domenica 7 marzo 2010

Glenn Hauser logs March 5-6, 2010

** ALBANIA. 13640, R. Tirana, English to NAm, Saturday March 6 at 1540 with Klara talking about the Albanian Alps, altitudes, flora and fauna inhabiting them, with classical music background. Occasionally there would be noise bursts of, I think, four at a time, which seemed to be on the program feed rather than interference (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA [non]. 9890, R. Australia with Saturday night country music, March 6 at 1429 but this is presented in Chinese, soon with ID and e-mail chinese @ before cutoff in mid-word at 1430:22*. Sufficient and clear signal. Per Aoki this is the new relay via PALAU, 100 kW, 318 degrees from Koror, replacing Darwin, at 1300-1430. Evidently Chinese continues on other frequencies.

Hmm, why don`t the ChiCom jam Radio Australia Chinese like they do VOA, BBC, etc., etc.? What to the Australians know that we don`t? They don`t have any relay exchange deals with China, either. Makes one wonder if RA treats news about China with kid gloves. Jamming is really a journalistic badge of honor for the victim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. While fishing for frogs from Habana, see CUBA, found more weak Spanish on 6200, March 6 at 0708, but YL`s accent is totally unCuban; yes, soon mentioned ``búlgaro`` and is R. Bulgaria, // 7300 as scheduled in Spanish during this semihour for Iberian upwakers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 13855, March 6 at 1344-1357* hyper-assertive Chinese speaker in the CNR1-style, mixed with some music. Looked for //s in the 7-14 MHz range, but only found 13650 in synch, and 9540 an echo apart. Not // 12040 and numerous other frequencies subject to jamming.

So per Aoki this is really the CRI Chinese service: 13855 via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN; 13650 is via Urumqi, ibid.; and 9540 via Kunming in China proper.

15230, CRI via Sackville, Saturday March 6 at 1440 giving website for listener comments. That forwards to i.e. the 91.5 station in Beijing. Comment: how about giving us back good old CRINTERNATIONAL, not CRINTERNAL, in the footsteps of RCI.

9785, March 6 at 1459, VOA outro with CNR1 jamming, both off in time for 1500 timesignal and opening CRI English, poor signal. Per Aoki, VOA Chinese via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, is jammed until 1500, then CRI via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Whoopee, more leapfrogs from Habana! 6180, March 6 at 0706 I am hearing RHC Spanish with echo. That`s because 6120 is leaping over 6150, and those two are not synchronized --- so does this mean they are from the same site, but not with same feed? Apparently.

Things change minute by minute: at 0706, 6010 English frequency is off, but 6060 is still English, and so is just barely modulated 6140.

At 0709, I find another RHC leapfrog on 6240, weak in Spanish but no echo. This must be 6060 leaping over 6150 another 90 kHz higher --- but wait, 6060 was just heard in English. But now when I check it, has indeed switched to Spanish so the leapfrog fits.

At 0710 I check 6140 again, and now it too has switched to Spanish, with improved modulation over English a few minutes earlier. That leaves zero frequencies in English now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. Over-the-horizon radar pulses, presumed from here, March 6 at 1432 on 19020-19045, and at 1433 also on 18965-18990. Next check at 1517, same on the upper, gone on the lower range. Handy MUF indicator, while the 21 MHz SWBC band was barely open (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. With plenty of open channels on 16m in the same vicinity, RFI and REE insist on colliding on 17850: March 6 at 1622 REE has the classical music show while RFI is speaking in French, making a SAH of about 3.2 Hz, close to equal levels. REE is 340 degrees via COSTA RICA USward, while RFI is 170 degrees from Issoudun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15050, often barely audible to weak, so surprised to get a nice strong S9+10 signal at 1437 March 6, a bit of hum but not very distorted, in a language mentioning ``Marathi`` and ``Panaji``. Aoki totally misses anything on 15050, but EiBi shows Sinhala from AIR Khampur site:
15050 1115-1215 IND All India Radio TAM CLN k
15050 1245-1500 IND All India Radio SI  CLN k
Both are 174 degrees so could be long or short path to here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR [non]. Having missed both its broadcasts last weekend, Sat & Sun 1530-1600 on new and clear 15660 via PRIDNESTROVYE, Radio Mada International was back Saturday March 6. In fact, just to be absolutely sure, the Pridnestrovyans had the transmitter already on at 1512 tune-in, running open carrier, no tones, burning up 300 kW of precious power for at least 18 minutes before hesitantly turning up the audio on the feed at 1530. Meanwhile there was a brief carrier drop at 1529.

It took them about 5 minutes to get modulation up to decent level comparable to Miraya via SLOVAKIA on 15670 next door. Signal considerably weakened by when it went off at 1600. I guess it was in Malagasy, as did not recognize any French, nor get an ID, but we know this is it.

After brief studio intro, had an outdoor speech to a crowd, presumably by deposed President Ravalomanana, darling patron of World Christian Broadcasting`s Madagascar World Voice, still not on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, XEPPM, Saturday March 6 at 0600 announcement in Spanish closing the separate SW service, about to rejoin MW 1060; at 0601 same announcement in English, a rare but reliable opportunity to hear this station in English. Too bad they don`t do at least a little axual programming in English, such as a daily summary of the news about Mexico!

Normally the national anthem plays at local midnight, but instead tonight we had two sesquiminutes of dead air from here, audiblizing Vaticana Scandinavian co-channel with usual SAH of 6-7 Hz, until 0605 XEPPM joined classical vocal music in progress from the MW XEEP service. 0721 final check tonight, Radio Educación still alone with long-form ballet music as Brasília had still not cut on 6185, but no doubt would during the next semihour. UT Sundays, however RNA runs 6185 and 11780 all-night without a break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 6019.3, unlike previous nites recently, R. Victoria is on the air and detectable on its unique frequency, March 6 at 0702, VP signal with talk and music; better at 0713 after RHC had vacated 6010, but bothered by 6030 DentroCuban Jamming Command spurpulsing; and now it`s definitely wacky wailer David Miranda, the cash cow of this and so many other Latin American SW stations.

Does this reactivation mean we shall once again be able to hear the third harmonic once the sun shine on the Lima-Enid path? Yes! Later March 6 at 1432, weak talk in and out on 18057.9, which has to be this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 7480, March 6 at 1359, ``Jesus Saves`` IS, i.e. FEBC until 1359:30*. Per Aoki it`s the Bru language on Saturdays at 1345.

A few sex later by 1400 a weaker signal came on 7480, which is R. Aap ki Dunyaa, VOA Urdu via Thailand (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9385, Overcomer Ministry via WWRB, Sabbath March 6 at 1503 playing instrumental (if that old Hammond(?) organ qualify) version of ``Old Black Joe`` by Stephen Foster, then ``praise the lord``, crowd assenting sounds, and Brother Scare talking about this not being a religious broadcast, not a church service (?? Perhaps I missed something).

Whether it be or not, OBJ is totally politically incorrect, let us hope even elsewhere in South Carolina, tho some no doubt pine for the good ole days of slavery; the true colors of R. G. shining thru? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. The two EDC target services were competing with good native music Saturday March 6: 17700, which DX Mix News says is SSIRI via ASCENSION, at 1601 mentioned Darfur several times but shortly was mostly music. At 1625 sounded like an oud, very nice; 1630 spelling website or e-mail address and into Arabic dialect talk segment.

17745, Sudan Radio Service via PORTUGAL, March 6 had quite different music, at first hilifish, then at 1635 kids singing with barnyard sounds (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN [non]. 15480, vacant March 6 at 1442 and 1517 chex. This had been a new transmission of IBRA Radio via Rampisham UK at 1430-1545 in Pashto, Dari and Hazaragi, which Aoki shows as daily starting March 1, and adds (FEBA) after IBRA Radio, so should we say SEYCHELLES [non]? I heard it March 3, but may have been missing also March 4 and 5; so maybe was only testing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 15225 something in Russian, March 6 at 1439, mentions Kitaya, and bits of Chinese music, so CRI? No, it`s RTI via FRANCE, scheduled 14-15 from Issoudun, 500 kW at 60 degrees. Lots of QRM from CRI 15230 splash via Sackville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15145, March 6 at 1558 folk music including flute, reminding me of Romanian, but off at 1559:35. Ten seconds later a stronger signal came on, with Radio Free Asia, Washington DC, ID, and introed a language, but I could not copy it; anyhow, off the air again at 1600:25, so I guess that was a mistake. Aoki shows RFA via UAE in Tibetan at 1500-1600, so of course also ChiCom jammed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI, 9955 observations March 6: at 0653 in Spanish giving an address in Argentina so presumably La Rosa de Tokio quasi-DX program as scheduled Saturdays at 0600, then fill music for rest of hour, love song in English, so not sure if originated with LRT or WRMI. Signal was good and no jamming; might be on NW antenna again? Doubtful; propagation was hypernormal from SFL for the nightmiddle, WYFR also VG on 9985 and four other 31m channels.

At 1428 and still at 1454, nothing but heavy noise jamming audible, during scheduled WORLD OF RADIO broadcast at 1430. Thanks a lot, dear friend in Habana!! However, at 1500 the jamming was gone, audiblizing R. Prague relay but WRMI is now so weak that it has heavy SAH and CCI from Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WTWW observations March 6, after pretty much non-stop Pastor Pete Peters the last several days: at 0712 off the air, tho I heard him in a tuneby a few minutes earlier (was it before or after 07? Did not log it), and at that time also noticed better signal than // 5890 WWCR. So is WTWW having transmitter trouble, or program tests finished and starting to reconfigure?

At 1348, nothing on 9480. Next check at 1424, 9480 was cutting on and off with hoary Alex Scourby Bible pontifications, but interrupted by a non-PPP preacher every few seconds to interject his own opinions. I could still hear a lite squeal on the transmission.

This was still the Scriptures for America feed, as // 9980 WWCR. While WTWW was off, could hear R. Australia 9475 with country music, this being Saturday night. At 1430, WTWW 9480 was still cutting on and off; next check 1455 it was off. 1806 it was on with PPP (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Contrary to WWCR`s posted schedule for transmitter 2, that now daily at 13-16 it`s Joyce Riley on 13845 instead of Pastor Melissa Scott, it was in fact PMS // 11775 ANGUILLA, when checked Saturday March 6 at 1343. The Riley show is available live, M-F only.

Something went wrong with the WORLD OF RADIO airing at 1730 Saturday March 6 on 12160: when checked at 1754, my voice was looping over and over with a bit about Radio Bar-Kulan, 15750. This axually occurred at 20:30 into the program, so may have been doing so for at least five minutes. Rechecking my mp3 file, found nothing wrong with it, so urged WWCR to download it again and check it to prevent a recurrence on the remaining repeats UT Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9265, WINB at 1426 March 6, non-Brother Scare preacher, strong signal but with some warbling under, which almost sounds like RTTY --- QRM or self-imposed? Harmonic 18530 not making it at this time. No more Brother Scare?

WINB website schedule, still dated January 10, shows:
08:00A / Sat-1300...Apostolic Asssembly [sic]
06:00P / Sat-2300...Kroze Bros. Outreach
i.e., nothing between these two, meaning A.A. runs for 10 hours straight, meanwhile switching at some unknown time to 13570v? Or not, as end-times are never shown, in this sense (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11785, WHRI had English preacher before 1400 Saturday March 6 unlike weekdays when it`s silent. But off again after 1400 and no reactivation of Hmong Lao Radio. Next check at 1455, back on with open carrier, 1458 ad/promo for Voice of the Martyrs (don`t get excited; this is obviously only another Christian evangelical show; but searching, unfound anywhere on the WHR schedule), WHRI ID. Next check at 1513 in Hmong, so still running Hmong World Christian Radio at 1500-1530 Saturdays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7470, as early as 1350 March 6 with open carrier, some hum; 1358 begin ``This is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing on,`` with YDD. 1400 ``from Washington, you are listening to the latest news from the Voice of America``, and into some other language.

Here is what is supposed to be happening on 7470 per Aoki: until 1400 it`s RFA in Tibetan via Mongolia; if that was on, the OC covered it. From 1400 it`s VOA in Tibetan via Tinang, PHILIPPINES. HFCC agrees about the latter but suppresses any info about the former, as if the ChiCom do not know anyway. Perhaps deniability is paramount for the Mongolians, wary of retaliation from their massive neighbor, and thus also for the Radio Free Asians (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 13615, March 6 at 1539, WYFR in Spanish about equal level with something in Farsi and slow SAH between them. Per Aoki, WYFR quits 13615 from Okeechobee at 1545, while R. Farda via Lampertheim, GERMANY runs 1400-1600, then changes to Skelton UK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VANUATU. Looking for RV which supposedly starts 5055 by 0700: March 6 at 0714 I can only detect a trace of a carrier, which is around their local sunset. Wish they would keep leaving it on a couple hours past 1200v, when I previously pulled modulation on the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Checked 13645 again March 5 and 6 at 1600 just in case the previous mystery signal reappeared: nothing. Nor at 1638 March 6. I`ve now received a 2+ minute clip of its closing before 1700 from Fabricio in Brasil, and it sounds like India to me. Please listen to it at and let us know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###