domenica 7 marzo 2010

Radio Heritage News #25

Hello Radio Fans

Isn't it amazing to see how fast 2010 is rushing past....our second competition for the year is already online at it's to win a copy of 'Changing Stations', a great story about commercial radio in Australia.

Read all about it on the home page today, and make sure you get your entries into us by March 28 2010...entries welcome from anywhere.

You can read all about this book at, and if you're really keen you can buy your own copy directly from our Amazon link on that page. It's a worthwhile addition to any radio book collection.

Whilst on the subject of Australian radio...our latest radio heritage documentary on Radio NZ International is broadcast tomorrow and it's got some great interviews with early radio people, wonderful old radio serials and some great music...check it out at from can listen online easily by clicking on 'audio' and 'Mailbox'......

Whilst you're at have a listen to the earlier 'Mailbox' documentary from February 22...this features rare audio from FM stations in Vila [Vanuatu] and Honiara [Solomon Islands] and a great overview of the radio history of these two Pacific islands.

The University of Queensland in Brisbane is hosting World Press Freedom Day May 1-3 and the Radio Heritage Foundation is pleased to support this can get more information here at freedom means a lot for broadcasters in the Asia and Pacific region.

Have you seen our new Borderless Radio reports yet? Erika Engle at the Honolulu Star Bulletin newspaper writes about them in 'The Buzz' business column of February 24 at and you can go directly to download these free reports at ....they really are a fresh way of looking at radio across the Pacific today....

If you're interested in Los Angeles radio news, we highly recommend Don Barrett's LA Radio site which has now opened up all its content for free access...there's an interesting story there now about 94.7 KTWV The Wave and it's moves away from soft jazz to a new kind of 'easy listening' format....since CBS pulled the plug on online streaming for listeners outside the USA because of copyright issues I'm not sure what the format is really........

Some things never change...a 1939 Australian radio business book reports of a big battle between commercial radio and record companies demanding's the same battle that broke early commercial radio attempts in New Zealand in the 1930's and continues to drive radio stations to the wall in 2010........

More and more people are now appearing at our Roll of honor of supporters...and if you'd like to add your name there, you can become an Introductory Annual Supporter for just US$10 and upgrade before March 31 2010 to full Regular Annual Supporter for just another US$10......saving US$5.....

Instant 10% discounts on books and CD's [excluding affiliate programs], 25% savings on private research rates, special merchandise offers and much more....

......and that's on top of our already free content, Pacific Asian Log Radio Guides, Borderless Radio Reports..hundreds of pages of unique radio heritage articles and stories, wonderful images and much more as please add your name to the roll of our supporters today by going to and signing up there...........

We've got a grant application in to allow us add even more great articles and news in the coming months....unfortunately updating the site does cost us NZ$25 an hour so we have to hold over lots of new content until funding arrives....

In the meantime, keep the articles, stories, images and audio flowing in to us here at or via mail to our new address: Radio Heritage Foundation, PO Box 20024, Newtown, Wellington 6242, New Zealand. We'll be adding all this new content just as soon as we can.

Thanks to all our supporters who've joined the Roll of Honor so far, and we hope you'll enjoy the chance to win 'Changing Stations' in our new competition ending March 28 2010.