mercoledì 31 dicembre 2008

Streaming audio FRS

Dear FRS Friends,

Last Sunday's internet broadcast which would go out between 15.00-20.00 UTC had to be cancelled becauseof a technical problem. As we do not do the streaming ourselves, we were informed when it was too late to let you know.
Apologies for that! To make up FRS-Holland is right now on the internet (thanks to Jack!!):
Dec. 31st 09.00-14.00 plus again 14.00-19.00 CET.
Jan. 1st    09.00-14.00 plus again 14.00-19.00 CET.
So all in all the December 28th broadcast will be streamed no less than 4 times in very good audio quality.
Tune in if you'd like to and enjoy New Year's Eve and/or New Year's Day in our company!
All the best,

Peter Verbruggen

martedì 30 dicembre 2008

Escuchas del 30 de diciembre.

ARMENIA 6235 Voice of Rusia, Yerevan-Gavar, 19:16-19:18, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en alemán a locutora con comentarios, reportaje, SINPO 34433.

7490 Family Radio, Yerevan-Gavar, 19:38-19:40, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en alemán a locutor y locutora en programa religioso, SINPO 45544

BIELORRUSIA 7135 Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, 19:18-19:21, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en alemán con emisión de música pop local, locutora con comentarios, referencias a Belarus acompañada de música, referencias a "Alexandra Lukasenko ??", SINPO 44554

LITUANIA 6115 VO Islamic Rep. Iran, Sitkunai, 19:03-19:06, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en francés a locutor con comentarios sobre el bombardeo de Israel en Gaza y la reacción internacional, conexión con corresponsal, SINPO 44444.

MOLDAVIA 7420 Voice of Rusia, Kishinev-Grigoriopo, 19:30-19:33, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en árabe con emisión de música folklórica árabe interpretado por instrumento similar a la guitarra española, SINPO 45544

RUSIA 5940 Voice of Rusia, Samara, 18:45-18:48, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en polaco a locutor en conversación con invitado, risas, en paralelo por 5830, SINPO 44433.

5950 Voice of Rusia, Kaliningrad-Bolshakovo, 18:49-18:51, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en francés a locutora con noticias, referencias a Israel, en colisión con VOIRI en Hausa, SINPO 43443.

5975 Voice of Rusia, Kaliningrad-Bolshakovo, 18:53-18:56, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en búlgaro con emisión de música pop, SINPO 45444.

5985 Voice of Rusia, Moskva, 18:57-18:59, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en ruso a locutora con comentarios, fragmento musical de Tango, cuña de ID, despedida por locutor, música de sintonía, SINPO 44343.

6130 Voice of Rusia, Moskva, 19:06-19:08, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en francés a locutor con titulares, Felicitaciones de Putin a Obama, música de sintonía, SINPO 44444.

6145 Voice of Rusia, Moskva, 19:09-19:11, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en alemán a locutora con noticias, referencias al presidente de Rusia, se aprecia en colisión con el servicio rumano de CRI en la misma frecuencia, SINPO 53543

6155 Voice of Rusia, Moskva, 19:11-19:12, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en checo a locutora con comentarios, fragmento de opera, SINPO 44554.

6170 Voice of Rusia, Irkutsk, 19:13-19:15, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en griego a locutora con comentarios, SINPO 44544

7300 Voice of Rusia, Krasnodar, 19:25-19:27, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en ruso con la emisión de música pop, SINPO 34433

TAJIKISTÁN 4975 Voice of Rusia, Dushanbe-Yangiyul, 18:51-18:53, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en inglés a locutor y locutora con comentarios, fragmento musical, SINPO 34333

5830 Voice of Rusia, Dushanbe-Yangiyul, 18:36-18:39, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en polaco a locutora con comentarios, fragmento musical interpretado por Arpa, en paralelo por 5940, SINPO 44444.

UCRANIA 7540 Dengue Mezopotamya, 19:41-19:43, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en kurdo con emisión de música folklórica local, canticos muy repetitivos, SINPO 24332

UZBEKISTÁN 5820 Family Radio, Tashkent, 18:32-18:36, escuchada el 30 de diciembre en polaco a locutor con comentarios religiosos menciona "Apocalipsis", locutora realizando preguntas, SINPO 44333

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

log drm

Un piccolo log di emittenti in Drm ricevuto oggi pomeriggio provando il mio nuovo ricevitore Sdr Perseus,

freq.   utc   station info

9400  15:20 BNR Digital 21.08 kbps
9675  15:21 Voice of Russia 17.38 Kbps
5790  15:23 BBC & DW 17.90 kbps , AFS, EPG, Journaline
6060  15:24 Vatican Radio - 20.88 kbps
6015  15:26 TDPradio 20.96 kbps
846   15:28 RAI RadioDue 16.56 kbps , journaline
1593  15:30 WDR-Langernberg 23.62 kbps
13590 15:32 BBC & DW 17.90 kbps , AFS, EPG, Journaline
Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Radio Beromünster: tace una voce gloriosa

Se a qualcuno capita di sintonizzarsi sui 531 KHz informo che sta girando un messaggio loop che dice che DRS Musikwelle è stata disattivata sulle onde medie.
Penso che l'impianto verrà spento il 31.12, alle 23 o alle 24.
Ecco cosa dice il messaggio:
(carillon) A partire dal nuovo anno, su questa frequenza in onde medie si ascolterà probabilmente un'altra emittente; i programmi non provengono però da Beromünster ma dall'estero.
(carillon) Avete sintonizzato la frequenza di 531 KHz; fino al 28 dicembre avete potuto ricevere i programmi di DRS Musikwelle. Ciò non è più possibile in onde medie. Potete però ricevere DRS Musikwelle con una radio digitale, via cavo, via satellite e internet. Maggiori informazioni sulla radio digitale sono ottenibili su o al numero 0848 80 80 80.
Nel mio sito sotto Svizzera ho messo alcune registrazioni e un breve video, a cui aggiungerò anche la registrazione del momento in cui spegneranno l'impianto.

Andrea HB9GCE
Remote WEB-controlled RTX station
Yaesu FT-840
Icom IC-PR1000
Automatic antenna tuner MFJ-994B
Kelemen short (22m) multiband dipole 80-10 m
Southern Switzerland 46° 03' 50 N 8°  56' 10 E

531 KHz DRS Musikwelle Beromünster, Switzerland

If you tune now on 531 KHz you will hear a loop message that informs that DRS Musikwelle has end its programs on 28th December 2008.

Translation of the message:
"From new year 2009 you will receive on this medium wave frequency probably another station. The programs are not coming from Beromünster but from a foreign country (...) You have tuned to 531 KHz medium wave. Till 28th December 2008 you have heard the programs of DRS Musikwelle. This is no more possible on medium waves. You can however receive DRS Musikwelle on digital radio DAB, via cable, satellite and internet (...).

The transmitter will close definitively on 31th December 2008, at 23 or 24 swiss local time.

In my website I have recorded some audioclips

The last news from DRS Musikwelle:
The last 30 minutes of DRS Musikwelle:'ora_531.mp3
The first loop message:
The second loop message:

and a short video of DRS Musikwelle:

I will add in my website also an mp3 of the definitive closing of the transmitter on 31th December 2008.

73's de HB9GCE, Andy

Remote WEB-controlled RTX station
Yaesu FT-840
Icom IC-PR1000
Automatic antenna tuner MFJ-994B
Kelemen short (22m) multiband dipole 80-10 m
Southern Switzerland 46° 03' 50 N 8°  56' 10 E

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

To All a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!

AUSTRALIA   Radio Australia-Shepparton   17795  2238  English  433  Dec 28
Rdio Australia IS 2259. YL with S/on and into World News by a YL. //15230[333] Shepparton.

BONAIRE   Radio Japan Relay-NHK   15265  2328  Japanese  433  Dec 28  Two OMs with comments. 

COSTA RICA   Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE   17850  2230  Spanish  333  Dec 28  OM with comments followed by music vocals.

GUAM, Agat   Adventist World Radio-AWR  15320  2320  Vietnamese  333  Dec 28  YL with comments.

NEW ZEALAND   Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI   15720  2305  English  433  Dec 28  YL with news items.

MARIANAS, North   Radio Free Asia-RFA   15550  2311  Chinese  433  Dec 28  Two OMs with comments.  No Music Jammer was heard!!!  //15430[333].

PHILIPPINES   VOA Relay   15205  2330  Indonesian  333  Dec 28  YL and OM with comments. //15135[333].

PHILIPPINES   VOA Relay   11805  2335  Indonesian  433  Dec 28  OM with comments.   Not related to the VOA on 15205 in the same language.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Somalia: Miliziani islamici chiudono radio HornAfrik a Chisimaio

I miliziani islamici al Shabab hanno chiuso la scorsa settimana l'unica stazione radio attiva nella città somala di Chisimaio, 500 chilometri a sud di Mogadiscio. Lo ha denunciato il direttore dell'emittente HornAfrik, Ahmed Mohamed Aden, al Committee to Protect Journalists, che ha sede a New York. Una decina di miliziani hanno fatto irruzione negli uffici della stazione radio il 13 dicembre scorso e hanno consegnato al direttore un provvedimento firmato da Hassan Yaqub Alil, responsabile per l'Informazione dell'amministrazione islamica della città, in cui si accusa l'emittente di trasmettere musica e informazione "anti-islamica". L'organizzazione Committee to Protect Journalists ha quindi lanciato un appello ad Alil perchè "riveda la sua decisione e consenta all'unica stazione radio di Chisimaio, HornAfrik, di riprendere le trasmissioni", sottolineando come "il flusso libero di notizie sia nell'interesse del Paese". I miliziani hanno fatto irruzione negli uffici della radio la sera del 13 dicembre, subito dopo la messa in onda di un servizio sulle vittime civili degli scontri scoppiati tra gli Shabab e la milizia locale della città di Dobley, situata nei pressi del confine con il Kenya. Il portavoce dell'amministrazione islamica aveva riferito di sette morti su entrambi i fronti, senza riportare vittime tra i civili. HornAfrik aveva festeggiato il suo 12esimo anno di attività solo il giorno prima del raid. Uno dei fondatori della radio, Ali Sharmarke, è rimasto ucciso nel 2007. Il porto di Chisimaio è finito sotto il controllo di una coalizione di forze fedeli al leader Hassan Turki e degli Shabab lo scorso 23 agosto. Turki è accusato da Washington di terrorismo. Alla fine di ottobre, le Corti islamiche hanno emesso ed eseguito una condanna a morte per lapidazione di una bambina di 13 anni, vittima di stupro.  (Apcom)

Cile: 'Radio voz de la costa' fondata dai Cappuccini compie 40 anni

"Mezzo secolo fa, quando i cappuccini olandesi arrivarono a Osorno, nel sud del Cile, trovarono una geografia completamente diversa da quella di oggi. "Los costeños" (gli abitanti della costa), non vivevano nei piccoli centri accovacciati oggi ai piedi della Cordigliera, ma in capanne lontanissime le une dalle altre, isolate sui cerros che preannunciavano (e preannunciano) le altitudini delle vette preandine, o nelle "ganchas largas", minuscole pianure aperte sotto il grigio- amianto delle montagne che riducevano l'abitabilità. Non c'erano strade, ma sentieri a mezza costa che portavano faticosamente verso le vette della Cordigliera, ricoperte di neve. Per questo, nonostante tutta la buona volontà, per i missionari era pressoché impossibile andare a trovare i cristiani, rimasti all'evangelizzazione di trecento anni fa, e riunirli nelle piccole chiese coloniali. Era più facile che fosse la gente a scendere alla missione per i matrimoni, ma soprattutto per i battesimi, a cui teneva moltissimo. Padre Manoel Alejandro Sanchez, uno dei pochi cappuccini spagnoli (della Navarra) impegnati ancora in Cile, parla con disappunto della situazione ambientale del sud del Paese, evangelizzato dai confratelli olandesi. Non sembrava giusto a nessuno che decine di persone dovessero muoversi perché il missionario non poteva raggiungerle, ma non c'erano altre possibilità. "Tiempos difíciles - dice padre Manoel - perché è impossibile formare il cristiano se prima non si forma l'uomo; i missionari lo sapevano, anche se di binomio evangelizzazione-promozione si è cominciato a parlare solo qualche decennio fa. Il problema andava risolto". I missionari venivano dall'Olanda, la patria della Philips, e quando a due di loro, padre Auxencio Wijnhoven e padre Winfredo Van Den Berg, balenò l'idea che solo la radio avrebbe potuto annullare le distanze, ne parlarono immediatamente alla direzione della Società, che fu ben lieta di mettere a disposizione la propria tecnologia per il "desarrollo" lo sviluppo della gente affidata ai loro connazionali, missionari alla Francesco Saverio, di quelli che vanno con nulla e convertono il mondo. Il governo cileno facilitò le pratiche e, precisamente 40 anni fa, Radio la voz de la costa decollò con programmi di evangelizzazione semplice, diretta e immediata. Furono distribuiti vari apparecchi, dislocati dove la gente della costa usava riunirsi. (Radio Vaticana)

Azerbaigian: Via dall'etere Radio Liberty, Voice of America, Bbc

- Il Consiglio nazionale azero della televisione e della radio ha preso la decisione di mettere fuori dall'etere dal primo gennaio 2009 le stazioni radio straniere, a partire da Radio Liberty, Voice of America, Bbc ed Europe Plus. Lo scrive oggi l'agenzia di stampa Interfax. La decisione segue un trend iniziato nel 2007, quando l'istituzione ha deciso di cominciare a limitare le frequenze nazionali destinate ai network stranieri. All'inizio del 2008 il consiglio aveva già preavvertito le televisioni e le radio straniere che sarebbero state messe fuori dall'etere. Ha inoltre consigliato le emittenti di passare via cavo o via satellite. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, che in Azerbaigian opera col marchio Radio Azadliq, ha scritto nel suo sito internet che, secondo gli osservatori, la decisione rappresenta un'ulteriore prova che nel paese del Caspio sia in corso una dinamica repressiva nei confronti della libertà di stampa. L'emittente ha inoltre ricordato come dal 2007 Baku ha registrato il triste record di essere il paese della regione che ha imprigionato più giornalisti. Il blocco alle emittenti radio straniere viene mentre si prepara il referendum di marzo, che deciderà sulla possibilità di eliminare il limite massimo di numeri di mandati per il presidente. L'attuale capo dello stato Ilham Aliev, se dovesse passare il referendum, potrebbe essere eletto per un numero indefinito di mandati. Attualmente è al secondo. (Apcom-Nuova Europa)

Last broadcast with 100kw from 9290 khz

Dear Listeners,
On the 30th of December 2008 at 1300 utc the last broadcast with 100kw from the 9290 khz relay service will take place.

Reported from the relay Licence holder, a new relay service will start sometime in February 2009 with test tones and alignments.

The Transmitter max power will be 10kw.

No more information is available at this time

All the best

lunedì 29 dicembre 2008

Ultimas escuchas

ARGELIA 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni, 19:05-19:09, escuchada el 29 de diciembre en árabe a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 44343

BOSTWANA 9380 Affia Darfur, Selebi-Phikwe, 1900-19:04, escuchada el 29 de diciembre en árabe, locutor con ID "Affia Darfur", música de sintonía, locutor y locutora con titulares y boletín de noticias, referencia a Darfur, Sudan y Sudanía, sin señal en 5880, SINPO 35343.

FRANCIA 7455 Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, 19:12-19:15, escuchada el 29 de diciembre en árabe con el canto del Corán, en paralelo por 9390, SINPO 55555.

RUSIA Radio Vlaanderen Int., St. Peterburg-Popovk, 18:50-18:56, escuchada el 29 de diciembre en holandes a locutor con comentarios, locutora con cuña, cuña de ID, a pesar de la fuerte señal se aprecia un nivel de audio muy bajo, segmento musical, SINPO 53443

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Glenn Hauser logs December 29, 2008

** CANADA. It`s always something awry at Sackville. 9625 remained in whack with no spurs audible, but at 1419 Dec 29, NHKWNRJ relay on 11705 was overmodulated somewhat and splattering 11680-11730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. No sign of RNT on 4905, Dec 29 at 0600. Perhaps they were back on 6165, but nothing much there either, poor propagation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526, VOI, Dec 29 at 1457 poor signal hit by perpetual het from on-frequency 9525, CRI about to start English via Kashi, but Jakarta on top, at 1500 opening its own English, mentioning 11785 which they are not using at this time, 1502:30 into news headlines, but knowing I would shortly be abandoned, to avoid frustration, I stopped listening but left a receiver with BFO on 9527, to detect how long the transmitter would stay on by mistake this time: until 1511* Ron Howard, California was listening at exactly the same time, reminds us it`s really 9525.90 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XERTA, 4800, Dec 29 at 0601, with Mexican national anthem at local midnight. If you are not familiar with it, a good chance to hear it any night, and help locate other stations, especially on MW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. FEBC, 9430, VG signal with unpublicized bilingual broadcast, Dec 29 at 1453 OM in American English talking about grace, another tenuous theological concept, alternating with YL in Chinese, presumably consecutive translation. Bocaue, 100 kW at 345 degrees, but could have been aimed right at US.

Then at 1504 found weaker but sufficient signal on 9400 saying Salaam Aleikum, Turkic language and only recognized an occasional foreign word such as druzhya, Bethlehem, all talk, still at 1518, but 1523 a bit of music; 1525 splatter de Brother Scare/WWRB 9385 worsening as 9400 faded some, wrapping up, 1528:30 mentioned Almatá, Kazakhstan, I think. 1530 Jesus-Saves IS, so it`s FEBC, and off at 1530:30*. Then looked up in Aoki to find it`s Uighur from Bocaue at 323 degrees. No trace of jamming, so the Chicom are not so worried about the gospel huxters as they are about the few secular or Islamic-influenced broadcasts on SW in Uighur (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 6115, Dec 29 at 1443 with brief Russian axualities into Chinese voice-overs, somewhat distorted. If I were list-logging with PWBR `2009` I would have to conclude this was YFR in English via Irkutsk, but unseems; instead per Aoki it`s VOR in Chinese via Khabarovsk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SEYCHELLES [non]. Just above big signal from Turkey 12035, found English preaching with British accent on 12045, Dec 29 at 1422, mentioning believers, femininity. S9 +12 on the meter, but quite undermodulated, and flutter. 1428 closing with a P O Box 8700 address somewhere in India, and separate FEBA address. 1429:30 IS and off, but back on a few sex later, much weaker with tone or het.

I had just happened upon one of the rare English broadcasts from FEBA, this one via UAE, on Mondays only, and switching from 110 to 70 degrees for Urdu following, per Aoki. I`d think the UA Emir would be in trouble with his Islamic brethren for broadcasting all this Infidel stuff; but then compared to the debauchery going on in Dubai, this is small potatoes and who`s to know where it is really coming from? Heh, heh (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. RNV CI, 11680 via Cuba, Dec 29 at 1541-1546 had segment Contacto con los Diexistas: intro and outro in Spanish but body of program by the YL with broken English. She read report from Juan Franco Crespo in Spain (who surely wrote in Spanish), and from someone in Kanagawa, then quick explanation of SINPO and UTC, formerly ``GTM`` -- Like the hoary schedule announcements, RNV keeps running these items over and over too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, 8GAL back with conventional V/CQ marker at *1400-1401* Dec 29. Started before the 5-second-late timesignal from RUSSIA 6075 had finished (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Pirate in onde medie

Ieri sera prima di andare a dormire ho fatto un rapido scan sopra i 1600 khz e ho ascoltato con piacere diversi segnali di emittenti pirata dall'olanda e dalla germania. Purtroppo  non e' facile identificare queste stazioni che trasmettono soprattutto orribile musica folk olandese e fanno pochi annunci tra i saluti in olandese. Ho notato che la maggior parte delle stazioni chiede rapporti d'ascolto e richieste di canzoni via sms. Ecco il log di ieri sera:

1675  22:26 Musica Folk - Parlato in olandese - Segnale molto forte e ottimo modulazione
1655 22:29  Musica Folk - Segnale forte
1620 22:25 Musica Folk  - Debole e si sposta in frequenza
1630 22:35 Musica Folk
1690 22:40 Musica Folk + Parlato in olandese - Chiede rapporti via sms
1635 22:45 Musica Dance - Molto basso

Rx: IC756pro3 - Antenna: Loop 25 mt.
Qth: Ginevra

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

domenica 28 dicembre 2008

531 KHz Beromünster Musikwelle - End of transmissions from this frequency

Please stay tuned on 531 KHz, this frequency will close definitively at 2400 swiss local time (2300 UTC).


Ultimas escuchas

ISRAEL 15785 Galei Zahal, Tel-Aviv, 09:29-09:35, escuchada el 28 de diciembre en hebreo a locutor con invitado en conversación, por momentos algo acalorada, cuña de ID, locutora con comentarios, cuña sobre un festival, SINPO 35343.

RUSIA 11915 Radio Tatarstan, Samara, 09:49-09:59, escuchada el 28 de diciembre en tátaro a locutor con invitado en conversación, locutora con comentarios, locutor con despedida y fragmento musical, SINPO 45433

UCRANIA 11530 Dengue Mezopotamya, 09:44-09:48, escuchada el 28 de diciembre en kurdo a locutor con comentarios, fragmento musical, emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 34343

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Glenn Hauser logs December 28, 2008

** CANADA. CBCNQ, 9625, back in whack, for the moment, Dec 28 at 1458 in Sunday Edition, break promo in French. Could not hear any spurs around 9640, and 9650 occupied by another Sackville transmitter, KBSWR relay until 1459* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. RNT back on 4905, Dec 28 at 0630 with sorta hilife music, 0636 enthusiastic announcer in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI, 9526, was inaudible on Dec 27, but Dec 28 just caught it until 1501* ending Malay and opening English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. Sunday Dec 28 at 1506 could only hear VOG in Greek talk on 15650; usually there is a mix with Miraya FM, via IRRS via Slovakia, which has been colliding since the beginning of B-08, and yes, scheduled 7 days a week. So has Miraya moved? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WA0RCR, Gateway Amateur Radio Newsletter, Missouri, 1860-AM was playing a Jean Shepherd monolog about ham radio, Dec 28 at 0808. Or was I dreaming? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 10200-10230, OTH radar pulses centred on 10215, Dec 28 at 1503 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Ascolti pugliesi...

Innanzitutto AUGURI a tutto il gruppo !
Sono a Foggia per le vacanze di Natale, e vi segnalo quindi qualche ascolto pugliese. Il ricevitore è l'inseparabile Perseus, l'antenna un dipolo "avventizio" da 15 metri di lunghezza, sul balcone; il dipolo è connesso al Perseus attraverso un balun 1:9 e un breve tratto di coax RG58.

3915 2208 26/12 B.B.C., via Kranji,TK, VV. Fair.
4905 2145 23/12 Rdif. Nat. Tchadienne, N'Djaména, afro mx, ID, FF. Good.
5025 2152 23/12 ORTB, R Regionale, Parakou, Benin, TK, mx, FF. Poor.
5030 2150 23/12 China Nat. Radio 1, Beijing, TK, VV. Fair.
6005 0630 28/12 B.B.C. via Ascension Isl., ID, TK, EE. Fair.
9475 1600 26/12 r.Australia, Shepparton, ID, news, EE. Good.
9550 2214 25/12 R.Habana, Cuba, TK, SS. Fair.
9665 2129 27/12 KCBS Pyongyang, TK, VV. Good.
9705 2218 25/12 La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, afro mx, TK, FF. Fair.
9980 2221 25/12 WWCR Nashville, rlg TK, EE. Good.
11525 1525 26/12 V.O.A. via Tinang, ID, mx, EE. Good.
11640 0608 28/12 T.W.R. via Meyerton, sermon, EE. Fair.
11685 2223 26/12 A.W.R. via Agat, Guam, TK, VV, //11895. Very good.
11735 1525 26/12 TBC Radio Zanzibar, listeners' phone calls, VV. Very good.
11760 0730 26/12 BBC via Oman, ID, jingle, EE. Very good.
11875 0725 26/12 Star Radio, via Ascension, interview, mx, ID,EE. Good.
11875 0730 26/12 Cotton Tree News, via Ascension, ID, news, EE. Good.
11895 2223 26/12 A.W.R. via Agat, Guam, TK, VV, //11685. Very good.
12045 0710 28/12 D.W.,via Kigali, greetings from the staff for the new year, EE. Good.
13590 0735 28/12 C.V.C. via Lusaka, tk on the new year, EE. Good.
15100 1101 26/12 r.Pakistan, ID, news, distorted modulation, EE. Good.
15190 0710 26/12 R. Africa 2 (tent.), TK, EE. Poor.
15450 0749 28/12 F.E.B.C., Iba, TK, VV. Fair.
15460 0700 26/12 r.Slovakia Int., ID, EE. Fair.
15610 0701 26/12 CVC International, via Tashkent, pop mx, ID, ads, EE. Very good.
17635 0740 28/12 CVC International, via Darwin, pop mx, ID, VV. Good.

Michele IZ2EAS


The traditional broadcasting from E.C.H & V.O.T.N. will start already in the nighttime around 01.oo utc time on 6210Khz special for the listeners outside of europe.Hotline is then already open and you can send your sms greetings to the next number 0031 625426740 , this only open for SMS message, so send al your greetings to that number and later daytime we will go further with live programming on 6210khz. Hopely you will enjoy again the traditional newyearseve broadcasting.happy 2009.

TIPS Roberto Pavanello

999 23/12 11.10 RAI R.1 - Perugia IT NX reg. Umbria suff.
1260 22/12 14.27 R. Murcia - SS pubblicità locale buono
1305 23/12 14.00 R.N.E. R.1 - Ciudad Real SS NX reg. Castilla La Mancha SS suff.
1390 24/12 05.55 WEGP - Presque Isle EE talk OM suff.
1500 24/12 05.50 WFED - Washington EE NX buono
1510 24/12 05.45 WWZN - Boston talk OM suff.
1566 23/12 20.15 TWR - Parakou Vern. predica buono
1584 22/12 16.30 R. Studio X - Momigno IT ID e MX buono
1645 27/12 23.45 R. Monte Carlo -
Dutch ID e MX buono
1650 24/12 05.10 CJRS - Montreal FF talk OM suff.
1665 27/12 23.05 R. Armada -
Dutch ID e MX buono
1670 24/12 05.40 WVVM - Dry Branch SS MX suff.
1670 27/12 23.15 R. Macedonia Thessaloniki - Greco ID e MX buono
1680 24/12 05.20 WOKB - Winter Garden EE predica suff.
1700 24/12 05.30 KVNS - Brownsville EE MX buono
3910 24/12 23.30 R. Mistletoe -
EE ID e MX buono
4780 24/12 16.20 R. Gibuti - Arabo talk OM buono
4799.8 22/12 04.15 R. Buenas Nuevas - S. Sebastian SS MX suff
4880 24/12 16.25 A.I.R. - Lucknow Hindy nenia locale buono
4885 25/12 00.00 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP Jingle Bells buono
4915 27/12 23.30 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX suff.
4925 27/12 23.40 R. Educ. Rural - Tefè PP MX suff.
5910 27/12 23.35 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono
6035 23/12 00.05 Voz del Guaviarè - S. Josè del Guaviarè SS MX buono
6185 23/12 00.00 R. Nac. do Amazonia - Brasilia Pp NX suff
6201 25/12 10.15 R. Blue Star -
EE ID e MX buono
6210 25/12 10.25 R. Waves Int. - EE ID e MX buono
6210 26/12 10.10 R. Borderhunter - EE ID e MX buono
6220 25/12 09.35 Skyline R. Germany -
EE MX buono
6220 26/12 10.20 R. Marabù - EE ID e MX buono
6260 26/12 10.00 R. Paardenkracht -
EE ID e MX buono
6265 25/12 09.50 Antonio R. -
EE ID e MX suff.
6291 26/12 10.35 R. Jingle Bells - EE ID e MX buono
6296 28/12 09.55 R. Dr. Tim - Tedesco ID e MX buono
6305 26/12 10.05 R. Optimod -
EE ID e MX buono
6310 25/12 10.10 R. Condor -
EE ID e MX buono
6310 26/12 10.25 R. Lowland -
EE ID e MX buono
6325 28/12 10.00 R. Quintus -
EE ID e MX buono
6400 28/12 10.15 Free R. Service Holland - EE pirate NX // a 6220 KHz buono
7160 21/12 15.10 R. Romania Int. - Bucarest IT intervista a Roberto Pavanello ottimo
9505 26/12 21.15 R. Record - Sao Paulo PP A Voz do Brasil suff.
9630 25/12 00.05 R. Aparecida - PP live phone buono
9675 26/12 21.20 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP A Voz do Brasil suff.
11720 25/12 10.50 Scandinavian Weekend R. - Virrat EE MX suff.
11725 26/12 20.30 R. Novas de Paz - Curitiba PP gospel suff
11765 26/12 20.20 R. Tupi - Curitiba PP folle urlante buono
11925 26/12 20.25 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP NX suff.
12045 21/12 14.00 FEBA - Dhabbaya EE predica buono
15495 21/12 12.00 AWR Europe - Wertachtal EE Wavescan ottimo

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italia

Ascolti AM

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

Venerdì 26 dicembre 2008
07.36 - 6210 kHz
Canzoni di Natale e IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
07.39 - 6220 kHz
ID YL e musica R&B anni 70.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
07.41 - 6260v kHz
Musica anni 70-80 non stop e IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
08.10 - 6210 kHz
Musica sotto R. Mistletoe.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
08.21 - 6282 kHz
Gospel pop USA e ID OM.
Segnale molto buono-buono
08.29 - 6310 kHz
Musica pop melodica anni 80.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
08.43 - 5800 kHz
Solo tracce di musica anni 60.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
08.47 - 6200.6 kHz
Segnale sufficiente-buono
E' quella che non avevo identificato
ieri su 6959.7 kHz.
08.57 - 6214.7 kHz
Solo portante.
Segnale insufficiente
09.01 - 6220 kHz
IDs e musica psichedelica.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
09.04 - 6291.1 kHz
"La cucaracha".
Segnale sufficiente-buono
09.12/10.43 - 6255 kHz
Annuncio, mx e s/off.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
10.49 - 6205 kHz
Musica pop melodica.
Segnale insufficiente-buono


Sabato 27 dicembre 2008
07.57 - 6019.5 kHz
SS, LV de la Liberacion.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
10.33 - 6202.6 kHz
Musica varia e (poche) IDs OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
10.34 - 6256 kHz
Musica popolare scozzese.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
10.44 - 6424.7 kHz
Musica pop e IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
Dopo qualche minuto era già spenta.
10.47 - 5800 kHz
Phil Collins.
Segnale molto buono-buono
11.59 - 6285 kHz
Musica country USA e ID OM.
Segnale buono-molto buono


Domenica 28 dicembre 2008
08.20 - 6220 kHz (no // 6400)
EE, mx dance e annuncio OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
08.24 - 6280.4 kHz
Solo tracce di musica.
Segnale insufficiente
08.26 - 6400 kHz
Musica pop NL e annunci OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
08.36 - 6285 kHz
Portante muta e s/off.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
08.41 - 6290 kHz
Arabo, tk YL.
Segnale molto buono
Queste prove, come su 6860 kHz, al mattino
ci sono con una certa regolarità.
08.46 - 5820 kHz
SS, ID OM e musica olandese.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
08.48 - 6285 kHz
Musica black anni '80 non stop.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
09.04 - 6260 kHz
EE, IDs OM e Bangles.
Segnale molto buono-buono
09.15 - 6255 kHz
Musica heavy metal e annuncio OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
12.00 - 5800 kHz
Musica pop.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente

SWL I1-0799GE
Luca Botto Fiora (30 MB - no ADSL)

G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova)

R7 Drake
Satellit 500 Grundig
2 DE1103 Degen
VR500 Yaesu

Loop ferrite ACA 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop 1 spira da finestra 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 20 m (@6-30 MHz)

Ampli RF K0LR per loop ferrite modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW/dipolo
Balun a choke coassiale 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software MultiMode 5.9.2 (demo) BlackCatSystems

Stazioni pirata

Oggi dopo parecchio tempo mi sono messo ad ascoltare i pirata in banda 41 metri e ho scoperto con piacere che l'attivita' di queste stazioni continua, ecco quello che e' ho ascoltato, le stazioni identificate
sono poche a causa del poco tempo a disposizione e del molto qrm locale (i miei figli)

73 e Auguri, Andrea IW0HK
Ginevra - Rx: IC 756pro3 - Antenna Loop

6285 09:07 Musica disco anni 80 - Segnale molto forte
6260 09:10 Musica e parlato in olandese
6266 09:12 Musica Folk
6400 09:15 Musica Progressive - Radio Boomerang ?
6220 09:21 Musica dance + jinle di varie radio - Weekend Music radio o Radio Border
6296 09:38 Musica Folk e italiana - niente dj - segnale basso
6325 09:47 musica folk e parlato in olandese - Il dj chiede rapporti via sms
6280 09:57 parlato in eng. bassa
6210 11:37 rock music senza ID

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

sabato 27 dicembre 2008

Glenn Hauser logs December 26-27, 2008

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 13720, OK in English at 1535 Dec 27, but gone at 1552 recheck, before sign-off time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BIAFRA [non]. For the record, Voice of Biafra International reconfirmed Friday Dec 26 at 2029 still on WHRI 15665, tho just barely audible with backscatter echo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CBCNQ transmitter out of whack again, Dec 27 at 1326 when 9625 was quite distorted, and also putting out almost constant spurs matching modulation peaks, ranging 9645 to 9660 or so, worst at 9650, this time also bothering IRAN 9660, q.v. At 1333 CBC mentioned Hydro-Québec; 1516 in French and still spurring 9645 now up to 9665; see GUAM [non]. I don`t understand why this stays on the air, unlistenable on fundamental and QRMing other stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 7220, Dec 27 at 1534, best signal on 41m band with music, Japanese talk, mentioned ``Peking Hoso``. Is PWBR `2009` any help? Of course not! During this hour only has misleading bars for CAR, RFE/RL, Vietnam and Zambia. EiBi B-08 has the answer, CRI Japanese service, 95 degrees from Jinhua at 1500-1557 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Quite a clash on 11760, Sat Dec 27 at 1343, with Cuban music on top of RHC talk in Spanish! This turned out to be BBCWS which is now on a Cuba-binge celebrating the Revolution`s L anniversary; or as they put it, Cuba Season. This being Charlie Gillett`s World of Music, including Ernesto Lecuona, Pérez Prado and at 1353 BBC had Watermelon Man by Mongo Santamaría, 1962 post-revolution.

But whence? It`s the OMAN relay until 1400, putting a better signal than usual into here far from its target area, but favorable at 310 or 320 degrees. RHC might want to consider abandoning 11760 in the mornings, like it did 9550 due to interference. Fortunately, RHC was mostly talk, but when they too played music it was a royal mess. BBC off at 1359:30 leaving RHC almost in the clear with something weaker under with timesignal, China?

Here`s the BBCWS page for the show, where I went to listen to the whole thing without CubaRM: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. WRMI, 9955, Sat Dec 27 at 1335 in Spanish with rambling speaker, long pauses, talking about trabajadores. No jamming audible for a change, and listening for a couple minutes, I could not decide if it was political, but probably so. Sked looked up later shows Radio Cuba Libre at 13-15. Weak signal subject to fadeouts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM [non]. 9665, Dec 27 at 1516 with S Asian music, QRM from CBCNQ 9625 spur, and also weak het from perpetually off-frequency N Korea. At 1530, giveaway AWR theme and Voice of Hope ID in English, barely audible.

Is PWBR `2009` any help? Of course not! Only thing listed during this hour is an alleged 24-hour Brazilian. Aoki and EiBi have the answer: AWR via Wertachtal, 1500-1530 in Punjabi, 1530-1600 in Hindi.

CBC shouldn`t bother way over there, but the P`yongyang het must be worse in the target area; could it be that AWR picked this frequency unaware that NK is on it (or rather off it), since that is not in HFCC? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR GOS, 9690, Dec 27 at 1337 with news in English, 1340 ID and commentary. Has continuous hum/buzz but not so annoying that one must tune away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9660, Dec 27 at 1326 in a language with both Turkic and Slavic elements, talking about Ukraine and at 1330 about Palestine. It`s VOIRI, scheduled 13-14 in Kazakh, 30 degrees from Sirjan. With splatter/spur QRM from CBCNQ 9625; see CANADA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LAOS [non]. WHRI, 11785, with Hmong Lao Radio Sat Dec 27 until 1459, including rustic music we always enjoy, then off the air for a semiminute, foregoing any ID or OCS, back on at 1500 for Hmong World Christian Radio, Unclear why there would be any break between these two closely related shows from and for Hminnesota; one of them pays for 250 kW and the other for 100 kW? But 11785 is FCC-authorized only for 100 kW at 315 degrees any time between 1300 and 2300. I could not detect any difference in strength before and after 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Looking for Guinea on 7125, Dec 26 at 2330, heard music, but hopes dashed by Russian announcement at 2333. Most references show Russia starting at 0000. But the B-08 VOR sked from Vadim Alexeyev, VOR Russian world service DX program editor via Michael Bethge, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews via Wolfgang Büschel shows: Russian-IRR 2300-0000 7125 Grigoriopol MDA 500 EUR from 01 Nov

IRR is International Russian Radio, ex Russian International Radio. No trace of Guinea underneath tho it has been reported sporadically active at various times since the coup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Area 51 on WBCQ, 5110, Friday Dec 26 at 2350 had R. Timtron Worldwide during the first hour; 0001:30 Dec 27 into latest WORLD OF RADIO 1440; axually on about 5109.8-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1290, Dec 27 at 0638 UT with delayed Jim Bohannon Show, guest discussing Africa. Dominant for a few minutes, then fading.

The show abandoned its old website in August, but left it up:
Now it`s with useful info on scheduled guests, plus this station finder page

Unfortunately, you have to click on each and every state, not including GUAM, to see what`s listed, and trying about 25 of the closest ones, did not find a single affiliate on 1290. In order to make an `ID`, I would have had to check every single state on the off-chance that there is only one 1290 on the whole roster, and then could not be sure if it were up-to-date (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11532.0, variety of digital noise bursts at 0630 Dec 27 but then just huge open carrier, way over WYFR 11530 with Camping trying to talk thru the big het. Probably same transmitter that does spy numbers, CUBA? Maybe not, as RHC was just barely audible on 11760, while WEWN was VG on 11870, CVC Chile G on 11805. Could have been some winter sporadic E confusing us about which areas could be propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15315, 15345, Dec 27 at 1511 heard weak pulses peaking around these frequencies, like OTH radar heard elsewhere, mostly out of band but previously reported around here inmidst 19m. Strong DentroCuban jamming against Martí 15330 might have been bleeding out, but if so, indistinguishable to the ear from OTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Ultimas escuchas

BOSTWANA 17895 Voice of América, Selebi-Phikwe, 15:36-15:40, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en inglés con emisión de música rap y pop, SINPO 44433.

CHAD 5905 RNT N´Djamena, N´Djamena, 18:05-18:15, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en francés a locutora con comentarios, emisión de música ancestral, cánticos acompañados de instrumentos de percusión, ritmos muy repetitivos, SINPO 45333.

MALI 7285 Radio Mali, Bamako I, 17:28-17:50, escuchada el 27 de diciembre con emisión de música pop local con ritmos ancestrales, locutora con ID en francés "Radio Mali...", SINPO 44444.

OMAN 15140 Radio Sultanante Oman, Thumrait, 15:05-15:15, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en árabe a locutora con boletín de noticias, conexión con corresponsales, "...Oman..arabía...", comentarios, SINPO 35343.

TANZANIA 11735 Voice of Tanzania Zanzíbar, Dole, 15:42-15:46, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en suahili a locutor con comentarios y emisión de música ancestral, comentarios y conversación con invitado, SINPO 32432

USA 15330 Radio Marti, Greeville B, 15:16-15:20, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en español a locutor y locutora con noticias sobre Cuba, acompañado por testimonios, SINPO 45444.

ZAMBIA 9420 CVC International, Lusaka, 17:52-17:57, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en inglés a locutora con programa musical, temas pop, SINPO 35343

13650 CVC International, Lusaka, 15:25-15:30, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en inglés con emisión de música pop internacional, locutor con cuña, presentación e identificación, SINPO 45343.

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Radio Gloria International this Sunday

Date 28th of December 2008,
Time 1300 to 1400 UTC

Channel 6140 KHz

The transmissions of Radio Gloria will be broadcast over the transmitting station Wertachtal in Germany.

The transmitter power will be 100 000 Watts, and we will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).

Good listening and a Happy New Year
73s Tom

Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz

December 30th
RMRC 13.00 -15.00 UTC

Happy New Year
73s Tom

venerdì 26 dicembre 2008

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BELARUS Radio Belarus 7100 1832 Russian 333 Dec 22 YL with comments plus some music vocals. Then a YL and OM with comments.

CHINA Music Jammer 5810 1812 333 Dec 22 Drum Music jamming RFA via No Marianas.

CHINA China Radio Intl-RCI 6075 1822 Russian 433 Dec 22 OM with comments. Music vocals 1825. OM with comments 1844.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 6035 1817 Japanese 333 Dec 22 OM with comments and followed by music vocals. //7225[444].

MADAGASCAR Radio Netherlands Relay-RNI 11655 1915 English 333 Dec 22 OM interviewing an OM. RNI ID by an OM 1916. YL with comnments 1917. //11805 [433]via So Africa.

RUSSIA, Petropavlovsk 7125 1833 English 444 Dec 22 YL with comments on Siberian Train system on the Kaleidiscope program.

UNIRED ARAB EMIRATE Voice of Voice of Germany Relay-DW 9715 1905 Russian 433 Dec 22 YL with DW ID 1906. Then OM with comments with a YL.

UNITED STATES VOA 9370 1851 Arabic 444 Dec 22 YL talking to two OMs, then music vocals 1853. YL with Voice of America ID 1855. Suddenly off the air 1859.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 to ALL around the world!

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

FRS - Seasonal broadcast

Dear FRS Friends,

Season's  Greetings from all of us  at FRS-Holland. We wish all of you a merry Christmas.
May 2009 become a healthy, successful and radioactive year for all of you.
Thanks for your support in the past year.

Next Sunday December 28th 2008, FRS-Holland will take to the airwaves with another 5 hour seasonal broadcast. We will be on 6220 kHz 08.00-13.00 UTC. In addition we are on 6400 kHz 08.00-22.00 UTC ánd 9770 kHz 14.30-15.30 UTC. 9770 features part 1 & 2 of FRS goes DX, output will be a 100 kW. We issue a special seasonal QSL card for next Sunday. We'd love to hear from you....please add some personal comments and px criticism in your report. That would be fine! Programmes will be presented by Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Mike Anderson & Peter Verbruggen. Mike Anderson will present DX-Welle in German. Jan van Dijk will be doing the German Service including a 2008 Free Radio overview. Peter V. presents an extra long FRS Magazine flashing back to December 1988 and December 1998 and present FRS goes DX (part 1 & 2) including news from around the world and SW Free Radio news as well. Ingredients for next Sunday are:  great music from the past 4 decades, radio news, 2008 review, listener's letters & eMails from November, a listeners competition, the 'Phrase that Pays', New Year Greetings and much, much more....

Christmas Day and Boxing Day Peter V. will present each day a one hour show on 9770 kHz 13.00- 14.00 hours UTC. These programmes are part of a joint venture of KBC Radio, Britain Radio Int. and FRS-Holland. All shows are aired under the umbrella of the Mighty KBC but reports for the 13.00-14.00 UTC shows are more than welcome and can be sent to our usual mail or postal address! The broadcasts on both XMas Days will take place between 10.00- 15.30 UTC. 100,000 watts on 9770 kHz.
FRSH on a Sunday means fun & enjoyment....

All the best,

Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the entire FRS Crew being Bobby Speed, Mike Anderson, Jan van Dijk, PV & Paul Graham

Ps  Between 15.00- 20.00 the complete broadcast will be streamed via <>

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>

Glenn Hauser logs December 26, 2008

** CHAD. RNT, 6165 believed still in use instead of 4905, as I was getting a mix with Croatia at 0650 Dec 26, but not as well as 24 hours earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. HCJB, 11690, still claiming to be on 21455 as well as 11690 and 11960, in automated Spanish ID at 1429:30 Dec 26. Usual heavy RTTY QRM from 11687.5 which I find hard to believe is coming all the way from Crimea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ERITREA [non]. V. of Democratic Alliance, checked the next day at 1514 was still slightly above 9556 with music, 1515 announcement supposed to be in Arabic on Friday; via R. Ethiopia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 11675, news mostly about Pakistan, Dec 26 at 1431, which is RFI in Persian at 1430-1500 only, 80 degrees from Issoudun, good but with some long-path echo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. NHKWNRJ, 11705 via Canada, both Dec 25 and 26 with Tales of Genji, fully produced with SFX and music, from the millennium-old classic; finishing Dec 26 at 1429 saying it was the second and final part. Same thing which had been running on last Saturdays of the month instead of World Interactive, no doubt a holiday filler instead of up-to-date programming. This transmission has also been somewhat overmodulated lately. Sackville, please touch it up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 7540, other-worldly chanting accompanied by strumming, Friday Dec 26 at 1405; strong but flutter and traces of long-path echo, from V. of Mesopotamia, via Ukraine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XEOY, 6010, was stronger than usual, Dec 26 at 1352 with government PSA about elexions becoming more democratic; so also checked 6045 and could detect a bit of classical from XEXQ in ACI from China 6040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. Channel Africa, 17770, opening English at 1500 Dec 26 with accurate timesignal compared to CHU. But only frequency announced was 15235! Current schedules show that frequency is not on the air until 1600 in French, 1700-1800 in English. Another breakdown in communication between the transmitter/engineering/studio departments. Then news starting with RSA government condemning the coup in Guinea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. REE, 17595, great signal as usual, Dec 26 at 1440 with wide-ranging, well-produced, year-in-review special, arts and politics in Spain and abroad, including controversy over queen`s opinions, death of Paul Newman. We can only hope nothing significant happens in week 52. Wrapping up at 1449 with ID, ``Radio Exterior de España; nuestras frecuencias hablan español``. How true (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** THAILAND. R. Thailand, 9725, good reception but ear-glazing subject, Dec 26 at 1419, YL in clear but slightly accented English reading what sounds like government press release about education policy reform. Loud piano with orchestra music thruout, a modern concerto? Which I would have preferred to hear without the dull talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The winter sporadic-E season has been a slow-starter, but some reaching lower TV channels has been reported in last few days. Es was certainly in play Dec 26 at 1435 when normally barely audible WWCR 15825 was inbooming during Tony Alamo telling of a huge golden altar suddenly appearing in someone`s Los Angeles apartment, with a midget. OK. . . Still coming in well at 1507 recheck with another preacher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. SENTECH, Meyerton, South Africa, is now carrying two different VOA programs on 17740 and 17750 between 1400 and 1500. Dec 26 at 1452 on 17750, feature from Al Silverman in Hollywood about the plot to kill Hitler movie, 1455 to 2-minute USG editorial about Sri Lanka where the Tamil Tigers and the Sinhalese should make peace; off the air at 1459:30, as weaker VOA Kurdish on 17740 was also going off. 17750 is aimed 342 degrees, better for us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, another check for 8GAL, Dec 26 at 1400: certainly not the usual V/CQ marker, but instead a long key-down tone, and indecipherable message for a minute concluding with another long dash. Was not recording to try to figure it out later, but no 8GAL ID heard. Possibly was negatively-keyed by mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

giovedì 25 dicembre 2008

Glenn Hauser logs December 23-24, 2008

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. Altho I haven`t log-reported it lately, I continue to enjoy R. Solh music in the mornings here when I can force myself to suspend the usual bandscanning. One piece they always play at 1420-1426 on 13830 via UK, as heard again Dec 24, is especially captivating, and I wonder what the lyrix are saying. Does it have a political message, or just entertainment? Perhaps Aslam Javaid or Al Muick can enlighten us. I can only hope the psyopped Afghans are appreciating Radio Solh as much as we taxpayers do (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 13720, carrier on as early as 1525, then IS from 1528, opening English to NAm at 1530 with full English schedule, including updated 7425 at 0130; she says broadcasts to North America are Monday to Sunday --- but that means from 1525 Monday to 0457 UT Sunday; it`s still six days a week except local Sundays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Further chex of the defective CBCNQ transmitter: Dec 24 at 0555, funxioning normally and nominally on 9625. But at 1318 it was acting up again: distorted Inuk(?) talk on 9625, ``Gloria`` carol, with spurs at modulation peaks audible as high as 9670 but worst around 9640-9645. Doesn`t seem to do it on the lower side. No replies received about this from Sackville or Montréal, to my recent notification about this problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CFRX, 6070, still holding up with good signal and modulation; Dec 24 at 1336 ad for smart dishwashing machines at Home Depot. Still seems odd to hear a genuine (very) commercial North American station on SW, with lots of spots. CFRB ought to charge a premium on its ad rates now as long as SW is on the air, funxioning properly, and not subject to random overrides for SW IDs. But they would be laughed out of the ad agencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. Paul Brouillette, in IL, reported to DXLD hearing RNT on 6165 until
2233* Dec 22, so I was wondering if they had moved all transmissions back to 6165 after a brief revival on 4905? No, in the morning, Dec 24 at 0601, heard only Croatia on 6165, and good signal from Chad on 4905 with music; 0603 non-French announcement, more music, then YL talking in non-French until 0613 more music, 0615 drumming and 0616 into OM speaking Arabic. Lite CODAR QRM thruout, which would have been worse without the strength of the Chad signal to diminish it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 8400 still with Firedrake after a couple of weeks, so Sound of Hope must be sticking here too, Dec 24 at 1347 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. The DentroCuban Jamming Command continues to ruin many other frequencies besides the ones they need to. If you`re going to jam, do it responsibly, only against your enemies! That is, only on enemy frequencies, only when they are axually in use, and in Spanish. Incidentally, this would make your operation more efficient and effective against the real targets, without making more enemies!

Dec 24 at 1324, I found the pulses centered on 11930 against R. Martí were extending plus/minus 25 kHz, and thus also marring R. Romania International`s music on 11940. Also similar pulsing heard on 11490-11495 against nothing at 1326, further spur? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 15710 with constant tone test, Dec 24 at 1406 and for next few minutes. Presumably R. Cairo after closing Indonesian service until 1400, as they habitually run tone afterwards for reasons unknown --- maybe it`s just occupying the audio feed channel and they don`t get around to turning off the transmitter promptly. Would that the clarity of the programming, normally extremely distorted, approached the purity of this tone! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUINEA. See RUSSIA: no sign of 7125 post-coup(?) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY. Ham Roberto, I2VRN inbooming on SSB 7162 Dec 23 around 0700, working US hams in English. Not too surprising as Vatican Radio is a regular on 7250, but with somewhat more power and he was rivalling it. says he is: ROBERTO VERANI, VIA PAGLIARI BIVIO 6, I-26049 STAGNO LOMBARDO, CREMONA, ITALY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 7540, Dec 23 at 1455 with rather repetitive chanting, fair, continuing after 1500 with weaker talk; hmmm, what is this? Is PWBR any help? Of course not! Nothing listed on 7540 at this time. O yes, it`s Voice of Mesopotamia = Denge Mezopotamya in Kurdish as in Aoki, 1400-1800, 500 kW at 129 degrees via Ukraine, but this scheduling is to expire at yearend, with 11530 extended another hour until 1500. We usually hear it better on 11530 until 1400*, but only after WYFR closes at 1345 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. V. of Africa, 17725, 1442 Dec 24 with a bit of its habitual produxion music, probably off some American service years ago as it sounds familiar, then talking in English about Qaddafi with even more familiar Beethoven`s Ninth in the background. They never seem to tire of this subject; wonder why? Do not assume Ludwig would endorse Muammar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XEXQ, 6045, less classical and more exmassy, Dec 24 at 1332 with vocal group, 1333 YL solo ``Let it Snow``, 1335 ``Ave María`` --- maybe a medley moving right along. As usual, quite weak signal, and presumed.

This led me to wonder if it ever snows on San Luís Potosí? Searching on its clima I kept getting current and predicted weather pages rather than long-term climate data! Latitude is +22º 16, so snow not very likely, but altitude is 1903m, and at one point the cota de nieve was shown at 3500m, so mountains around may certainly get whitened, and SLP`s own low temp is soon to be 4 degrees; a bit colder and snow is possible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Looking for XEQMaya, Dec 24 around 1330 could only hear a weak het on low side of 6105 against FE stations, and no het at all after 1400 with VOA Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. Looking for anything from GUINEA`s only SW frequency, 7125, tuned in Dec 24 at 0600 only to hear Golos Rossii, Novosti opening, but cut off the air at 0600:20, unconvering absolutely nothing. Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brasil, was still hearing nothing from Guinea at 0650-0730.

Russian International Radio, in Russian to NAm, is designed to occupy the 6 hours per night when Guinea is not scheduled on 7125, i.e. 0000-0600; HFCC and EiBi say site is ``Armavir`` but Aoki, PWBR and WRTH say Moldova = Grigoriopol = Pridnestrovye (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 7135 with weak B-B-C chimes, Dec 24 at 1343, poor with QRhaM. At this odd hour figured it must be the Burmese service about to open with that wacky timesignal. Sure enough, 1344:30 began some music, 1345 timesignal which was one second late compared to CHU 7335. Standard complaint about inaccurate timesignals. And then into Burmese. This transmission is a semisesquihour at 340 degrees from Singapore (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. VOA news in English, surprised to hear good signal on 7575, Dec 24 at 1338 as announcer stumbled, blowing pronunciation of Guantánamo. What does PWBR `2009` say? Nothing! No listings at all for this frequency. WRTH, Eibi and Aoki don`t have it either as this is a late IBB change.

7575 just started Dec 21: 12-13 Sri Lanka at 33 degrees, 13-14 Tinian at 279 degrees ex-Tinang 9345 at 21 degrees which was good for NAm; 14-16 Thailand at 280 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 13600, Dec 24 at 1456 with instrumental version of ``Away in the Manger``, QRMing CODAR. Does PWBR have it? Of course not! 1458 into YFR theme music, as per EiBi it`s Uzbek at 14-15 via Wertachtal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, checking for 8GAL, Dec 24 at 1400, after 5-second-late-compared-to-CHU R. Rossii timesignal, open carrier stayed on 6075 and no CW heard --- until 1401-1402, very weak and could barely make out 8GAL ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Intruder watch: more Spanish 2-way SSB, on approx. 9482, Dec 24 at 1350 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 10960-10990, Dec 24 at 1436 with rapid pulsing we think is over-the-horizon radar, centred on 10975. A great place for it, far away from any broadcasters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13665 with strong tone test, Dec 24 at 1433-1437*. At first it was constant, 1 kHz? But then began stepping up and down, not sweeping, to the point of inaudibility, as if a transmitter were going thru a proof-of-performance on its modulation range. Nothing scheduled on 13665 at this time.

After it cut off, I started scanning the 11 MHz band and found the same kind of thing happening until 1443* on 11785: that frequency is currently registered, but not used on weekdays by WHRI, so suspect World Harvest Radio was also the source on 13665. I then quickly scanned the 15, 9, 7 and 6 MHz bands but found no more tone tests (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Un bel regato di natale dall'Olanda

Novità dal web ricevitore sdr dell'università di Twente, adesso grazie ad una nuova configurazione con un ADC e una FPGA si possono ricevere ben sei bande, tra cui le VLF e 300 khz della banda dei 20 e degli 80 metri. Sembra di utilizzare un Perseus in rete, veramente una cosa spettacolare. L'indirizzo e' sempre:

Andrea Borgnino IW0HK - HB9EMK

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

AUSTRALIA HCJB Global 15525 2250 Language Unknown 232 Dec 21 OM with hymn music vocals and suddenly off the air 2259.

BONAIRE Radio Japan Relay-NHK 17605 2235 Japanese 433 Dec 21 YL interviewing an OM.

BONAIRE Radui Japan Relay-NHK 15265 2310 Japanese 333 Dec 21 OM with ongoing comments.

GUAM Adventist World Radio-AWR 15320 2305 Vietnamese 322 Dec 21 OM with comments.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13650 2323 Vietnamese 444 Dec 21 Pop music vocals. Two YLs with comments 2325. Into Burmese 2330.

NORTH MARIANAS Radio Free Asia Relay-RFA 15430 2300 Chinese 333 Dec 21 S/on by an OM then into comments.

NORTH MARIANAS Radio Free Asia Relay-RFA 13640 2325 Vietnamese Dec 21 OM with comments. OM with an ID in English and continued in English with comments on Africa. //11655 [444], 7460[333]via Mongolia and 6180[333]via Thailand.

PHILIPPINES VOA Relay 15205 2313 Indonesian 333 Dec 21 YL with comments. YL with VOA ID 2317. //11805[444].

A Merry Christmas to All. Good listening and DX!!

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

mercoledì 24 dicembre 2008

Ascolti AM

Sabato 20 dicembre 2008
07.56 - 6604USB kHz
Segnale buono-sufficiente
08.08 - 7284.9 kHz (//9635)
Canzone locale.
Segnale buono-molto buono
Battimento con UR2 7285.
08.40 - 6050 kHz
HCJB - Pifo (Ecuador)
Quechua, musica andina.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
14.05 - 6305 kHz
Musica pop tedesca e s/off 15.14.
Segnale buono-molto buono
15.15 - 6310 kHz
Musica popolare tedesca e ID OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
15.17 - 6325 kHz
Musica dance, country USA e IDs OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
15.34 - 6375.2 kHz
Musica popolare olandese e IDs OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
S/off 15.47.


Domenica 21 dicembre 2008
07.42 - 6786 kHz
Numeri YL (PC?) in spagnolo e tfc RTTY.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
E' la stessa stazione che dalle 8 di solito
è su 5898 kHz.
07.46 - 6398.8 kHz
KCBS - Kanggye (Corea Nord)
Una delle consuete canzoni patriottiche locali.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
07.49 - 6281.9 kHz
Lettura rapporti d'ascolto.
Segnale insufficiente-molto buono
07.52 - 5990 kHz
BBC WS DRM ex 6195 kHz?
Chissà se si è spostata per non disturbare
la banda nautica: allora lo sanno che il
DRM può dare fastidio.
*08.00 - 5815 kHz
S/on e IDs OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
Portante muta già dalle 07.54.
08.07 - 6281 kHz
DD, IDs OM e mx rock.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
08.08 - 6210 kHz
Medley Abba e IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
Jamming altra pirata per pochi istanti.
08.33 - 6291.1 kHz
Canzoni di Natale.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
08.55 - 7001.7 kHz
Musica italiana e s/off.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
- C'era anche nel pomeriggio di ieri.
- Non è una spuria, si sentiva anche con l'R7.
- Nessun parallelo con emittenti FM.
09.04 - 6260.3 kHz
Musica soft e on-off due volte.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
QRM QSOs nautici.
10.48 - 6540.4 kHz
Solo tracce di musica.
Segnale insufficiente
10.50 - 6325.2 kHz
Pusica popolare olandese e IDs OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
10.52 - 6205 kHz
IDs OM e musica rock.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
10.54 - 5800 kHz
Musica USA anni 50.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
11.00 - 6310 kHz
Musica pop e ID OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente


Lunedì 22 dicembre 2008
09.41 - 6340,5 kHz
Mappe fax.
Segnale insufficiente-buono


Martedì 23 dicembre 2008
07.44 - 5910 kHz
MARFIL ESTEREO - Lomalinda (Colombia)
Musica vallenato.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
A tale orario mi è parsa inattiva per molte settimane.
07.53 - 8419 kHz
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
08.22 - 7335 kHz
CHU - Ottawa (Canada)
T/s e IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Dal 1° gennaio dovrebbe passare su 7850.


Giovedì 25 dicembre 2008
07.34 - 6959.7 kHz
Musica pop e annuncio QTH NL OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
07.53 - 6444 kHz
Parlato OM in EE e s/off alle 07.58.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
08.03 - 6376.7 kHz
Musica NL e IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
08.15 - 6860 kHz
Arabo, musica e IDs OM/YL.
Segnale molto buono
08.20 - 6260.8 kHz
EE, canzoni di Natale e IDs OM.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
Battimento con una portante su 6260.
08.27 - 5815 kHz
Oldie 60s, forse di Natale.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono
09.38 - 6310 kHz
Brani di Natale e ID OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
09.38 - 6265 kHz
Musica melodica e annunci OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
09.48 - 6325 kHz
Brani di Natale e annuncio OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
10.00 - 6220 kHz
Musica heavy metal.
Segnale buono-molto buono
10.02 - 6210 kHz
Musica melodica e ID YL in italiano.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Co-ch R. East Coast Holland.
10.35 - 6215 kHz
Solo tracce di musica
Troppo QRM da Skyline Radio Germany su 6220
e da RWI+prob. Borderhunter su 6210.

SWL I1-0799GE
Luca Botto Fiora (30 MB - no ADSL)

G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova)

R7 Drake
Satellit 500 Grundig
2 DE1103 Degen
VR500 Yaesu

Loop ferrite ACA 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop 1 spira da finestra 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 20 m (@6-30 MHz)

Ampli RF K0LR per loop ferrite modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW/dipolo
Balun a choke coassiale 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software MultiMode 5.9.2 (demo) BlackCatSystems

martedì 23 dicembre 2008

Australia 120m

2310 kHz alle 2000 Utc data 23.12.08 VL8A Alice Springs - S4 I4 N4 P4 O4 alle 2000 ID- good signal

2324.7 kHz alle 2020 Utc data 23.12.08 VL8T Tennant Creek - S2 I3 N2 P2 O2 voice by ANN spoken word, rock music

De Berti Paolo - Switzerland
Aor 7030 - Long wire 45m


DX MIX NEWS # 553                                          23 December 2008
ALBANIA    Frequency change of Radio Tirana in Albanian from Dec.22:
2130-2300 NF  7435 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, ex 9345 \\ 6005 to WeEu

BELGIUM(non)    Some TDP changes:
Ginbot 7 Radio in Amharic from Dec.2:
1700-1730 NF  9880 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Thu/Sun, ex 12120
1700-1730 NF 11530 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Thu/Sun, ex 15350

Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia in Somali from Dec.10:
1700-1730 NF  9485 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Wed/Fri
1700-1730 NF 11720 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Wed/Fri
1400-1430 on 21585 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Sat, cancelled

ROMANIA    Frequency changes of Radio Romania International:
0630-0656 NF 15560 GAL 300 kW / 100 deg to AUS, ex 15135#English
2030-2056 NF  6155 TIG 100 kW / 282 deg to SER, ex  5970 Serbian
#to avoid China Radio International in Spanish

USA(non)    Winter B-08 for Voice of America. Part two of two:
Georgian      1530-1600 on  9465 11790
              1600-1630 on 11525 11885
              1700-1800 on 12025 12120
Hausa         0500-0530 on  1530  4960  6045  9600
              0700-0730 on  4960 11985 13775
              1500-1530 on  7155  9450 11705
              2030-2100 on  4940  6040  9780 12080 15185 Mon-Fri
Indonesian    0000-0030 on  9620 11805 15205
              1130-1230 on  7255  9725 15165
              1400-1500 on 11985 13605 Thu-Sat
              2200-2400 on  9620 11805 15205
Khmer         1330-1430 on  1575  9325 11965
              2200-2230 on  1575  6060  7260 13640
Kinyarwanda   0330-0430 on  7340  9540 11915
Kirundi       1600-1630 on 11750 12010 17785 Sat
Korean        1200-1500 on  1350  5890  7235  9555
              1900-2100 on   648  6060  7135  7360
Kurdish       0500-0600 on  5945  9690 15225
              1300-1400 on 11805 15530 17750
              1400-1500 on  1593 11805 13740 15530
              1700-1800 on  7550  9650  9815
              2000-2100 on  1593
Lao           1230-1300 on  1575  9835 11930
Mandarin      0000-0200 on  7495  9545 11925 15385 17645 21580
              0200-0300 on 11925 15385 17645 21580
              0700-0800 on  9845 11855 11965 13650 13765 15515
              0800-0900 on  9845 11665 11855 11965 13650 13765 15515
              0900-1030 on  9845  9855 11665 11855 11965 13650 13765 15515
              1030-1100 on  9845  9855 11665 11700 11965 13650 13765 15515
              1100-1200 on  1170  6160  9530  9805 11665 12040 15515
              1200-1300 on  6040  6160  9530  9680 11920 12040
              1300-1400 on  6040  6160  7295  9680 11920 11995 12040
              1400-1500 on  6040  6105  7295  7525  9680  9825
              2200-2300 on  6045  7440  9545  9755  9875 11655
Ndebele       1800-1830 on   909  4930 12080 15775 Mon-Fri
Pashto-RADIO  0030-0130 on  1296  7595  9335
ASHNA         1430-1530 on  1296  9335 11840 12140
              1630-1730 on  1296  9335  9770 11575
              1830-1930 on  1296  5750  7595
Pashto-DEEWA  1300-1500 on  7455  7495  9370  9565
              1500-1900 on  5835  7455  7495  9370
Persian       0230-0330 on  7205  9495  9820
              1530-1630 on  1593  9320 11705 11775
              1630-1730 on  1593  5850  9320  9540
              1730-1800 on  1593  5850  9495  9540
              1800-1830 on   648  1593  5850  9495  9540
              1830-1900 on   648  5850  9680  9960
              1900-1930 on  5850  9680  9960
              1930-2030 on  5860  9680  9925
Portuguese to 1000-1030 on 17740 21590 Sat/Sun
Africa        1700-1730 on  1530 11775 15545 21495
              1730-1800 on  1530  9435  9805 11775 21495
              1800-1830 on  1530  5825  9805 21495 Mon-Fri
Shona         1700-1730 on   909  4930 12080 15775 Mon-Fri
Somali        1300-1400 on 13580 15620
              1600-1630 on  1431 13580 15620
              1630-1800 on 13580 15620
Spanish       0000-0100 on  5890  5940 9885
              1230-1300 on  9885 13715 15590 Mon-Fri
              1300-1400 on  9885 13715 15590
Swahili       0300-0330 on  7340  9440 Mon-Fri
              1630-1730 on  9565 13870 15730
Tibetan       0000-0100 on  7255  7480  9645
              0300-0400 on 15545 17860 21570
              0400-0600 on 15545 17860
              1400-1500 on  7255  9670 12105
              1600-1700 on  7280  7560 11920
Tigrigna      1900-1930 on  9320  9485  9860 11675 11905 Mon-Fri
Turkish       0430-0500 on  7295 Mon-Fri
              1145-1200 on  9555 15205 Mon-Fri
              1930-2000 on  7235  9490 Mon-Fri
Ukrainian     2100-2115 on  5895  9715
              2115-2130 on  5895  9715 Mon-Fri
Urdu-RADIO    0100-0200 on   972  1539  9520  9820
AAP KI DUNYAA 1400-1500 on   972  1539  7440  9390
              1500-0100 on   972  1539
Uzbek         1500-1530 on   801  6105  9530 11550 11695
Vietnamese    1300-1330 on  1575  9325 11695
              1500-1600 on  1170  5955  9485  9725
              2230-2330 on  6060 13640

Merry Christmas and A Happy New 2009 Year!
73, Ivo


Colpo di stato in corso in Guinea. Poche ore dopo l'annuncio della morte del presidente Lansana Conté, un gruppo di soldati guidati da un capitano ha fatto irruzione nella sede della radio di stato guineana e ha imposto la lettura di un comunicato in cui si dichiara sospesa la costituzione, così come tutte quelle che vengono definite le "istituzioni repubblicane". La situazione a Conakry è al momento confusa, anche se non si segnalano violenze né nella capitale né in altre zone del paese. I militari golpisti hanno proclamato di avere creato un organo per gestire l'emergenza, il Comitato nazionale per la democrazia e lo sviluppo" e hanno "invitato" i membri dell'esecutivo e gli alti ufficiali a recarsi nella principale base militare del paese perché "sia garantita la loro sicurezza". Ciò sembra indicare che i golpisti controllino questa base, situata vicino all'aeroporto internazionale di Conakry, e che quindi abbiano l'appoggio delle unità di elite che vi sono acquartierate. Il capitano Moussa Dadis Camara, che ha letto i comunicati alla radio e che ricopriva il modesto ruolo di responsabile dell'approvvigionamento di carburante dell'esercito, non si è limitato a dichiarare congelate attività politiche e sindacali, decaduto il governo in carica e sospesa la costituzione. Ha anche esplicitamente criticato quanti hanno governato negli ultimi anni il paese, provocando grande malumore tra la gente. La Guinea ha enormi risorse naturali, eppure è tra i paesi più poveri del mondo, ha detto lanciando strali contro la "corruzione generalizzata" e "l'impunità eretta a metodo di governo". Nessuna reazione per ora da parte del gruppo dirigente, legato a Conté, peraltro a sua volta un militare da sempre sostenuto dalle forze armate. Lansana Conte', al potere in Guinea da 24 anni, e' morto questa notte in seguito a una grave malattia all'eta' di 74 anni. (Ansa)

Glenn Hauser logs December 22-23, 2008

** ALASKA. Most days KNLS is inaudible or beneath adjacent channel signals, but Dec 22 at 1452 it was coming in well, tho with some deep fades, on 6150 toward end of English program. Unfortunately that was a Creation Moment, favorite mini-show of the gospel huxters dedicated to debunking Evolution. This anti-intellexual nonsense makes me want to puke. 1454 outro with times and frequencies of the four English broadcasts, credit list including Rob Stewart who produces them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana finally made frequency/antenna adjustments to B08 schedule on Dec 22. Back on 7425 to NAm, which it had used in previous seasons and would have used from the start of this season if Russia hadn`t made a wooden registration for it. At 0001 UT Dec 23, 7425 with sign-on in Albanian giving schedule with several kHz mentions, audio lofi but modulation fairly good. Some adjacent interference from 7420, Prague via Ascension to S America, another recent change, but only until 0030 and can be avoided here by side-tuning slightly. Tirana // 6110, also lo-fi audio but no QRM and less fading. Both read S9+20 on the meter but 6110 definitely sounded better than 7425; SINPO 45544 and 44433 respectively. By 0120, 7425 had faded down considerably and little of it left for English at 0130-0145, but certainly has a better chance over winter night path at solar min than ex-9345. I was out and could not check the other significant change yet, 7435
 ex-9345 in Albanian at 2130-2300 to W Europe, C&E NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CBC NQ 9625 transmitter at Sackville out of whack again, Dec 22 at 1510 when extremely distorted talk in English(?) was centered about 9645 and covering at least 9640-9650 with no detectable carrier. Still the same at 1540. RCI Russian on 9610 was OK. On 9625 only heard two other weak stations mixing, presumably BBC and Channel Africa. The same thing was happening Dec 21 at 0600, but not at 1410. This time I notified Sackville and Montréal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9820, Dec 22 at 2352 with open carrier, and het, weak audio which I finally decided was Vietnamese. I first figured the open carrier was Habana, but no audio from it developed; the Mesa Redonda show is quite irregular. If that had been on, nothing of this would have been possible.

0000 heard music, IS of chimes, electronic instrument, IDs in Chinese and Vietnamese but missed the key words. Aoki shows:

9820 CNR 2              2100-0100 1234567 Chinese     150 290
     Baoji-Xinjie CHN 10710E 3430N CNR2=11845 b08
9820 GUANGXI FOREIGN BS 2300-0100 1234567 Vietnamese   15 225
     Nanning CHN 10811E 2247N GUANG
9820 R.HABANA CUBA      2300-0100 .23456. Mesa Redonda 50 230
     La Habana CUB 08223W 2256N RHC b07

To further confuse matters, WRTH 2009 in the domestic sexion page 153 shows nothing but Xi`an on 9820 with CNR2 until 2400. In the international sexion, page 439, there is Guanxi FBS, Nanning on 9820 with Vietnamese at 2300-0100 // 5050 in winter sked.

So looks like I had Guangxi for sure, and not bad for 15 kW as Aoki and WRTH agree, aimed oppositely; unlikely the Chicom would really run Baoji-Xinjie on same frequency at same time.

EiBi doesn`t get into details such as powers and azimuths but does show both Xian CNR2 and Nanning with Guangxi FBS between 2300 and 0100.

This time I check PWBR `2009` last rather than first. It shows both Xian and Nanning on 9820 at 0000, with 50 kW for the latter, which I am afraid is more likely than 15 as well I was getting it. Had to be Nanning as I definitely heard Vietnamese.

The het was probably R. Nove de Julho, Brasil, always reported off-frequency on low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC 9550 transmitter is becoming unstable, showing a slight warble at 2350 Dec 22 in English. This is apparent with BFO on, slightly off-tuned, compared to off-tuning other nearby frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XEXQ barely confirmed on 6045, Dec 22 at 1459 with traces of classical music, Pachelbel? Traces of Spanish announcement at 1500; heard a couple numbers, as in telephone? And right back to music. Helped that China on 6040 was weaker than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. Add another fragmented BBCWS transmission inadvertently making it well to NAm: 9570 at 2300-2400. Dec 22 at 2351 heard surprisingly good signal, no QRM, in interview about Georgia, then Somalia. 2359 closing The World Today, cut off at 2359:30* This is via Thailand, 250 kW at 20 degrees, thus favoring us far beyond the nominal targets of NE China and N Korea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Dave Frantz`s home-made WWRB transmitter may have oomph of S9+22, but it has some defects (I toned that down), as evidenced Dec 22 at 1508 when Alex Scourby and then Brother Scare were splattering 9350 to 9420 from the 9385 unit, QRMing several stations, the worst victim being WTJC 9370, which also goes haywire at times. Not surprising, as Dave told me WTJC stole the plans from him at WGTG. Still the same at 1540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

lunedì 22 dicembre 2008

Ultimas escuchas

ARMENIA 7490 Family Radio, Yerevan-Gavar, 19:16-19:18, escuchada el 22 de diciembre en alemán a locutor con programa religioso, SINPO 45333

BIELORRUSIA 7135 Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, 18:54-19:00, escuchada el 22 de diciembre en ruso a locutora despidiendo programa, anuncia frecuencias y emisión por Internet, ID "Radio Balarusian", emisión musical, tema pop melódico, SINPO 45444

MOLDAVIA 6245 Voice of Rusia, Kishinev-Grigoriopo, 18:45-18:50, escuchada el 22 de diciembre en sueco a locutora con comentarios y emisión musical, SINPO 44343.

7420 Voice of Rusia, Kishinev-Grigoriopo, 19:12-19:15, escuchada el 22 de diciembre en árabe a locutora con ID, locutor con boletín de noticias, referencias a Iraq y Rusia, SINPO 45444.

RUSIA 7230 Voice of Rusia, Moskva, 19:01-19:06, escuchada el 22 de diciembre en francés a locutora con boletín de noticias, referencias a Palestina e Israel, emisión en paralelo por 6130, 7310 y 7330, SINPO 45554

José Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

Nuevas QSL

5.955 kHz, Radio Nederland
Escuchada el 04-10-08 a las 1357 UTC en holandés
Recibida Tarjeta QSL
Datos completos
No V/S
Informe enviado a: (reenviado a
Demoró 69 días (15 días desde la segunda tentativa)

11.600 y 15.255 kHz, Radio Praga
Escuchada el 16-11-08 y el 07-12-08 a las 0900 UTC en español
Recibida Tarjeta QSL (una para las dos escuchas), junto a esquema de programación, un calendario de sobremesa, varios calendarios de bolsillo, un abrecartas (por haber participado en el concurso conozca algo interesante) y una felicitación navideña
Datos completos
No V/S
Informe enviado a:
Demoró 18 y 6 días

Javier Robledillo Jaén
Elche (Alicante) – España


DX MIX NEWS # 552                                          22 December 2008
USA(non)    Winter B-08 for Voice of America. Part one of two:
Afaan Oromoo  1730-1800 on  9320  9485  9860 11675 11905 Mon-Fri
Albanian      0600-0630 on  6035
              1700-1730 on  7235
              1930-2000 on  7455
Amharic       1800-1900 on  9320  9485  9860 11675 11905
Arabic-R.SAWA 0400-1645 on   990  1170  1548
              1645-0400 on   990  1170  1431  1548
Arabic-Sudan  0300-0330 on  4960  9845 11855
Hello Darfur  1800-1830 on  4960  5880  9380
              1900-1930 on  5880  9380
Azerbaijani   1830-1900 on  9625  9805 12025
Bangla        0130-0200 on 11500 15205
              1600-1700 on  1575  7435 11500
Burmese       0000-0030 on  1575  7430  9325 12120
              0130-0300 on 12110 15115 17780
              1130-1230 on 11965 15550 17850
              1430-1500 on  1575  9325 11965 12120
              1500-1530 on  9325 11965 12120 Sat/Sun
              1500-1530 on  1575
              1530-1600 on  1575  9355 11560
              1600-1630 on  9355 11560
              2300-2400 on  7430  9325 12120
Cantonese     1300-1500 on  1170  7390  9705
Creole        1230-1300 on 11890 15390 Mon-Fri
              1730-1800 on 15390 17565
              2200-2230 on 11895 13725 15390
Croatian      0530-0600 on  6035
              1930-1945 on  6135  7465
Dari-R.ASHNA  0130-0230 on  1296  7595  9335
              1530-1630 on  1296  9335  9770 11575
              1730-1800 on  1296  9335  9445  9770
              1800-1830 on  1296  7595  9335  9445
              1930-2030 on  1296  5750  7595
English to    0100-0130 on  1593
Eu,ME,NoAf    1400-1500 on  9480 15205
              1500-1600 on  9685 11765
English to    0300-0400 on   909  1530  4930  6080  9885 15580
Africa        0400-0430 on   909  1530  4930  4960  6080  9885 15580
              0430-0500 on   909  4930  4960  6080  9885 15580
              0500-0600 on   909  4930  6080  9885 15580
              0600-0700 on   909  1530  6080  9885 15580
              1400-1500 on  4930  6080 15580 17715 17750
              1500-1600 on  4930  6080 15580 17715 17895
              1600-1700 on   909  1530  4930  6080 15580 17715 17895
              1700-1800 on  6080 13710 15580
              1700-1800 on   909 17895 Sat/Sun
              1800-1830 on  6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
              1800-1830 on   909  4930 Sat/Sun
              1830-1900 on   909  4930  6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
              1900-2000 on   909  4930  4940  6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
              2000-2030 on   909  1530  4930  4940  6080 11975 13710
              2030-2100 on   909  1530  4930  6080 11975 13710
              2030-2100 on  4940 Sat/Sun
              2100-2200 on  1530  6080 15580
English to ZMW1730-1800 on   909  4930 12080 15775 Mon-Fri
English to AFG2030-2130 on  1296  7595
              2130-0030 on  1296  7405
English to    0100-0200 on  7325  9435 11705
FE,SoAs,Oce   1100-1130 on  1575 Sat/Sun
              1130-1200 on  1575
              1200-1300 on  1170  9345  9640 11705 11730 15190
              1300-1400 on  9345  9640  9760 11705
              1400-1500 on  7125  9760 11885 12150
              1500-1600 on  7125  9590 11525 12150 13735
              2200-2300 on  5910  6105  7220  7425  7480  9490 11610
              2230-2400 on  1575 Fri/Sat
              2300-2400 on  6105  7220  7265  7480  9490 11610
English       0000-0030 on  1593
Special       0030-0100 on  1575  1593  7405  9325  9620  9715 11695 12005
                           15185 15205 15290
              0130-0200 on  1593  5960  7405 Tue-Sat
              1500-1600 on  6140  7520  9760 15460
              1600-1700 on  9345 13600 15445
              1600-1700 on  1170 Mon-Fri
              1900-2000 on  9785 12020
              2230-2300 on  7230  9780 15445
              2300-2330 on  1593  6180  7460 11840
              2330-2400 on  1593  6180  7460 11655 11840 13640
French to     0530-0600 on  1530  4960  6020  7265  9480  9505 Mon-Fri
Africa        0600-0630 on  4960  6020  7265  9480  9505 Mon-Fri
              1830-1900 on  1530  9815 15225 17580
              1900-2000 on  1530 15225 17580
              2000-2030 on  9780  9815 12080 13735 15225
              2030-2100 on  6040  9780  9815 12080 15225 Sat/Sun
              2100-2130 on  9435  9680  9780  9815 Mon-Fri