Alcuni ascolti effettuati con il Perseus a Bocca di Magra, insieme a Giampiero Bernardini ed Enrico Guindani. Al solito, ho riascoltato le registrazioni in "differita".
4780 1531 22/11 RTV Djibouti, local mx, TK, VV. Good.
4810 1529 22/11 Voice of Armenia, anthem, ID, "Yerevanne khosum", web site, VV. Good.
4840 1535 22/11 AIR Mumbai, sport match, EE. Good.
4895 1530 22/11 AIR Kolkata, ID "This is All India Radio", news, EE. Good.
4920 1530 22/11 AIR Chennai, ID "This is All India Radio", news, EE. Good.
4920 1530 22/11 AIR New Delhi, ID "This is All India Radio", news, EE. Good.
4965 1630 22/11 V.O.Russia, Dushanbe, TK on "political correctness", EE, // 4975. QRM from India. Good.
4975 1630 22/11 V.O.Russia, Dushanbe, TK on "political correctness", EE, // 4965. Very Good.
5060 1540 22/11 PBS Xinjiang, TK, VV. Very good.
5919.8 0400 23/11 W.B.O.H., Newport, ID, address, news, EE. Good.
6010 0359 23/11 R.Bahrain,Abu Ayan, ID, mx, weather info, EE. Poor.
6040 0300 23/11 T.W.R. via Manzini, ID, TK, VV. QRM. Fair/Poor.
6165 0431 23/11 R.Nat. Tchadienne, s/on, anthem, ID, news, stronger than RNW, FF. Good.
6175 0300 23/11 V.O.Vietnam, anthem, ID, SS. Good.
6180 0258 23/11 R.Habana Cuba, ID, mx, SS. Poor.
7360 0130 23/11 A.I.R., Indian mx, ID, VV. Fair.
11580 0900 23/11 KFBS Saipan, male ID, Chinese. Fair.
12085 0859 23/11 V.O.Mongolia, Ulaanbataar, s/on, ID, TK, Japanese. Fair.
15275 1500 22/11 D.W.via Kigali, Rwanda, news, GG. Very good.
15555 1058 23/11 CVC via Darwin, ID, modern Christian mx, EE. Good.
Michele D'Amico IZ2EAS
Technical details of the equipment:
- Receivers:
Modern: Perseus, Drake R8E, Icom IC-R72 and DE1103
Vintage: BC348R, Satellit 210
- Antenna: just a random peice of wire, 7 metres long
4810 1529 22/11 Voice of Armenia, anthem, ID, "Yerevanne khosum", web site, VV. Good.
4840 1535 22/11 AIR Mumbai, sport match, EE. Good.
4895 1530 22/11 AIR Kolkata, ID "This is All India Radio", news, EE. Good.
4920 1530 22/11 AIR Chennai, ID "This is All India Radio", news, EE. Good.
4920 1530 22/11 AIR New Delhi, ID "This is All India Radio", news, EE. Good.
4965 1630 22/11 V.O.Russia, Dushanbe, TK on "political correctness", EE, // 4975. QRM from India. Good.
4975 1630 22/11 V.O.Russia, Dushanbe, TK on "political correctness", EE, // 4965. Very Good.
5060 1540 22/11 PBS Xinjiang, TK, VV. Very good.
5919.8 0400 23/11 W.B.O.H., Newport, ID, address, news, EE. Good.
6010 0359 23/11 R.Bahrain,Abu Ayan, ID, mx, weather info, EE. Poor.
6040 0300 23/11 T.W.R. via Manzini, ID, TK, VV. QRM. Fair/Poor.
6165 0431 23/11 R.Nat. Tchadienne, s/on, anthem, ID, news, stronger than RNW, FF. Good.
6175 0300 23/11 V.O.Vietnam, anthem, ID, SS. Good.
6180 0258 23/11 R.Habana Cuba, ID, mx, SS. Poor.
7360 0130 23/11 A.I.R., Indian mx, ID, VV. Fair.
11580 0900 23/11 KFBS Saipan, male ID, Chinese. Fair.
12085 0859 23/11 V.O.Mongolia, Ulaanbataar, s/on, ID, TK, Japanese. Fair.
15275 1500 22/11 D.W.via Kigali, Rwanda, news, GG. Very good.
15555 1058 23/11 CVC via Darwin, ID, modern Christian mx, EE. Good.
Michele D'Amico IZ2EAS
Technical details of the equipment:
- Receivers:
Modern: Perseus, Drake R8E, Icom IC-R72 and DE1103
Vintage: BC348R, Satellit 210
- Antenna: just a random peice of wire, 7 metres long