mercoledì 3 marzo 2010

3 March Logs

A quick tune around the 21MHz band with the Icom and inverted vee revealed, amongst some unidentifieds, the following:

March 3, 2010

21695 @ 1328 Voice of Africa, Sabrata
in Swahili. OM with mentions of Libya and Africa. then full ID in Swahili by OM (with echo!).
S-Meter: S9
21600 @ 1346, BSKSA, Riyadh
In Arabic. OM chanting. Some fairly shallow QSB. //21460. Carrier abruptly switched off in mid sentence at 1355.
S-Meter: S9+30

21460 @ 1354, BSKSA, Riyadh
In Arabic, // 21600 (but 15dB weaker), until 21600 carrier off at 1355. OM Chant continuing on 21460.
S-Meter: S9+10

21640 @ 1332, BSKSA, Riyadh
In Arabic. //21505. OM interviewing(?) another OM on what sounds like a telephone. Into YL talking over some classical/Arabian type music then 2nd YL joined in.
S-Meter: S9+40
21505 @ 1351, BSKSA, Riyadh
In Arabic, // 21640 (but 10dB weaker). Appears to be some kind of play with vocal exchange between YL and OM, then alarm clock bleeping (!). Into OM talking over typical Arab music.
S-Meter: S9+30
21610 @ 1344, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas
In Spanish. //21540, 21570. OM in rapid talk. Occasional comments from another OM. Then YL with ID before OM again. Peaking 9+20dB but rapid QSB
S-Meter: S8
21570 @ 1347, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas
In Spanish. YL talk then OM. Rapid QSB. // with 21540 and 21610 but signal weaker.
S-Meter: S7
21540 @ 1350, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas
In Spanish. //21610, 21570 but considerably weaker than either of the other frequencies.
S-Meter: S4
73 de
Sean Gilbert
Buckingham, Bucks. IO92MA
RX 1: IC756PRO, CI-V, SEM Multifilter
RX 2: Racal RA1792
ANT 1: Inverted Half size G5RV @ 10m agl
ANT 2: Wellbrook ALA1530+ @ 3m agl