mercoledì 30 maggio 2012

Glenn Hauser logs May 29, 2012

** AUSTRALIA. 4835, May 29 at 1219, JBA carrier detectable in my dratted hi noise level on 60m, presumably VL8A, Alice Springs, which tnx to tip from Nigel Holmes via Craig Seager, ARDXC, is now sticking to this frequency day and night instead of 2310, ``because the transmitter contractors are unable to maintain the automation system that controls the day-night change-over between 4835 & 2310``. This `test` could go on for months or become permanent. Hmmm, as I said on WOR 1618, it`s out of the question to have an axual human being manually make the change-over twice a day!

Craig confirmed this was in effect May 28 with 4835 still on at 1315. This certainly improves our chances for hearing it in North America, except for WWCR splash from 4840 until 1158 or so. During our summer, if not too far after local sunrise, our best opportunity should be at 1200. Evidently the other two NT stations are continuing to use 120m at local night, 2325 and 2485 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake May 29 before 1300:
13970, good at 1242; none in the 12s
14600, poor at 1242
14700, very good at 1242
14800, very good at 1242
15550, fair at 1244 with het on hi side
15970, very good at 1245
16100, fair at 1245
16980, poor at 1245
17250, fair at 1245

Before 1400:
14600, poor at 1353; none in the 13s or 12s
14700, good at 1353
14870, good at 1353; unusual spot. In fact this frequency has never appeared in DXLD the past decade, Mr Google says.
14950, no FD but weak Chinese(?) at 1354-1400*, presumably Sound of Hope slipping in, missed by jammer
15485, fair at 1351 with het on hi side
16100, poor at 1357
16980, poor at 1357
17100, fair at 1357
17250, fair at 1357

After 1400:
15605, fair at 1425; none in the 14s
17100, fair-good at 1427
17250, very poor at 1427
17450, very poor at 1427
17570, fair at 1427 with flutter; no CCI audible, but V. of Tibet via Madagascar may have just closed here instead of alternate 17565, 17560

** COSTA RICA. 5995, May 29 at 0525, startled to hear good signal in Spanish here where none should be. Of course, once again it`s REE Cariari relay on wrong channel, missing from 5965, altho 5995 is in use earlier in the evening and they forgot again to change frequency. // still on proper 9630, 3350.

11880, May 29 at 1236, REE in Basque putting out modulation peak spikes as far as 11900, and probably also to 11860 but obscured by Cuba. Also could hear modulation mix of RHC and REE on 11900, but in this case overload receiver-produced as vanished with max attenuation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 17810, May 29 at 1249, DW French has some CCI, altho stronger than // 17820. DW is 325 degrees from Kigali, and the CCI is presumably AIR in Telugu, 250 kW, 120 degrees from Panaji, GOA, which is supposed to end at 1245, but intentionally co-channel from 1200, on the mistaken assumption that the two will not interfere with each other, while there are plenty of open frequencies on 16m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, May 29 at 1349 not even a JBA carrier detectable, let alone undermodulation from VOI, as yet another opportunity is lost to provide reception of the ``Exotic Indonesia`` linkup with RRI Banjarmasin if they are still doing that on Tuesdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 13750, May 29 at 0527-0528* nondescript music which I am beginning to recognize as the VIRI IS, as scheduled here 0500-0530 [sic] in Russian, 500 kW, 321 degrees from Kamalabad so also USward. Then at 0529 went to 17660 and heard same music continuing, stronger but flutterier, 3 rising tones at 0530 and opening ``Bossni`` broadcast via Kamalabad. The Russian on 17655 had already signed off too; heard 24 hours earlier on both (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. 6120, May 29 at 1225, NHK World Radio Japan, morning English to ``North America`` is lost in the daytime noise level. This is almost *four hours* after sunrise in nearby Moncton per:
of 0833 UT, soon to reach its earliest of the year at 0828. NHK really needs to rethink its frequency management of staying on 49m yearound from Sackville at this hour. O yeah, it`ll be gone by next summer, even next winter, so that takes care of that. Meanwhile, I suppose the 250 kW may still make it sufficiently as a totally-daytime service in the abbreviated ideal single-skip distance ring around Sackville, favoring 240 degrees azimuth, fighting all that attenuation.

Meanwhile, NHK much more audible on the only remaining // at this hour, the transmission to ``Asia`` on 9695, which is not even direct from Yamata any more, rather due north via SINGAPORE; with fairy tale about an ogre (with only one semi-hour a day of original English programming any more, why waste it on such stuff?). (Zero in the azimuth column apparently really means north in Aoki, as other entries are specified ND = non-direxional.)

At least we still hear NHK English well at 0500-0530 via Sackville over a total-darkness path on 6110, but that`s local midnight here, 1 am Eastern and earlier-evening transmissions are long gone. We can also hear 5975 via UK and 11970 via France at 0500. Another good one if we can listen at new time of 1800-1830 UT is 15720 via Madagascar. Since this is the middle of the night in Japan, we wonder if the news is really just a playback of 1200, 1300 or 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5890 via WWCR, May 29 at 0536, Brother Scare is playing back his answering machine from psychophants. First one adverts that May 25 ``will be`` the end of the world --- oops! Next one is concerned about BS and is praying for him, expecting vice versa; then BS himself haltingly reads another message mentioning something about BS being in pain. If anyone has more patience listening to BS frequencies and has figured out what the problem is, let us know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [and non]. 11680, May 29 at 0521, station in Arabic with QRDRM from RNZI 11670-11675-11680. Victim is BBCWS via Woofferton --- a fine example of how DRM cannot coëxist with analog (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490, May 29 at 0525, open carrier/dead air, as WBCQ transmitter is still on late. 9330 has been behaving lately, no dead air heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, May 29 at 1430, WTWW-3 is missing again, no Arabible. Still off at 1656 recheck. George McClintock messaged on May 28 that he was testing the WTWW-2 transmitter on WTWW-1 frequencies, i.e. on 9479, 5755 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 13765, May 29 at 0515, VR in African English about Africans being too dependent, with continuous meowing sound (roughly same two tones sliding over and over), or miauing if you prefer, a Katzenjammer? But hard to imagine anyone bothering to jam VR deliberately. Source really uncertain, maybe out of VR audio itself. It continued when speakers changed. But at 0520 went to much lower pitch, like rubbing a balloon; 0527 off the air; 0528 back on with IS on stronger signal and no such noises. Was changing from 270 degrees for English to 300 for Portuguese, more USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6071, May 29 at 1222, again that het upon CFRX 6070, no modulation audible. The only other 6070 station scheduled in Aoki is VOK`s Japanese service. Could it be off-frequency? If we can catch the het going off at 1250, that would fit this theory; and/or with breaks as listed at 0957-1000, 1050-1100, 1157-1200, altho there should be no need to turn the carrier off as the same 250 kW, 109 degree antenna from Kanggye continues in use thruout. And there used to be an Indonesian on 6070v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)