venerdì 23 ottobre 2009

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

COSTA RICA Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9765 2308 Spanish 333 Oct 18 YL and OM with comments.

ECUADOR HCJB Global 9745 2306 Spanish 333 Oct 18 Two OMs with comments.

IRAN VOITR 9935 2323 Arabic 333 Oct 18 YL and OM with comments.

RWANDA Voice of Germany-DW Relay Arabic 333 Oct 18 YL and OM with comments. ID by a YL 2255 as DW. OM with DW ID 2300. In German at 2300. //9730[333].

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9665 2245 Spanish 333 Oct 18 OM with comments.

TAIWAN Radio Free Asia-RFA 11605 2340 Vietnamese 433 Oct 18 Two OMs in a conversation. Taiwan mentioned often. YL with comments 2346.

UNITED STATES , Tennessee WWCR-1 7485 2222 English 232 Oct 18 Two OMs in a conversation. Music 2225.

UNITED STATES, NoCarolina WTJC 9370 2240 English 333 Oct 18 Choir music. OM with a sermon 2242. MacKenzie-CA.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"