exception: On March 22nd from 10 to 11 UTC you can listen to a new program for the DARC (German Amateur Radio Club) on 6070 kHz with 100 kW; perhaps we can start the 10 kW transmitter on the same day in the evening. During the next weeks we hope that we can increase power as planned. Now, when summer comes and the skip zone during the night becomes smaller, a lot of listeners asked us tu run the station at nighttime, too. We would like to, but the problem is, that this would duplicate the energy costs, without creating any new income. And because these costs (not to mention all the other costs) are only covered for about 60% by rented airtime, this is not possible. We don't want to ask for donations, but we can make you a proposal: Who wants to support us, can book sponsoring for broadcasts at night. This can be for a whole night with 12 hours, or 2 x 6 hours in the evening. For this we need 36 €; who can't afford this, may book 6 hours for 18 €. The sponsor can choose, if he wants in his time to hear our regular music program, or a re-broadcast of an Offshore Station of his choice. If he wants, his name will be published on our homepage and in our news mail, and in short spots during his program, that we produce without any costs for him (for Offshore re-broadcasts only possible at the beginning, at the end and between blocks of programming). Or, if wanted, completely anonymously. Or you subscribe for maybe every first Saturday night each month, or how you like; can be canceled at any time. If you like to support us in this way, please send us a mail!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Radio Channel 292
Shortwave 6070 kHz
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1

Tel:    +49 8442 - 95 39 01
Fax:    +49 8442 - 95 48 93