** CHINA. Firedrake April 15 circa 1330:
15500, very poor at 1330 with het on lo side
15550, very poor at 1330 with het on lo side
16100, poor at 1332
17450, very poor at 1332
None on the 14s, 13s, 12s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6010, 6050, 6060, 6125, Sunday April 15 at 0518, RHC in Esperanto instead of English! Usual span of signals, best to worst, 6010, 6050, 6125, 6060. 0527 wrapping up without a schedule announcement, but the M is Mario Ruíz; 0528 IS, and opening an English hour repeat of April 14, a semi-hour out of step, as if nothing had happened. Was this a playback mistake?
The RHC Espo website is unchanged since B-11http://www.radiohc.cu/eo/interesaoj/frekvencoj.html
Norte, Centro y Suramérica 11760 Khz 25 15-15:30 UTC
San Francisco 6010 Khz 49 07-07:30 UTC
Suramérica 15370 Khz 19 22:30-23 UTC``
Which also fails to specify it is Sunday only! I.e. the ``San Francisco`` broadcast had been at 0700 UT Sunday, tacked on to the end of the English broadcasts but on only one of the four frequencies. And now it is heard two hours earlier on all of them. I try not to be awake at 0700 so can`t say what has really been happening then.
The ``Suramérica`` broadcast on the first day of RHC`s new schedule, April 1, may have been at 2230 on 15370, unchecked, since I ran across it at an earlier unscheduled time, 2030 on 11760, and assumed that was intentional. But on April 8, Esperanto was missing at 2030 and indeed heard at 2230.
Now on April 15 I need to confirm whether the third broadcast is still at 1500 on 11760? At that hour the other frequencies are closing, but the IS on 11760 is out of step with 11860 which soon goes off. It seems that the program feed line to 11760 has switched, but then from 1501:40 that is cut off leaving dead air. Will they ever start playing back Esperanto now? No, monitored the whole semihour of dead air. The transmitter stayed on with no modulation --- that`s half the battle! Without BFO on, did not notice exactly when they turned it off, but maybe around 1530.
RHC are a bit more on the ball in putting up audio on demand, via http://www.radiohc.cu/eo/sono.html
The April 15 broadcast is already there, so what schedule does it announce at the outset? Same old one, as above; what do they know?
N/C/SAm 15 11760
SF 07 6010
SAm 2230 15370 ``nova horo``
15340, April 15 at 1404-1408, four minutes of dead air before Spanish modulation cut back on; meanwhile the other frequencies were modulating, including 9540, 11690, 11750, 11760, 11860, 15230.
17580, April 15 at 1409, this frequency has been turned off again an hour earlier than claimed, still on 17730
** MEXICO. 6185, April 15 at 0510, not even a carrier detectable from XEPPM, amid the strong signals from Brasil 6180 [UT Sundays only at this hour], and China/Canada on 6190. Which reminds me that I haven`t noticed R. Educación at other hours lately either. Is it off the air? I`ve asked Julián Santiago in the DF, also about whether R. Mil is still absent from 6010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 15310, April 14 at 1857 fair signal with music, 1900 timesignal, Romanian. So it`s RRI`s two-sesquihour 300 kW, 285 degree broadcast from Galbeni to France, each hour 17-18, 18-19, 19-20 registered separately in HFCC, why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND [and non]. 9395, April 15 at 1406, JBA carrier presumed HSK9 in English as scheduled to SE Asia at 1400-1430. Now it`s free of ACI from WEWN 9390 plus squishy spurs, their English broadcast still unfound anywhere, and maybe R. Thailand is listenable further west. Multi-hop signals were generally attenuated in all direxions today, subpar propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1612 monitoring: confirmed with excellent signal on 5755, UT Sunday April 15 after 0400. Remaining WRMI 9955 repeats: Sunday 1530, 1730, Monday 0500, 1130. On HLR Germany 5980: Tuesday 0930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11520, April 15 at 0504, WEWN in English, and 11870 Spanish both with good signals unlike usually in the nightmiddle, but 7555 Spanish even better. 9390 still missing at 1406 yet still on their own website schedule; see THAILAND (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 21660, re my JBA unID here April 13 at 1916 when nothing is listed: another possibility occurs, third harmonic from 7 MHz band, 7220? Nothing on 7220 either at this hour in HFCC, but Aoki and EiBi remind us it could be V of Broad Masses of Eritrea on one of its many alternate jumparound frequencies; which as an outlaw nation refuses to participate in HFCC. But certainly unlikely to be getting out that late at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
15500, very poor at 1330 with het on lo side
15550, very poor at 1330 with het on lo side
16100, poor at 1332
17450, very poor at 1332
None on the 14s, 13s, 12s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6010, 6050, 6060, 6125, Sunday April 15 at 0518, RHC in Esperanto instead of English! Usual span of signals, best to worst, 6010, 6050, 6125, 6060. 0527 wrapping up without a schedule announcement, but the M is Mario Ruíz; 0528 IS, and opening an English hour repeat of April 14, a semi-hour out of step, as if nothing had happened. Was this a playback mistake?
The RHC Espo website is unchanged since B-11http://www.radiohc.cu/eo/interesaoj/frekvencoj.html
Norte, Centro y Suramérica 11760 Khz 25 15-15:30 UTC
San Francisco 6010 Khz 49 07-07:30 UTC
Suramérica 15370 Khz 19 22:30-23 UTC``
Which also fails to specify it is Sunday only! I.e. the ``San Francisco`` broadcast had been at 0700 UT Sunday, tacked on to the end of the English broadcasts but on only one of the four frequencies. And now it is heard two hours earlier on all of them. I try not to be awake at 0700 so can`t say what has really been happening then.
The ``Suramérica`` broadcast on the first day of RHC`s new schedule, April 1, may have been at 2230 on 15370, unchecked, since I ran across it at an earlier unscheduled time, 2030 on 11760, and assumed that was intentional. But on April 8, Esperanto was missing at 2030 and indeed heard at 2230.
Now on April 15 I need to confirm whether the third broadcast is still at 1500 on 11760? At that hour the other frequencies are closing, but the IS on 11760 is out of step with 11860 which soon goes off. It seems that the program feed line to 11760 has switched, but then from 1501:40 that is cut off leaving dead air. Will they ever start playing back Esperanto now? No, monitored the whole semihour of dead air. The transmitter stayed on with no modulation --- that`s half the battle! Without BFO on, did not notice exactly when they turned it off, but maybe around 1530.
RHC are a bit more on the ball in putting up audio on demand, via http://www.radiohc.cu/eo/sono.html
The April 15 broadcast is already there, so what schedule does it announce at the outset? Same old one, as above; what do they know?
N/C/SAm 15 11760
SF 07 6010
SAm 2230 15370 ``nova horo``
15340, April 15 at 1404-1408, four minutes of dead air before Spanish modulation cut back on; meanwhile the other frequencies were modulating, including 9540, 11690, 11750, 11760, 11860, 15230.
17580, April 15 at 1409, this frequency has been turned off again an hour earlier than claimed, still on 17730
** MEXICO. 6185, April 15 at 0510, not even a carrier detectable from XEPPM, amid the strong signals from Brasil 6180 [UT Sundays only at this hour], and China/Canada on 6190. Which reminds me that I haven`t noticed R. Educación at other hours lately either. Is it off the air? I`ve asked Julián Santiago in the DF, also about whether R. Mil is still absent from 6010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA. 15310, April 14 at 1857 fair signal with music, 1900 timesignal, Romanian. So it`s RRI`s two-sesquihour 300 kW, 285 degree broadcast from Galbeni to France, each hour 17-18, 18-19, 19-20 registered separately in HFCC, why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND [and non]. 9395, April 15 at 1406, JBA carrier presumed HSK9 in English as scheduled to SE Asia at 1400-1430. Now it`s free of ACI from WEWN 9390 plus squishy spurs, their English broadcast still unfound anywhere, and maybe R. Thailand is listenable further west. Multi-hop signals were generally attenuated in all direxions today, subpar propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1612 monitoring: confirmed with excellent signal on 5755, UT Sunday April 15 after 0400. Remaining WRMI 9955 repeats: Sunday 1530, 1730, Monday 0500, 1130. On HLR Germany 5980: Tuesday 0930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11520, April 15 at 0504, WEWN in English, and 11870 Spanish both with good signals unlike usually in the nightmiddle, but 7555 Spanish even better. 9390 still missing at 1406 yet still on their own website schedule; see THAILAND (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 21660, re my JBA unID here April 13 at 1916 when nothing is listed: another possibility occurs, third harmonic from 7 MHz band, 7220? Nothing on 7220 either at this hour in HFCC, but Aoki and EiBi remind us it could be V of Broad Masses of Eritrea on one of its many alternate jumparound frequencies; which as an outlaw nation refuses to participate in HFCC. But certainly unlikely to be getting out that late at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)