giovedì 22 ottobre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs October 22, 2009

** BRAZIL. The big gap between Habana 5025 and Nashville 5070 is finally filled on 5045, Oct 22 at 0607, soft samba songs in Brazilian, 0609 voice-over ID I did not copy completely, but seemingly for an FM station in Pará on 93.something with a ZY- callsign. At 0620 threw in a `Cultura` ID between songs as I quit. Good S9+10 signal, better than the other 24h Brazilians audible, 4885 and 4915, nothing on 4985.

According to Célio Romais` Panorama, 5045 is R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Belém, Pará which has been reactivated after 11 years of silence, thanks to 1.1 megareais of aid from the state government, which has a new mandate to reach all parts of that large state, per the blog of Paulo Henrique Lima. Its postal address is not in Belém but in Ananindeua.

WRTH 2009 has it just as R. Cultura do Pará, inactive with 10 kW, ZYG360 on 5045. It also leads to multimedia website including TV:
The radio sexion, is all about their FM 93.7, nothing found about SW.

There also seemed to be a much weaker signal underneath on 5045 producing a SAH. Is it the other Brazilian, Radio Guarujá Paulista? WRTH has that as active with 1 kW, altho I don`t find any recent reports of it in DXLD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 22 at 1310: nothing on 8400, good on 9000 // 10210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. RHC Oct 22: at 0525, 6140 in English today about the communist party of Luxembourg --- now there`s an anachronism! Listened carefully for `het` heard 24h earlier, but only an imagination-level whine, perhaps remnant of the phone-ringing problem.

DentroCuban Jamming Command against nothing on 5980, with irregular tonal pulses, so probably two transmitters unsynchronized, Oct 22 at 1250, long after R. Martí quits the channel at 1200. Then some unwitting collateral victim started tone testing on 5980. Per Aoki, that`s DW in Chinese from 1300 via Vladivostok.

Can`t be surprised, that altho RHC spurs from 11760 were absent Oct 21, they were back on Oct 22; not fixed, but probably using alternate transmitter the day before as they had done previously after 1500. At 1340, found spurs on 11656.8, also 11708.4, 11811.6, so that makes the separation plus and minus 51.6 kHz instead of 51.2. I also could detect the accompanying same-pitch whine down to 11398.8 and up to 12224.4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. R. Cairo B-09 English, tentative, all from Abu Zabaal site:
1215-1330 As  17870
1600-1800 EAf 12170 or 13660
1900-2030 WAf 11510
2115-2245 Eu   6270
2300-2430 WNAm 7580
0200-0330 ENAm 7540
(Glenn Hauser, Oct 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. Looking for AIR Aligarh blob Oct 22: Standing by at 1318 to find when it would cut on, along with Bengaluru on 9425; but transpolar signals not so good today, 9425 weaker than usual from *1319 with IS. Hunting around for the other, seemed like blob appeared from 1320 circa 9485, but then it was gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. After a few days on the 9524.9 transmitter, VOI switched back to the 9525.9 one as of Oct 22 at 1316, YL talking about Sudarto, day in history from Oct 22, 1945y; 1326 Indonesian Wonders. Modulation fair today but always too low. Since there is nothing on 9525.0 to het during the English hour, it doesn`t really matter which frequency be in use, and a BFO flickon may be required to nail it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL. I hear Galei Tsahal a lot more on 15786v than 6973, due to my monitoring habits, but weak 6973 signal at 0520 Oct 22 must have been this, talk in presumed Hebrew suffering from OTH radar pulses, probably ex Cyprus ranging 6945-6980. So one military operation is QRMing another. More OTHR logs under UNIDENTIFIED (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. VOI being 1 kHz higher helps R. Veritas Asia stand out a bit more on 9520: Oct 22 at 1328, ID in English that Sinhala was about to follow on 9.520 MHz; better modulation than VOI, too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. R. Rossii, 7200, fluttery in Russian talk and music at 0521 Oct 22, // 7320 but an echo apart; at first could not hear // 7230 beneath another station, but by 0552 the R.R. music on 7230 was gaining and synchronized // 7200. 7200 is HFCC registered as Yakutsk, 250 kW at 45 degrees between 19 and 15 UT, while 7230 is Yakutsk, 100 kW at 310 degrees, same hours. 7320 as Okhotsk, 100 kW at 45 degrees, 17-13, but believed to be false site and Aoki lists Magadan instead, 50 kW at 45 degrees. Aoki agrees the other two are Yakutsk, but 7200 as 100 kW, nondirexional, and 7230 as 100 kW, 300 degrees.

7230 is a rather busy channel; here`s what else I was hearing. Dominant at tune-in 0521 with music, losing out somewhat to Yakutsk by 0555 was VOA via Lampertheim in Kurdish, since they were mentioning Iran and Washington, and 0558 outro as ``from Voice of America, Washington``. Meanwhile, from 0558, RRI had started IS and opening in German. So we had a 3-way pileup for a couple of minutes.

Another check of 5920 to convince myself WBOH is really gone for good: Oct 22 at 1248, R. Rossii playing classic tune ``Let It Snow`` in English with triple refrain, interrupted a couple times for spoken comments in Russian, but unfortunately 5920 motorboating badly with unstable carrier, // clear but weaker 5940. 5920 is Pet/Kam, 5940 is Magadan (``Okhotsk``). It will be interesting to hear from Oct 25 whether the B-09 frequency for Pet/Kam, 6075 has the same motorboating from the same transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC with BBCWS relay, Oct 22 at 1255, somewhat readable since Rebelde 5025 was talking instead of musicking, and found SIBC very close to 5020.0 this time, but not // BBC 5875. At hourtop timesignals were not quite synchronized, 1300-1301 5020 was opening Newshour with different promo preview than for upcoming programming on 5875, but joined for news from 1301, with 5020 a few words behind 5875 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Hearing a lot less Brother Scare and a lot more from other brothers on the Overcomer Ministry frequencies; is B.S. ailing, the end really near, or being Overthrown? There is a huge tape library of BS which could be played, and is normally in use as even he can`t go on nonstop 24/7. Oct 22 at 1315 someone else was talking about him on WWRB 9385, but I am not yet sufficiently curious to keep listening trying to divine what`s going on in the Walterboro cult`s compound (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. RTT plays some great music in their mornings, our nightmiddles, which interrupt my bandscanning, such as Oct 22 on 7275 // 7335, Arabic woman with a big voice singing, was it Umm? Ran right past hourtop until 0602 when went to talk and liners, finally akbar. They are casual about `news on the hour` timings. These are usually the best signals on 41m at the time, adding to their SWL potential.

B-09 schedule for Sfax, but the shifted times may not be precise:
0400-0610 9725 12005
0500-0730 7275
0700-0910 7335
1700-2110 9725 12005
1800-2210 7225
2000-0010 7345

** TURKEY. VOT IS on both 15285 and weaker 15180, both Emirler, at 1358 Oct 22, but not synchronized, prior to Arabic and Uighur services respectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 11625, weak signal not normally audible, Oct 22 at 0510 in English with strong African accent, 0512 music. What`s this? Only IDed by later lookup as Vatican Radio, 169 degrees from SMG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. As I was checking 60m, especially Brasil 5045, tuning across 5000 I noticed some intermittent talk in Spanish(?) which had nothing to do with timesignals from YVTO, underneath WWVH and WWV, Oct 22 at 1239. I suppose some SSB poachers found it a convenient way to avoid having to turn on the BFO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. OTH radar pulsing all over the place Oct 22, intruding even in the 40m hamband, all ranges approximate. The 25+kHz-wide variety, presumably from the British upon Cyprus: at 0520 on 6945-6980 and 7085-7110. At 1354, 17805-17830 bothering BBC 17830; at 1357, 15320-15345 vs Morocco on 15341, Chinese on 15320 = AWR via Nauen.

The 50+kHz-wide variety, presumably from Hainan, China: Oct 22 at 1252, 5810-5860 and 5435-5485; at 1302, 7145-7195 right in the worldwide hamband. Sic-em, intruder watchers! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. CODAR-type tonal swishes, but a new kind in a new range? Not at the exact 60/minute rate heard on 4, 5, 12 and 13 MHz. Oct 22 at 1305, 160/minute covering 7660-7700; and 90/minute on 7845-7880 bothering CHU 7850; also 7900-7940 but that went off at 1309* before I could determine the rate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###