BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria 11700 2330 English 233 June 23 YL ancr with Folk music. YL with comments at 2330.
CANADA Vatican Radio Relay-VR 6040 0320 Spanish 333 June 25 YL and an OM with comments.
GERMANY Voice of Croatia Relay 9925 0238 Croatian 433 June 23 OM interviewing an OM and a YL at 0240.
PORTUGAL Voice of Germany Relay-VOG 11865 2320 German 333 June 23 Two OMs with on going comments. //9775 [232] Rwanda.
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 11680 2335 Spanish 333 June 23 Two OMs with comments and vocal music. OM ancr 2340 followed by more pop music. {possible CVC ??]
VATICAN STATE Voice of Russia Relay-VOR 9860 0245 English 333 June 23 YL with comments and some Japanese vocal music followed by Arabic instrumental music. //15425 [333]Petropavlovsk and 9480 [444]Via Germany.
Unknown Country Station Unknown 11630 2335 Spanish 433 June 23 Vocal YL music then an OM ancr and into more Pop music. Possible CVC-Chile???.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, USA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where
Culture and Language Come Alive"
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