martedì 9 marzo 2010

Log 9 March

Trying out a different logging program - 'Newlog' (from AB9B), which generates formatted SWL reports, . I used B-Log in the past and this is the follow on programme. Very pleased with the various ways it can be configured  Nice programme with a small footprint and very low system requirements (only uses about 5MB RAM when running).

I was not aware that 'The Disco Palace' broadcast was in AM at the same time as DRM when it was testing on 8 March - that will teach me to keep the RX volume down while I monitor DRM broadcasts! It appeared to be a 1 day test yesterday as it is not on today.

Here are some logs from the 16m band:

CVC La Voz 17680 Santiago, in Spanish, 1412 09 Mar.  2kHz HF het removed by switching to LSB. Lively Spanish style music. (Sig: weak)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

Deutsche Welle 17630 via Rampisham, in German, 1348 09 Mar.  OM Talking about "Hurt Locker". According to Aoki ANO is also on, but no trace (not listed in Eibi or WRTH). (sig: fair, with slight echo)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

Voice of Africa 17725 Sabrata, in English, 1435 09 Mar. News read by YL. News finished at 1439:30. OM with ID and fill music then prgr about constitutions and legislation. (sig: good, occ deep QSB.)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

BSKSA 17660 Riyadh, in French, 1406 09 Mar.  OM chanting in Arabic, then another OM talking in French. (sig: Good, slight QSB)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

BSKSA 17895 Riyadh, in Arabic, 1451 09 Mar.  OM chanting. 2.5kHz LF heterodyne on signal, switching to USB removes it. Carrier off at 1455:30 in mid chant. (sig: very strong)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

REE 17595 Noblejas, in Spanish, 1347 09 Mar.  male and female talking. ID by female within a few secs of tuning in. Jingle between programme segments. (sig: fair with shallow QSB)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

BBC World Service 17830 via Ascension Isl, in English, 1441 09 Mar.  OM reading passages from a book, then discussing the text and getting opinions from others who have read it. (sig: weak/fair with flutter)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

Overcomer Ministry 17485 via Wertachtal, in English, 1457 09 Mar.  Brother Scare doing his usual rant. Luckily the signal is too weak to hear every word but his distinctive voice easily recognised. (sig: weak)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

Family Radio/WYFR 17555 Okeechobee, in Spanish, 1511 09 Mar.  OM with talk. (sig: fair)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

Voice of America 17715 via Botswana, in English, 1417 09 Mar.  Marsha James (that's what the surname sounded like) interviewing a Ukrainian girl studying for a degree in the USA. ID before sports news.  (sig: Good, slight QSB)  - (S.Gilbert, UK)

73, Sean Gilbert - Buckingham, UK.
Icom IC756pro, Racal RA1972
Inverted Vee @ 10m; Wellbrook ALA1530 @ 3m
MFJ1026, SEM Multifilter, 'Dream' DRM Software