venerdì 13 marzo 2015

Glenn Hauser logs March 12-13, 2015

** BOLIVIA. 5952.45 approx., March 13 at 0039, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, in nicely at fair level, from talk to Andean music, later talk unseems Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 6040, March 13 at 0046, Brazuguese mentions ``canal aberto`` --- not exactly, but it`s RB2, much better on 11935v. Not heard on 9725 lately tho I have not pursued it there assiduously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 6090-, March 13 at 0044, ANGUILLA is still AWOL, audiblizing Brazuguese weak signal slightly on the lo side and hetting an even weaker signal; it`s R. Bandeirantes, as // 9645v, also off-frequency causing a different-pitch het. 

The only other station scheduled on 6090 at this time is CNR2 in Geermu, China, circa grayline which also appears on 4800 with CNR1. We can safely disregard long-gone R. Esperanza, Temuco, Chile, despite retention on Aoki list (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, March 13 at 0131, let`s get the distorted crackling modulation spike peaks log out of the way early tonight, tho lacking any further out such as 11710. // 11780.1 fundamental source of RNA/RNB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9860, March 13 at 0111, R. Cairo, overmodulated and horribly distorted Spanish (I think), good signal level. 

12035, March 13 at 0111, R. Cairo with open carrier/dead air instead of Spanish, very good signal, tho, and with a humwhine.

9965, March 13 at 0112, R. Cairo, good signal, undermodulated Arabic not distorted, and humwhine at same pitch as 12035: both Abis.

12080, March 13 at 0117, R. Cairo, fair signal, suptorted music modulation matchable to 9860 Spanish service: both Abis too per HFCC (hunting thru HFCC, I see that the other size ABZ, Abu Zabaal, is not scheduled anywhere between 0045 and 0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, March 13 at 0114, no signal from Voice of Greece, which is the case more often than not, but now logged to definitize it. Non-logs of stations missing from where they are supposed to be are at least as significant as the contrary (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 6100, March 13 at 0123, Qur`an on poor but clear signal, from one cantor, then another. Q at this hourpart is mandatory from IRIB (except for multi-hour services already in progress), and sure enough that`s this: Urdu at 0120-0220, 500 kW, 94 degrees from Kamalabad. 0126 YL announcement in S Asian language, mentions habari; then OM low key talking; 0129 music; 0130 three rising chimes, presumed ID and news theme, but not the one I was expecting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** NORTH AMERICA. 6876.05-AM, approx., March 13 0056, finding nothing in the 6.9s, but here is a fair musical signal on the typical Crystal Ship frequency, slightly on the hi side. I discovered this all by myself; no tipoff received from John Poet tonight. Soon a Beatles tune; 0102 ``You are tuned to the TCS shortwave relay network`` last couple words echoing, then synthetic YL voice with address and then a sea chanty(?); 0108 ``You`re riding The Crystal Ship Bubblegum Express on the TCS shortwave relay network``, ``Mr Tambourine Man``, more music, but at 0119 check it`s off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, March 13 at 0035, JBA carrier, presumed R. Chaski; from 0102 I am monitoring intently as there now seem to be two carriers slightly apart beating with BFO. Projected Chaski cutoff 6 nights since last check should be circa 0105:41 but cannot detect any difference then or for two more minutes, but still beating, so maybe both Chaski and BBC/UAE are still on, or it`s just propagational wavering from UAE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA [non]. 11905, March 13 at 0115, no mistimesignal to log from SLBC, as the Trincomalee transmitter must be missing; and still not heard at 0133. Not a propagation problem, as AIR Urdu service is in at usual fair level with flutter on 11620. However, I do get a JBA carrier on 11905: CNR6 Amoy service, 100 kW from Beijing site is also listed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5110, March 13 at 0107, WBCQ is off, but I know it was on with something when I previously tuned across before 0100. Maybe it was an `Allan Weiner Worldwide` repeat despite nothing on the 5110 program schedule for weekdays. 

By now, 0108 UT, much stronger WBCQ 7490 is Brother Scare, timeshifted to 01-03 except UT Mondays, and with an extra hour until 04 on UT Sundays, says the sked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9475, March 12 at 2048, WTWW-1 is still open carrier/dead air. And still March 13 at 0109, 0133 chex; and back on night frequency 5830, March 13 at 0212, 0304, 0337, 0418 still dead. Closing in on at least 24 hours of dead air, including two frequency changes. Maybe they are automatic, or accomplished by remote control without anyhuman having to hear whether there is anything modulating. 

The feed from SFAW HQ must be getting to the banx of the Upper Cumberland River, since the WTWW-1 webcast is running:
But don`t you believe the schedule on the flash player, with two wrong frequencies long abandoned: 5755 and 9480!

However, 12105, WTWW-3 is on and nominal with Brazuguese March 12 at 2048, English March 13 at 0133. If one axually listened to the content of foreign-language Bibling, one would find them extremely repetitious, same shows over and over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6125+, March 13 at 0052, JBA carrier definitely on the hi side, maybe RN Uruguay which was reported active last week with 300 watts. Only station in Aoki at this hour is CNR1, Shijiazhuang until 0100, so I should have rechecked after then. RNU would more likely be off frequency; has anyone measured it precisely? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

This report dispatched at 0423 UT March 13