domenica 7 marzo 2010

Glenn Hauser logs March 7, 2010

** CUBA [and non]. 15120, Sunday March 7 at 1337, RHC`s DX program En Contacto was marking anniversaries, with a salute to Radio Mil, México on 6010, complete with an ID clip. That`s nice, but it would be even nicer if CMRH would get off XEOI`s only possible frequency! No apology for that heard.

ACI from 15125 where Spain via COSTA RICA was also doing its Spanish DX program, Amigos de la Onda Corta, in a terrible scheduling clash this season. We can only hope that REE will move it again in A-10. (15125 is on the air this early, Sundays only, for unknown reasons.)

I was so frustrated trying to decide which one to listen to, that I quit them both and kept tuning. If I really wanted to, could retrieve audio from both later via but will probably never get around to it. There are far too many programs on-demand to keep up with (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. Radio Martí`s apolitical cultural show Arte Latino, fortunately well atop DentroCuban jamming, Sunday March 7 at 1430 on 15330 and 13820 was about Alfredo Sadel, a great Venezuelan singer who died in 1989. He coined this name as a combination of the original Sánchez and his idol Gardel. Google for more, and see if there are any free downloads of his performances, constantly interrupted for narration on this show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, intruding into the middle of the 16m broadcast band, March 7 at 1443 ranging 17740-17765, and a severe problem for an usually weak WYFR English on 17760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR [non]. Another check Sunday March 7 at 1530 to see whether Radio Mada International managed to occupy 15660 again as scheduled: yes, but rather weak via PRIDNESTROVYE. At 1531 went into a public speech again, as if it were a repeat of the Saturday show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, XEPPM QRM-free, Sunday March 7 at 0639 with `space music`, soon YL back-announced at 0642 as by Rik Wakeman, and on into indigenous Mexican song, followed by recitation in native language, yet another instance of the eclecticism of Radio Educación programming.

But the point here is the lack of co-channel interference from Brasília, which normally on UT Sundays runs all-night on 6185 and 11780. It was indeed going on 11780 with its own music, but nothing on 6185, so that transmitter must be down.

Come to think of it, a couple nights ago earlier in the evening (0100 or so?) I had noticed XEPPM also QRM-free but then assumed RNA was just not propagating well. Long may it be gone! If this keep up, XEPPM will only have the papacy to contend with on 6185, altho also adjacent channel QRM at various times from Cuba, China, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. 5875 via Rampisham, BBCWS, Sunday March 7 at 0637 documentary about enormous bells in Japan. Very interesting but I want to listen to it later, not now. The next morning I waste many minutes hunting for it on the extremely listener-unfriendly BBCWS website. This frequency is for western Russia, so if I pretend I am in Moscow, the schedule for that time shows Forum, certainly not the right program. Some other streams have One Planet, but the content for this week`s show says nothing about bells. If I pretend I am in Accra, yet another show about Africa. I give up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Never mind the WWCR-3 online schedule showing that 4775 had been revived at 0600-1200. Turns out the contradictory info on the homepage is still correct, with 4840 still running after 0600 March 7, at 0626 check, so no clear shot from Mauritania 4845.

Others have been reporting spurs approx. plus and minus 15 kHz from WWCR frequencies such as 7465, 3215. I seek these March 7 at 0635, and do hear weak carriers on approx. 3199.5 and 3230.5 but cannot hear any audio to match 3215. That matching pair certainly do point to 3215 as the source (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7225, March 7 at 1350, sounds like ham on AM discussing skin tones and other attributes of various women. Never heard an ID in several minutes. But carrier stayed on during his pauses to listen. At first it seemed like an HF repeater. But his contact was barely detectable and not readable.

The only explanation for this is that both hams were really SSB, and zero-beat to an open broadcast carrier conveniently on this shared frequency. That cut off at 1354 leaving the hams and overlisteners to resume carrier-insertion of their own.

Then same big carrier cut on 7235, covering VOA English lesson in Korean service, which is scheduled at 12-15 UT, and making a site switch at 1400 from TINIAN to Tinang, PHILIPPINES.

So this is what was really happening: Tinang was warming up on a deliberately offset frequency, 7225, to avoid interfering with ongoing VOA Korean via Tinian on 7235. But instead of waiting until Tinian went off 7235 at 1400, Tinang made the switch by 1355, still VOA vs. VOA QRMing itself for a pentaminute.

A larger question is why IBB makes so many site switches amid continuing language programs. Hardly any IBB frequency stays from the same site for more than two hours, often only one hour. It`s hard to believe that propagation really requires these constant changes, complexity greatly increasing the chance for errors or unnecessary self-interference like this; but it keeps the engineers and frequency planners busy! Not to mention the DX monitors (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [and non]. Regular Sunday check for Aló Presidente, 1715 UT March 7: nothing on listed RHC relay frequencies 17750, 13750, 13680, 12010; and RHC mainstream itself is on 11690 // 11730, 11760, etc.

It`s been missing from SW for many weeks, so may we now assume A,P be permanently gone? You never know with RHC. It`s still on the schedule at which has many other errors/outdated info in it.

Program website is still very active with live video showing UT -4:30 clock, but no El Hugazo to be seen at the moment, just various correspondents. Site currently refers to A,P No. 352 as being the anterior one, from Mérida, presumably for Feb 28 tho hard to find any specific date attached to it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###