giovedì 11 marzo 2010

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

ASCENSION BBCWS Relay 12095 2243 English 333 March 6 Two OMs in a conversation. //9915[333]Ascension.

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia-Shepparton-RA 15230 2247 English 232 March 6 OM with comments. YL in a conversation with a YL 2303. //15515[333]Shepparton, 15560[333], 12040[333], 13690[333]Shepparton, 17795[444]Shepparton. Mackenzie-CA.

CUBA Radio Nacional de Venezuela Relay-RNV 15250 2306 Spanish 333 March 6 YL with comments with a crowd for their presidents comments. //13680[444]via Cuba.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2218 English 333 March 6 NHK World ID and off the air 2220.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13650 2235 Chinese 333 March 6 IS 2235. YL with comments 2240.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13650 2333 Vietnamese 444 March 6 YL and OM with comments. IN Burmese at 2340.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 11665 2326 Japanese 444 March 6 OM with comments and a YL with opera style vocal music. //17605[444]via Bonaire.

MARIANAS, North 15550 2316 Mandarin 333 March 6 YL and OM with comments. //15430[333]NoMarianas and 15265[232] Music Jammer in the background [433].

We had an all day rainy wx from the Pacific Rim.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"