domenica 31 luglio 2022

KNLS Alaska Anchor Point, both TXs on air

Seemingly 2nd tx of KNLS repaired already, see present NASWA Journal #7 July 2022 outlet

Today July 31 at 10.40 UT both txs at KNLS Anchor Point ALS on air again:
9580 and 9685 kHz noted in JPN and KOR remoted SDRs at S=9+20dB or -53dBm signal level. (wb df5sx)

ALASKA Updated Summer A22 schedule of KNLS The New Life Station via Anchor Point location:

0800-0900 on 9695 English tx#2, inactive at present
0800-0900 on 11875 Chinese tx#1

0900-1000 on 9695 Russian tx#2, inactive at present
0900-1000 on 11875 Chinese tx#1

1000-1100 on 9580 English tx#1
1000-1100 on 9685 Chinese tx#2, inactive at present

1100-1200 on 9580 Russian tx#2, inactive at present
1100-1200 on 9730 Chinese tx#1

1200-1300 on 7355 English tx#2, inactive at present
1200-1300 on 9795 English tx#1

1300-1400 on 7395 Chinese tx#2, inactive at present
1300-1400 on 9740 Chinese tx#1

1400-1500 on 7355 Chinese tx#1, inactive at present
1400-1500 on 9580 English tx#2

1500-1600 on 9760 Chinese tx#1, inactive at present
1500-1600 on 9800 Russian tx#2

1600-1800 on 9580 Russian tx#2
1600-1800 on 11870 Chinese tx#1, inactive at present
(DX Mix-Bulgaria; via NASWA Journal #7 July 2022)