Dear FRS Friends,
Yesterday we already informed about the upcoming tests within 39 metres for Sunday October 11th. What we didn't know yesterday is that the two announced channels will (most likely) run at the same time in parallel. A smaller spare rig will be operational with an experimental vertical antenna on both freqs. The main goal remains testing 7600 & 7685 with the same (main) tx as last week and the same antenna as well which is an inverted V dipole. So, we go for comparing frequencies and nót comparing antennas. But it is of course a welcome bonus that we can run a second rig with another type of aerial as well. We have no idea how the vertical antenna will perform, we weren't able to do any serious testing prior to tomorrow's tests. An important factor remain the band conditions which today are quite unstable, much noise and cracks.
Schedule Sunday October 11th 2009 FRS-Holland Tests 39 metres 7.6 MHz
Time (UTC) Frequency Antenna Transmitter
08.00-09.00 7600 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
08.00-09.00 7685 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
09.00-10.00 7685 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
09.00-10.00 7600 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
12.00-13.00 7600 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
12.00-13.00 7685 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
13.00-14.00 7685 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
13.00-14.00 7600 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs.holland @>
e-mail: < frs @>
Yesterday we already informed about the upcoming tests within 39 metres for Sunday October 11th. What we didn't know yesterday is that the two announced channels will (most likely) run at the same time in parallel. A smaller spare rig will be operational with an experimental vertical antenna on both freqs. The main goal remains testing 7600 & 7685 with the same (main) tx as last week and the same antenna as well which is an inverted V dipole. So, we go for comparing frequencies and nót comparing antennas. But it is of course a welcome bonus that we can run a second rig with another type of aerial as well. We have no idea how the vertical antenna will perform, we weren't able to do any serious testing prior to tomorrow's tests. An important factor remain the band conditions which today are quite unstable, much noise and cracks.
Schedule Sunday October 11th 2009 FRS-Holland Tests 39 metres 7.6 MHz
Time (UTC) Frequency Antenna Transmitter
08.00-09.00 7600 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
08.00-09.00 7685 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
09.00-10.00 7685 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
09.00-10.00 7600 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
12.00-13.00 7600 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
12.00-13.00 7685 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
13.00-14.00 7685 kHz Inverted V dipole Main rig (higher power)
13.00-14.00 7600 kHz Vertical antenna Spare rig (lower power)
73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs.holland @>
e-mail: < frs @>