mercoledì 4 marzo 2015

Glenn Hauser logs March 3-4, 2015

** BRAZIL. Re my previous report of no signal on 4885 around 0630:
``4885, Rádio Clube do Pará noted with early sign off at 2300 UT on Feb 28 and at 2230 on March 1. So most likely new reduced schedule on SW. 73 Thomas Nilsson, Sweden`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11710 approx., March 4 at 0641, crackling spurs from RNA/RNB 11780.1v are stronger than usual tonight, audiblizing this second-order one which earlier in evening would have QRMed Argentina. 11745 & 11815 are really loud, but can`t make out a second-order match on the hi side, circa 11850 (plus and minus ~35 kHz, and then 70 kHz).

I keep reporting these but nothing is done about them. DXers Rudolf Grimm and Huelbe Garcia in different parts of Brazil say they have tried to hear the spurs but cannot, and it seems no one else ever bothers to report them from North America. For those who may doubt they exist, I have finally bothered to record a sample tonight for 100+ seconds at 0643 March 4 on the analog-tuned FRG-7:

I start on 11710 and you can hear the crackling, then tune up to NZ on 11725 (English), then the major spur on 11745, then RNA fundamental 11780.1v, then the matching spur on 11815, back down to 11780 and a bit back and forth as the sidebands are noisy too, 11745 garbage again, past 11725 NZ again, and ending on 11710 spur again. You may notice the similarity of the spur modulation to that on the clear fundamental. I assure you that there would be a total match if you compared them on two receivers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 14920, March 4 at 1354, CNR1 jammer, fair // 9680; none in the 12s, or inband 13s.

15775, March 4 at 1357, CNR1 jammer, poor, abutting the BS on 15770. HFCC has nothing on 15775 except Vatican at 1530 in AM, but that`s really DRM. Aoki shows, you guessed it, a 100-watt Sound of Hope available for long hours on 15775, attracting the jammer, but not necessarily at all times on all days.

16100, March 4 at 1358, CNR1 jammer, fair

16450, March 4 at 1359, CNR1 jammer, very poor; none in the 17s

** CUBA. 17730, March 4 at 1401, open carrier/dead air from RHC; all other frequencies on 15, 11, 9 MHz check out OK. Finally at 1414 some modulation sporadically starts, but causes(?) the unit to dump off the air, back on and off and on with modulation added, eventually settles down and stays on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 11675, March 4 at 1350, VIRI in Urdu with hum, undermodulation, by 1406 seems somewhat distorted and suppressed; while // 11730 has good clear audio, barely a reverb apart. HFCC shows both of these are 500 kW Kamalabad transmitters; but sounding very different (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 21540, March 4 at 1402, R. Kuwait is still AWOL from Arabic, while 21505 Sa`udi is not. According to Ivo, it`s the same transmitter used on 15540 for 1800-2100 English, which is therefore also off the air, for how much longer? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND. 7120-, March 4 at 1340, JBA carrier amid the QRhaM, presumably remnant of R. Hargeisa longpath. BTW, Rob Ross in Ontario got a proxy QSL in the P-mail thru the usual consultant in Germany: ``Radio Hargeisa, Baldur Drobnica DJ6SI - Consulate to Somalia, Zedernweg 6, D-50127 Bergheim, GERMANY`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9370 WWRB & 9980 WWCR, March 4 at 1422, both Brother Scare transmitters have some crackle in the modulation, 9980 being worse, and some also detectable on 11825 WRMI. Apparently defective feed emanating from Walterboro. This is not really unusual; and corresponding to the defective theology erupted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1762 monitoring: confirmed UT Wednesday March 4 at 0401 on Global 24 webcast, but no longer on WRMI 9395, so that removes some more SW opportunities to hear WOR! But still confirmed Wednesday March 4 at 1415 on WRMI itself, 9955; no jamming. Next:
Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wed 2201 on Global 24 webcast? 

Since the webcast was also set up in conjunxion with WRMI, unclear whether this will remain. No --- it`s gone too: After 1900 March 4 I am hearing unfamiliar songs in English, then French, rather than Polish Radio on G24 sked. It`s the same music as on 9955 WRMI stream during the daytime when SW is off the air, probably RFI-Musique; yes, ID as such at 1912 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Global24 bit the dust? Today at 0000Z Global24 on 9395 kHz went off the air and some time later a religious station took the spot (Art, VE7WAE, Witmans, Canada, 0153 UT March 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Jeff, How come TruNews is on 9395, as well as 5850, 7455? At 0217 UT check, after someone reported it had been that way since 0000 [sic]. Global 24 programming appears normal on its webcast, British media show `Frequency Cast` until 0230 [then FSN News, RAIN Report, 0300+ DX Extra from HRI, 0330 Wavescan, 0401 World of Radio] (Glenn to Jeff White, via DXLD)

Earlier today, March 3 at 2105-2130+, Global 24`s well-worn variety of fill music was playing on 9395, altho not very unusual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) i.e. Bach, classical piano, rock, RESPECT, Mrs Robinson. No reply from Jeff, but:

Global 24 is no longer affiliated with Radio Miami International 
Also! There was no carrier between 0000 and 0100 to separate the two. True News will now air 24 hrs a day on 9395 khz (Terry Elders, Facility Manager, WRMI, 0230 UT March 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

9395 may replace 5015 which had been scheduled 01-07, as I was not hearing it after 0600. As of 1740 UT March 4, WRMI frequency grid not updated to show any of this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Phil: Very sorry to learn that time has run out for G24 on WRMI! I
hope you will be able to continue somehow, somewhere. Meanwhile, your webcast is running nicely and 100% audible. Please let us know what your plans are now.

Without the least knowledge of your financial situation, other than what appears to be obvious, I would like to offer some  suggestions/advice:

You have a very good idea, something that rational SW Listeners have been craving for years. (Tho paying for it may be another matter).

Forget the 24/7 thing, and for that matter the Global coverage, which wasn`t really achieved on WRMI. (This might require a name change!)

Pare down to some of your best and most profitable (?) programs, cut back to maybe 4-6-8 hours an evening, on some other SW station you might be able to afford.

WBCQ comes to mind right there in Maine. They should have plenty of airtime (at least once they get their transmitters fixed/replaced). I should think your kind of thing would appeal to Allan Weiner.

I would recommend 9330 kHz (currently off the air), for best coverage (and presumably full availability, unless someone beats you to it if and when it`s ready to resume). Best wishes, (Glenn to Phil Workman, via DXLD) No reply yet

Global 24, 5 minutes ago on Twitter and Facebook:
"We hope to be back on the air soon and on a new frequency as well."
(via Mike Barraclough, 1721 UT March 4, dxldyg via DXLD)

** U S A. 12105, March 4 at 2102, WTWW-3 is unusually on the air, with Bibling in Brazuguese; no 9930 but 9475 also on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1200, March 4 at 0651 UT, WOAI has severe QRM, making SAH of almost 5 Hz (295 per minute = 4.92 Hz), of country music, still hard to separate with WOAI nulled as much as possible, but from E/W direxion. 0659 UT announcement but unreadable, 0700 UT no news, into ``Nine to Five`` by Parton. Has to be WAMB Nashville TN, 50 kW ND daytimer! Which has just flipped from Spanish CHR to C&W, per NRC AM Switch as of Feb 20, 2015:

``1200 WAMB TN Nashville – Format to C&W (ex-SS:CHR) Slogan & Group to // FM 98.9 Real Country (Doug Smith)``

Own website has yet to catch up with this, still ``La Radio de Hoy``
tho with a split personality, partly in English, ``Latin/Pop``. 

BTW, their big priority to 99.3 promotion was nothing but a 3-watt! Translator in Donelson, W257AR. Likewise 98.7 (per WTFDA DB, not 98.9!) is a heftier but insufficient 80 watt WAMB translator, W254CK. Confusion here: there is a 5 kW on 98.9, WANT in nearby Lebanon (and WAMB`s Nashville address is on Lebanon Road). So which is it? Or both?

Apparently one of WAMB`s (ex?)-personnel, unnamed in automatic slide show on homepage 

It was only 14 months ago that WAMB flipped from Big Band to Spanish, apologetically: 
How could they accidentally leave a 50 kW transmitter on all night? This makes WOAI no longer the #1 ``clear channel`` station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1510, March 4 at 0703 UT, heavy CCI, but one station IDing some translators in Colorado, so that would be KCKK Littleton. Is it still ``The Rock``, // 93.7? Then heard some C&W music but could have been from else. I was especially checking for WLGN Logan OH, which was reported cheating earlier in the evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [and non]. 11890, March 4 at 1408, whoop-whoop jamming barely audible under a Vietnamese service, which Aoki says is RFA via Saipan at 14-15; same as we hear against FEBC on 9920 (minority languages at 1200-1330 via Iba). Violating Separation of Church and State, IBB also just happens to precede this with another Vietnamese language service, Vatican relay at 1315-1400 on same 11890 but via Tinang; so do the Vietnamese jam that too? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15909.5-SSB, March 4 at 1356, 2-way contact in colloquial Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1915 UT March 4