** AUSTRALIA. 21740, May 3 at 2101, R. Australia has just opened on this
reactivated frequency, good signal with news. 19000 is not yet on, but it is
at 2318 check with poor signal. Much better May 4 at 0059, 19000 cuts off
during music, and takes a sesquiminute to come back, presumably after
antenna switch tho I couldn`t tell much difference in strength. And it took
another minute to apply news modulation in progress to the carrier about
0101:30, altho when it first came back on, there were a few syllables of
speech. And at 0103 I find that 21740 has now gone off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** AUSTRIA. 15155, May 3 at 2030, R. Mondiale Adventiste, = AWR ID in
French, very choppy signal for this semihour, 300 kW, 210 degrees via
Moosbrunn (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BIAFRA [non]. 11870, May 3 at 2029, another try for R. Biafra London, on
its Thu & Sat 20-21 UT schedule via Woofferton UK: JBA carrier; at 2040
peaks to poor signal with bits of English, but got no better, Carrier off at
2100:10* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH. 13760, May 3 at 2056, open carrier, fair signal, 2100 VOK
opening in English. This one is 325 degrees to Europe, way offbeam here by
close to 90 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT. 15540, May 3 at 2032, R. Kuwait poor-fair with rock; 17550 Arabic
about equal signal but more flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Lots of looks at channel 2 for Es TVDX May 3, but only saw a bit
of video around 2224 UT; meanwhile, there was much 6m activity on the
Sherlock map, only over the SE quadrant of the USA, not reaching us. I
rotated the antenna and what little I was getting seemed to be from the
south, as usual (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13570, May 3 at 2036, WINB is already back on with screaming
gospel huxter, usual rapid wobble on the carrier, made obvious with BFO
engaged. Haven`t checked the WINB sked lately and now I see it has been
updated April 22 to show weekday afternoon programming resumes at 2030 with
`Power of Prayer` instead of 2045, and presumably still switches to 9265 at
However, this schedule doesn`t mention 9265 any more, just 13570 at 13-16
EDT, but that accounts for only three hours = 17-20 UT. The time conversion
with UT for the programming is finally correct! First program on M-F is now
at 1530, Sat from 1245, Sun from 1000; presumably the first part at least on
Sundays being on 9265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1615 monitoring: first two SW broadcasts confirmed,
Thu May 3 at 2100 on WTWW 9479, and UT Fri May 4 at 0330 on WWRB 5050. Next:
UT Sat 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; UT Sun 0400 on WTWW 5755. And
on WRMI 9955: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130.
WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** ZANZIBAR [and non]. 11735, May 3 at 2029, during the following semihour
frequent chex for RTZ, and BIAFRA [non], q.v., i.a. Z was also JBA carrier
at first; 2042 poor signal with some music, never got any better.
Propagation was subnormal today, judging from the KUWAIT signals on 15540
and 17550 being only poor-fair, JBA carrier only from ISRAEL 15850, nothing
from EQUATORIAL GUINEA 15190 - maybe already off by now, nor from VOSSRR on
15725 or 15650; is anybody hearing that any more in the African evenings?
UNIDENTIFIED. 13780, May 3 at 2034, very distorted music, and then talk in
Chinese. Deep fades all the way out, occasional peaks. BFO is no help with
the distortion. Sounds like it could be a spur of a much stronger signal,
but there is nothing like it on this band. Peak at 2038 has M&W in Chinese,
with constant whine, the pitch varying along with the modulation, like
shoving it slightly aside. Another peak at 2046. Gone at 2102 check.
Nothing in HFCC or Eibi at this hour, but RFA Mandarin via Tajikistan is on
13780 at 17-20, surely attacked by ChiCom jamming. Maybe this was running
over, and/or RFA extended an hour. However, Aoki also shows 13780 as a
100-watt Sound of Hope nuisance frequency from Taiwan at 20-17, and that
would be enough for the ChiCom to attack with this kind of jamming if not
Firedrake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)