giovedì 15 ottobre 2009

Shortwave Radio :pgs from WDX6AA

AUSTRALIA   Radio Australia-RA-Shepparton   15560  2257  English  433  Oct 11  YL and OM with news events. OM with sports updates 2259.

BONAIRE   Radio Japan Relay-NHK   15265  2310  Japanese  433  Oct 11  A YL and OMs with comments. //13680[333].

CANADA   Radio Canada Intl-RCI   17860  2224  Portuguese and English  333  Oct 11  YL and OM with comments on the upcoming Olympic Games. OM with RCI ID 2228.  RCI IS 2229 by a YL.

CANADA   Radio Canada Intl-RCI   15455  2230  Spanish  333  Oct 11  YL and OM with comments. ID by a YL 2232. YL with comments 2303. Pop music 2305.

COSTA RICA   Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE   17850  2235  Spanish  444  Oct 11  YL and OM with comments. Next was two OMs with comments 2238.

CUBA   Radio Habana Cuba-RHC   17705  2248  Portuguese  333  Oct 11  Two YLs in a conversation.

NORTH MARIANAS   Radio Free Asia-RFA   15430  2306  Chinese  333  Oct 11  YL with comments plus an OM and also some music.

UNITED STATES, Florida   WYFR-Family Radio   17845  2240  Arabic  433  Oct 11  YL and OM with comments. OM with WYFR ID , then piano music.  OM with comments 2244. Off the air 2245.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"