sabato 3 ottobre 2009

Glenn Hauser logs October 3, 2009

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 3 at 1447: poor on 9000 but good at S9+12 level on 8400, none higher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. 13820, Radio Martí with feature on singers, Sat Oct 3 at 1340, the story of Chavela Vargas, who was a victim of alcoholism but had quite a career in Mexico, and lastly was a big success in Spain. Google her for more. Unfortunately, mostly narration with only bits of music, concluding with ``Ponme la mano aquí, la Macorina`` (Put your hand here, Macorina, addressing an Habana whore). Where is `here`, exactly??

At 1349 moved on to Roy Órbison, with bits of ``Pretty Woman``; and by 1355 it was Pedro Luís Ferrer, whose top Google hit quotes Mother Jones: ``He's famous in Cuba as a musical innovator and sharp social critic. Fidel Castro is not a fan,`` therefore red meat for Martí. But over at 1400 for ID already. Steadily and heavily jammed, but strong signal from Greenville stayed on top as it often does here on this frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11585, AIR at 1436 with big hum interrupted by bits of talk; earlier it was fairly good with music. At 1437 music for a few sex; 1454 had managed to resume continuous music. Per Aoki, it is the Sindhi service at 1230-1500 via Delhi-Khampur, 250 kW at 65 degrees but HFCC says 334 degrees which makes more sense and is also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525.9, VOI still here, Oct 3 at 1325 in English, quite undermodulated but not to the point of inaudibility. Would have needed much stronger signal to shoulder aside the noise and fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15555 in Japanese, good signal with some flutter, Oct 3 at 1406, mentioning Iran and surely VIRI as scheduled 1330-1430 via Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. REE`s Amigos de la Onda Corta, monitored on webcast tho could easily have heard on 6055 direct if convenient, Oct 3 at 0510 was interviewing the W&W who do the weekly Sephardic show. I knew it, I knew it, introduced by playing the sign-on announcement for that, with wrong frequency 15325 instead of real 15385, Mondays at 1425-1455!

I have pointed this out more than once recently in my log reports and DXLD, but it seems station personnel are so out of it they don`t read them, even the portions concerning their own station! Not to mention they don`t even listen to their own station and discover the discrepancy themselves sesquimonths ago. Of course 15325 could be the `right` frequency, only the Noblejas operators don`t know it. But that`s no excuse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 15790 with B-B-C- chime notes IS, Oct 3 at 1358, but final repetition cut off after the first B- at 1359:30, then to pre-hourtop 16-bells of BigBen, but on-hourtop marker cut off too after only one bong, even tho local London time was 3:00! Geez, is BBCWS out of synch. And opening Arabic, as scheduled via Cyprus due south. Fair signal anext Galei Zahal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. You never know whether VOA will be propagating from Greenville in English at 1400-1430, but it was in well Oct 3. Retune at 1433 found weaker, still readable signal from Botswana, but stronger S9+15 Greenville carrier about 2 Hz away remained on until 1435:35*! So they still don`t have their act together. Can only hope that at least there was no modulation overlap before and after 1430. During brief GB fades, the audio from Botswana was able to increase secondarily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9485, broad extremely distorted FMy noise sometimes resembling talk, sometimes music, Oct 3 at 1323. First idea was that it could be North Korean jamming against some clandestine, but none scheduled here. Maybe there is now. Still going at 1333 and at 1402 when I tuned another receiver thru 31m looking for possible modulation matches, but none found; there was a similar but weaker noise on 9750 at 1327, probably unrelated. 1438 now with strident talk resembling the Walterboro Wacko on 9385, but no match there either and 9480-9490 is splattering as far as 9475 bothering Radio Australia. I don`t find anything scheduled on 9485 before 1400, altho R. Rossii via Samara might be there after 1400 with an upacting transmitter. If this keep up, could be a problem for WTWW when inaugurated on 9480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###