** CUBA. 11880, Nov 12 during the 22, 23; and Nov 13, 00 hours, no signal from RHC in French or English. Maybe eventually land on a new B21 frequency by Tuesday if they ever get their act together. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** EGYPT [and non]. 9440, Nov 12 at 2012, further chex for R. Cairo reactivated on SW in case it`s still on the same frequency as heard before 1600: something JBA, but it`s probably CRI English via Kunming. At 2000-2115 UT, ERU supposed to be on 9885 in French, but zilch.
9900: Everybody`s set for the 2115 in English, and it`s widely heard but with horrible modulation. Not convenient for me to check until 2215 via UTwente, which falsely claims in red to be unusable: UTw is funxioning, but S9+30 signal extremely suptorted, itself unusable. Direct to here at 2226, it`s VP estimated at 9899.57 making a het with something close to 9900.00, probably Taiwan/China radio war. Almost an hour earlier, Steven C. Wood in MA measured Cairo on 9899.58, and Richard Langley, NB, on 9899.586 at UTwente.
Next scheduled is 2215-2330 Portuguese on 9545, unchecked. Then 2330-2445 in Arabic on 9730: I do check that at 0010, a JBA carrier into Brasil but can`t tell the language, else? Finally, 0045-0200 Spanish on 9900, nothing there at 0129 into Maryland.
WOR iogroup members have contacted R. Cairo welcoming them back to SW, but providing evidence that something is drastically wrong with the modulation. Alan Roe says the address is englisheuropeservice@gmail.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** SPAIN. 9690, Fri Nov 12 at 2300, REE active again on N American frequency, unlike yesterday, for token English, and a good thing, since direct it`s sufficient on the portable DX-398 while the other three 11/12 MHz channels are useless. Feature is an interview in a noisy bar ``this past Thursday September 30``, so a rerun, with author of a book about the jazz scene in New Orleans; OK, but what has this to do with Spain? Well yes, Spain once owned N.O... (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2112 monitoring: Confirmed Friday November 12 at 1915-1944 UT on IRRS SW, 7290 via Bulgaria; and 918 kHz via Italy, via two separate remotes only a couple seconds apart, complete, not cut off after 15 minutes like last week. At 1926 I can tell that the understation CCI on 918 is in Spanish, i.e. Madrid.
918 I started monitoring earlier via Noale SDR at 1851 and found an aircheck of KUSW! which means this week`s AWR `Wavescan` at an unsked time, filler? It`s S9+15 with some CCI making a ripple SAH. UTwente is down again, so I try Carnow, Ireland for 7290 - no signal yet. At 1858, 918 cuts Jeff White short as he starts to play Mormon Tabernacle organ music, for ``IRRS SW`` ``sign on`` and `Feature Story News`.
Now 7290 is also on at 1900 but poor signal into Carnow, S7 with ACI from CRI English 7295; LSB helps some. // 918. Not only FSN but FS `Spotlight`, 1904 another IRRS ID and FSN stuff, 1908 into music, 1914 Lord`s Prayer in pop gospel version. 1915 ``IRRS signing on`` even tho it`s already on, and into WOR 2112 on both. Some other unrecognized talk program followed at 1945, and 7290 off by 2000.
Missed checking the scheduled Friday 2130 repeat of WOR on 918 kHz; anyone hear it?
WOR 2112 confirmed Friday November 12 at 2330, new later time, on WRMI
5950, fair with fading into DX-398 portable with short wire.
Also confirmed UT Saturday November 13 at 0230, another latened time, on WRMI 9395, only S7-S8 into Missouri remote. Next:
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7730 to WNW, 5950 to NNW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530]
1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?][unconfirmed]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Steve Zimmerman, Milwaukee WI for a generous check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
One may also contribute PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 7490.00, Nov 12 at 2228, WRNO during `Behaviour Night`, notice that it`s almost ON-frequency! Someone must have nudged it.
(7490 and 6160 webcasts), UT Sat Nov 13 just before `AAAWWW`, instead of overmodulated/distorted as the past several weeks, now at 0058 the 7490 one is just barely modulated with FKB gospel huxter. Sufficient if I turn up player and own computer volume to max! Hardly registers on the mod meter. But the A61 webcast of 6160 is loud and clear music separately. Almost 0100, FKB hears a beep and knows it`s time to get off.
Then they join for a non-standard AAAWWW opening, rather ``Hire the A-Team``, TimTron IDs, his jazzed up `William Tell Overture` without interjexions. But the volume level on A51 web has plunged to match 7490`s. Now I try Maryland remote for how they are doing on SW air. JBA, but 7490 carrier offset is only -7 to +2 Hz, as I had monitored earlier circa .00.
0104 TT opens, ``live and direct from studio one master control`` -- does he mean he`s in Monticello or doing it remotely from Skowhegan? Starts fiddling with music cartridges explaining how these ancient devices work; ``pissing rain out there``. 0107 caller interrupts and TT starts to blow him off -- don`t call until I say the phone lines are open!! But caller persists and gets thru to him that there is no modulation on the frequencies! Chastened, TT tnx the caller and says he`ll get to work on it. At 0112 we overhear a bit of another phone conversation under the music. After that not a single word more from TT or anyone for the rest of the hour; just various rock music cuts, at first with breakups, loud/soft modulation. After 0130, just music playing at normal modulation. A royal mess, but at least no anti-American rants this week.
About 0120 I check the SW frequencies again, into Missouri remote: 7490 JBA carrier; 6160 minus 55 Hz = 6159.945v, undermodulated but the music audible, heavy ACI from S9+35 6165 Cuba; LSB helps some. At 0123, 4790 minus 20 Hz offset = 4789.980, JBA carrier vs CODAR. Sometime after 0200 I notice Hal Turner is on the webcast. Trying the three SW frequencies only, John Carver says he was not hearing anything by 0114 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0413 UT November 13