venerdì 27 aprile 2012


5066.3,R Tele Candip COD Bunia, 1730 15Apr, low modulation mx  fair , 23322(Giroletti)
6055,R Rwanda RWW Kigali, 1745 12Apr , px mx vernacular ID 1750 "R Rwanda",44444(Giroletti)
6164.96,R TV Tchadienne TCD N'djamena, 1840 15Apr, px mx vernacular tribal,44444(Girolett)
5005,R Guinea Equatorial GNE Bata ,1855 15Apr , px mx local noise from UTE better LSB ,32333(Giroletti)
5765, AFRTS (AFN Feeder) GUM Barrigada  , 1907utc , 30 15Apr, px relay in E USB,33333(Giroletti)
4750,R Dunamis UGA Mukono,1705 19Apr,tentative low modulation spark noise!!!,12222(Giroletti)
7295,TRAXX FM  MLA Kuala Lampur, 1720 19Apr, relay FM px pop,44444(Giroletti)
15190, R Pilipinas PHL Tinang,1735 19Apr, id "P B L Radio Pilipinas..." px local,44444(Giroletti)
5010,AIR IND Thiruvananthapuam,1730 22Apr, id "this is ALL INDIA Radio" px nx in E//5040 AIR Jeypore,44444(Giroletti)
7175, Voice of Broad Masses ERI Asmara,1745 22Apr, px local //7120,44444(Giroletti)
4949.78,R Nacional de Angola ANG Mulenvos, 1840 22Apr,carrier present not audible voice low music,31111 (Giroletti)

- Mauro IK2GFT - Swl 1510-
-JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150-
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop ALA 100 M
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-