martedì 9 marzo 2010

The International Radio Serbia has marked its 74th anniversary

The International Radio Serbia has marked its 74th anniversary this year. This unique and only short-wave station in Serbia was founded six years before the Voice of America, on March 8, when the international program was broadcasted for the first time in then Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Today, our radio broadcasts program in 12 languages – Serbian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Albanian, Greek, Italian, Hungarian and Chinese. The program of the International Radio Serbia can also be heard on the Internet site which has been in existence, as well as via satellite. On the occasion of our anniversary, the celebration was organized, attended by many people from the Serbian political and cultural life, and also representatives of the diplomatic offices in Belgrade. The broadcasts of the program to abroad started on March 8, 1936 in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and the direct reason for the establishing of the short-wave radio station was the need to oppose the fascist propaganda. Over the past 74 years, our house had a turbulent history, and it included several name changes – from Free Yugoslavia, through Radio Yugoslavia, Radio Serbia and Montenegro, to current International Radio Serbia. Although it was not easy to realize the conception in the conditions of financial shortage in the past few years, the radio did not compromise the quality of its program. Outdated technology, lack of finances for modernization and even the lack of understanding for the information aimed at foreign countries and the Diaspora, have significantly slowed down the realization of the development plan of the International Radio Serbia. With great efforts, the strong transmitters have been renovated in the short-wave center in Bijeljina, the broadcasts have also started on the satellite and the new Internet presentation was uploaded. In November 2008, the video edition of the news broadcast has been introduced, in the Serbian language. The quality of work and rating are testified to by many letters from our listeners all over the world, who convey their praise, suggestions and questions, with frequent conclusion that it is the waves of the International Radio Serbia where they can receive the complete information about the events in this region, along with answers to their questions. Those questions come mostly from our Diaspora, and they are interested for the new legal provisions in various domains, investment conditions in Serbia, suggestions for the vacation destinations, participation in humanitarian actions, tradition and customs etc. We will continue growing good relations with our listeners, because that way we have feedback and new ideas for program realization. Director of the International Radio Serbia Milorad Vujovic has stated at the celebration of the anniversary that the employees were not discouraged even in the difficult period when the wages were decreased and with delay. Another problem was settling the obligations that have impact on the production and broadcasting of the program, which reflected negatively on the maintenance of the existing technical infrastructure and equipment. According to him, despite the transfer of basic rights from the former Federal Republic of  Yugoslavia to the Republic of Serbia, i.e. the Government and competent Ministry of Culture, the status of our house has not been defined to this day, so it additionally makes the situation difficult. "We present all relevant information about the events in Serbia and try to maintain the quality and attained standards. The main focus of our interest is the state policy, work of the Parliament, Government and state institutions on the accelerated course towards the European integrations, but also the diplomatic offensive of our country in trying to preserve Kosmet within the borders of the state sovereignty and integrity of Serbia, as well as the efforts aimed at preventing the corruption and crime. With that in mind, the International Radio Serbia is increasingly more often quoted as the source of information in the program, but also by other media. Besides that, relevant state officials, ministers and government representatives are frequent in our program with their interviews, and especially in those areas that our listeners and web site visitors have asked for. According to measurable indicators, primarily through received letters and contacts with our listeners, we can say that the program is heard in many places of the world. For this occasion, let us just point out that along with richer program offer, we now receive hundreds of letters and contacts from the Diaspora and foreign citizens", said Milorad Vujovic. The director has added that the media of this type are usually part of the state public services, thus being financed from the budget, as representatives of the state, its strategy and policy. It is therefore necessary to pass a decree on the International Radio Serbia as soon as possible, as an interim solution until the adoption of the law. Assistant Minister of Culture Natasa Vuckovic Lesandric has stated there are not many media houses with such a long tradition. "The Ministry of Culture will stay with you as founder. We have demonstrated our support by increasing the assets to finance the Radio Serbia. We expect you to invest work, new ides and trends in the media industry, in order to contribute to the significance of this house, not only for our country, but also for all Serb in the Diaspora", added Vuckovic Lesandric. Also in attendance at the celebration were the representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Health Protection, Kosmet, and MPs, Algerian Ambassador Abdelkader Mesdua and former director Milena Jokic, and the congratulations have been received from another former director, Nikola Ivanovic, who now lives in USA.