martedì 30 novembre 2021
Glenn Hauser logs November 29, 2021
** CUBA [and non]. Checking out what RHC is doing during prime time, UT Mon Nov 29, where something is always multiply wrong:
New 9700 is already on at 0217 in English about José Martí, S9+15/20. This is also splashing upon 9710 where RHC is still in Spanish, only S9+10 and also distorted with music. NOT (yet?) on 9650 replacing 9710 as per official schedule. And // 5040. 9710 still at 0353.
6000 is the only 49m channel on the air at 0233 and in English. 9700 apparently replaces 6165, good news for 6160- WBCQ. 6000 still RHC English at 0655.
9700, at 0353 RHC English has faded way down and is now about equal to CCI from Voice of Turkey IS, prior to 0400 Turkish which is legitimately registered here until 0700, 500 kW at 310 degrees for W Europe, but also USward. Rechecked at 0505, 9700 RHC is now back to VG S9+27 and no sign of TRT - which has its own erroneous issues. But at 0557, 9700 bears nothing but Turkish music, no more RHC, which a previous night stayed on 9700 only in English well past 0700.
6060 RHC Spanish is now on at 0404, S9+10/15, from *0400? Still only 6000 on 49m in English. At 0505, 6060 RHC Spanish has heavy Qu`ranRM which is RTA Algeria via FRANCE as legit sked 0400-0600, 500 kW, 160 degrees from Issoudun. At 0602, 6060 has RHC English in the clear, S9+27. At one of the English chex, I forget which, RHC was talking about Fidel`s support for Timor Leste; whatever became of them?
6100, usual RHC English after 0500, is not to be heard at all at 0505, 0602. Also at 0602, still no 6165 or 6145 English even tho 9700 is not on either. At 0654, 9700 does bear the TRT IS again, S2-S8 with flutter. All logs before 0654 on the KB0FX SDR in MO, then direct.
The Other Side: Yes, Cuba is a Failed State --- The government continues to complain about US attempts to depict Cuba as a failed state. Dimas Castellanos La Habana 29 Nov 2021 - 16:34 CET (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** FRANCE? 18127 USB, Nov 29 at 1529, after some contacts, CQs repeated from TM220AYT ?? Very strange callsign. The TM prefix belongs to France, or overseas France. No hits at lookup nor in broad Google search. The penultimate letter may be wrong, but am rather sure there are *three* numbers in it. However searching on TM220*** we get one hit:
``TM220BP France flag France Patrick & Franck MENARD from 2020 qsl only via Buro France QSL: F4GFE,REF BUREAU - NO E.QSL`` which was a special event in 2018y about the 220th anniversary of ``The Battle of the Pyramids, also known as the Battle of Embabeh, was a major engagement fought on July 21, 1798 during the French Invasion of Egypt...`` --- so another such TM220 call is possible, but why can`t I find it? Perhaps some of our hams know about it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925 AM & 6919.9 AM, Nov 29 at 2324, VP signals traces of music, I keep getting if nothing else on the pirate band. HFUnderground today has a number of unID reports on 6925, 2101-2420:,89702.0.html and then 0015-0216+ as Coastal Rock Radio, maybe not the same one:,89710.0.html and nothing on 6919.9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** OKLAHOMA. 530, Nov 29 at 0704, surprised to hear Fox News as there are not any US stations here, just Canada and Cuba. But seems to be // local 960 KGWA as well as whatever follows. Must be some kind of external mixing product with other local 1390 KCRC at 430 kHz separations. Does not go away with attenuation, but maybe caused by unusually clipping the inside random wire onto the adjacent YB-400? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY. 9700, TRT clashes with CUBA: q.v.
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2114 monitoring: Neil Gates of WMRI Europe explains what happened with WOR 2113 airing before 1330 instead 2114 after 1330 Sunday Nov 28 on 9670:
``Hello Glenn, On Friday/Saturday a storm (storm Arwen) with winds of 90 miles per hour hit this part of the United Kingdom taking out power supply and internet connectivity. Our programmes are fed to the TX in Germany from a remote server which without power or internet we were unable to access so were unable to schedule yesterday's programming correctly for relay from Channel 292. Power and internet have now been restored and programmes will return to normal next Sunday December 5 with WOR returning to its 13.30 UT transmission time. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. 73 Neil Gates, WMRI Europe`` -- Tnx and sorry you had such problems.
WOR 2114 confirmed Sunday November 28 from 2102 UT on IRRS SW via AM Italia 918 kHz, via nearby Noale SDR.
Also confirmed, Sun Nov 28 at 2330 on WRMIs, interior random wire into DX-398: 5950 good; 9955 good but with pulse jamming, better before 2400.
Also confirmed, UT Mon Nov 29 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, good on ATS-909 with shorter clip-on
Also confirmed, UT Mon Nov 29 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, S9+20/25 into Missouri SDR
Also confirmed, UT Mon Nov 29 at 0400 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6160 minus 54 Hz = 6159.946, S9 into MO SDR; and no ACI since Cuba q.v. moved to 9700. Next:
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Steve McGreevy, N6NKS, Keeler CA for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at and says, ``LOOOOOONNNGGG overdue, Glenn(!), and thanks very much for your endless wonderful work for the DX community!``
One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5050, UT Mon Nov 29 at 0037, WWRB still on here instead of expected 3215, so probably not yet on new 3360 either after 0200 altho did not get around to checking. Next weekend? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13892.4 LSB, Nov 29 at 2323, 2-way in colloquial Spanish vs CODAR: cambio (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report despatched at 0255 UT November 30
Agenda DX 30/11/2021
Radio Panambi Vera, Paraguay 1140 Khz (1974)
Radio Jaèn, Perù 5005 Khz (1963)
Valley Radio, Gran Bretagna 999-1116 Khz (1996)
Northland Radio, Gran Bretagna 1035 Khz (1986)
Radio ZDK, Antigua 1100 Khz (1971)
XEEP Radio Educaciòn, Messico 6185 Khz (1924)
Festa dell'Indipendenza a Barbados
lunedì 29 novembre 2021
Morning log of Nov 29 under northern winter condition
Some Nov 29, 03.30 UTC log, checked some SDR's remotedly in NY, NJ, MA and FL eastern US states; and in western Europe from 04.25 UT til 06.00 UT.
4009.995 KGZ Birinchi Radio from Krasnaya Rechka Bishkek Kyrgyztelekom noted around 03.20-03.23 UT S=6 signal.
4764.998 CUB R Progreso fr Bejucal 50 kW site, S=7 signal in Rochester-NY S=7 strength.
4789.986 USA WBCQ Monticelle-ME state, BS TOM roarer money earning ser- mon S=9+10dB in FL state, at 03.33 UT on Nov 29.
4885.028 BRA R C do Para, BrasPort talk program, S=7-8 at 03.36 UT.
4939.990 CLM La Montana Colombia, tiny S=6 even in FL state at 03.38 UT.
5024.997 CUB Radio Rebelde Bauta site, LatinAM mx, S=9+30dB in FL, nice mx program exciting at 03.43 UT.
5040even CUB RHC Bauta Spanish sce, S=9+30dB at 03.45 UT.
5049.989 USA WWRB Manchester TN, English sermon, smooth talking pastor, powerful S=9+30dB at 03.46 UT, small 60 Hertz BUZZ string visible
5085even USA WTWW in English, music program of the 60ties songs, S=9+15dB at 03.47 UT. 12 kHz wide nice audio quality program.
5829.986 USA WTWW Lebanon TN site, scripters for America, org. Colorado US address, 10 kHz wideband S=9+35dB power at 03.48 UT on Nov 29
5889.994 USA WWCR Nashville TN, TOM BS archive sermon noted today Nov 29 on Muslim Leader sermon of President Bush era, S=9+20dB, 03.50 UT
5945.094 UAE their USUAL 'much odd fq 5th TX unit' at ENC Al Dhabbaya TX center site, BBC London Arabic 03-04 UT, at 03.52 UT, S=7 in FL.
5959.883 KWT MUCH ODD R. Kuwait Kabd transmission, Arabic sce, S=9+10dB sidelobe into FL state, but signal suffers a lot of neighbour continous CUBAN SCRATCH noise sig of 5952.380 to 5957.670 kHz; some Radio Republica WRMI Jeff's remain. 03.56 UT on Nov 29.
6079.995 STP VoA Pinheira English at 04.05 UT, sidelobe S=9 in FL state.
6125.016 TUR VoTurkey Emirler, English at 04.07 UT, S=9+15dB, nice female presenter voice.
6159.946 USA WBCQ Monticello-ME, World of Radio by GH via Area 51 px, at 04.09 UT on Monday 29th, S=9 in FL state US.
6184.970 MEX XEPPM R Educacion MexicoD.F. Spanish program, power S=9+20dB signal mixture also covered by co-channel
6185even AUT AWR Turkish sce via ORS Moosbrunn bcast center in Europe, at 04.13 UT, sounded strange like Kurdish national accent instead (?).
Moved to access remote SDR in western Europe.
7490 kHz nothing noted here of WBCQ sce channel.
7505.001 USA WRNO Worldwide address '76101 Fort Worth TX', 'P.O.B. 895', given by two presenter in likely South Asian heavy accent, S=7 in weEUR at 04.22 UT on Nov 29.
7512 - 7522 kHz OTHR disturbtion.
7485even MDA BBC London, Persian morning sce, S=9+10dB, 04.25 UT, present some local Persian folk music singer, 14 kHz wideband excellent audio quality out of Radioteletsentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac technical team.
7460even BOT VoA Selebi-Phikwe in Kirundi African language, S=9+10dB, but suffered heavy by nearby UTE high-speed CW signal on 7457 kHz flank, S=9+10dB 04.27 UT.
7379.998 IRN IRIB Zahedan site, smooth sermon, but not of normal Holy Quran kind, Arabic sce 02.33-05.30 UT, at 04.29 UT.
7340even CHN PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Kazakh language, S=9+10dB at 04.32 UT \\ 9470.002 kHz, SAME XJBS SW SIGNALS strength from Urumqi center also on other of 65 national languages in P.R. China
7295even CHN PBS in Kirghiz, and
7275even CHN PBS in Uighur, 16 kHz wideband audio.
7285.002 TUR TRT Emirler in En, Turkish folk music progr, S=9+10dB into western EUR at 04.35 UT.
7275.030 BOT VoA Selebi-Phikwe in Kirundi African language at 04.37 UT BUT very BAD MIXTURE with
7275even CHN PBS Xinjiang Urumqi co-channel.
7259.922 CHN Much odd frequency channel of XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqi in Chinese, S=9 at 04.39 UT.
7254.998 STP VoA Pinheira in Shona African language, S=7 at 04.41 UT, only Mon - Fri service.
7206.000 kHz even, SDN, usual 1 kHz upper flank offset fq, R Omdurman in in Sudanese Arabic language, S=9+15dB strength noted in weEUR at 04.43 UT Nov 29.
7110even ETH Ethiopian Radio from Gedja site, S=8 at 04.44 UT, Nov 29.
9444.992 KRE Voice of Korea in English, fair S=4-5 from Far East 04.47 UT
9459.991 MMR Most probably(!) tiny S=4 radio signal string, from Thazin Radio at Pyin Oo Lwin location of Myawaddy Radio center, built in 2008 year by Burmese army government, some 200 far away kilo- meters north of new capital NayPyiDaw, location northerly in MMR.
04.48 UT. It's a pity that even remote New Delhi SDR's have such poor Myanmar radio signals these days.
9470even CHN XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Kazakh language, S=9+5dB at 04.51 UT \\ 7340 kHz.
9510even OMA BBC London WS in En via Al Seela, at 04.53 UT, S=9+15dB. Israel swimm sports report, instruction on outdoor swimming.
9525.021 TUR TRT Emirler jamming purpose against Kurdish BRB Radyo Denge Welat on 9525 ISS. 03.30-06.00 UT S=7-8 at 04.56 UT on Nov 29.
9559.981 much ODD fq of CHN XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Uighur language, S=9 at 04.57 UT.
9580even CHN PBS Xizang from CTB Lhasa Baiding Tibet in Tibetan language at 04.59 UT. S=7-8 into Western Europe during winter propagation
9599.981 much ODD fq of CHN XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Chinese language, S=8 at 05.00 UT some Time Pips on the hour heard.
9630even AUT AWR ministry in Hausa language noted via ORS Moosbrunn site only S=7 signal sidelobe on short distance here in WeEUR.
05.00-05.30 UT, though CNR1 Mandarin Chinese from Golmud #916 site underneath.
9666.240 BRA ZYE890 R Voz Missionaria Camboriu SC in BrasPortuguese much odd fq, S=6 here in WeEUR, 05.05 UT.
9700.003 TUR Huge radio signal, S=9+35dB power, TRT 03.50-06.56 UT in Turkish to WeEUR, 05.07 UT.
9705even CHN XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Kyrgyz language, S=9 at 05.08 UT on Nov 29.
9725.002 IRN IRIB via Sirjan site in Arabic to Saudi Arabia / UAE,
03.30-06.00 UT, S=8 in WeEUR at 05.10 UT.
9730even KRE Voice of Korea Kujang in Chinese at 05.00-05.57 UT fluttery S=8 at 05.11 UT.
9780even CHN QHTB PBS Qinghai from Xining in Chinese language, 05.12 UT
9819.127 BRA Much odd fq ZYR96 Sao Paulo SP site of Radio 9 de Julho, fair S=6 here in WeEUR at 05.14 UT.
9850even CHN CNR1 huge jamming signal from China mainland against TWN SOH S=9+15dB at 05.15 UT here in EUR.
9885.003 STP VoA Pinheira, Kirundi language from US AGM site, fair S=7 at 05.16 UT.
11630even CHN CNR17 Kazakh service from Lingshi #725 site, S=7 at 05.18UT
11660.019 TUR TRT Emirler site in Turkish, S=9+20dB powerful, 20 kHz wide huge audio signal, 04.50-06.56 UT.
11770even CHN XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Chinese language, S=9 at 05.26 UT on Nov 29.
11790even J__ NHK R Japan Tokyo via Ibaragi-Koga-Yamata site in Russian, even interval signal early on air around 05.26 UT already. Fair S=7 signal even in WeEUR.
11810even CHN CNR8 Chinese sce from Beijing #491 site at 05.29 UT, S=6-7 or is that Mandarin rather 24 hrs CNR1 jamming against BBC at other times of the day ?
11859.965 ARS Yemen Excile Radio from Riyadh site, Arabic at 05.30 UT, Yemen folk singer group performance, S=7 sidelobe.
11875.007 TUR TRT Voice of Turkey from Emirler, extreme carrier signal, but low modulation though noted at 05.32 UT, S=9+25dB. 04.23-05.50 UT scheduled.
11884.994 CHN XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Uighur language, S=9 at 05.34 UT on Nov 29.
11895even CHN CRI Kashgar English sce southwards at 05.35 UT, noted also in WeEUR. News, 'Election report Honduras?', 'Beijing Hour' program, new automobil factory of 50.000 luxury cars report at 05.35 UT.
11905even CHN CNR6 program in Hakka language via Beijing #491 tx site, S=7 at 05.37 UT.
11935even CHN CNR5 program Cross-Strait Bay from Beijing #491 site in Mandarin Chinese language, S=7 at 05.38 UT.
11950even CHN PBS Xizang from CTB Lhasa Baiding Tibet in Chinese language at 05.39 UT. S=8 into Western Europe during winter propagation.
11970DRM mode KWT Radio Kuwait in digital mode transmission from Kabd, S=8 at 05.40 UT. Request scheduled at 05.00-08.15 UT.
11980even CHN CNR1 huge jammer against TWN SOH Falun Gong Mandarin bcast
12055even CHN CNR17 Kazakh service from Lingshi #725 site, S=9 at 05.42UT
13649.957 KRE Much odd fq of Voice of Korea Kujang in English to SoEaAS azimuth target, S=6 at 05.48 UT.
13669.958 much odd frequency of XJBS PBS Xinjiang from Urumqui in Uighur language, sidelobe S=8-9 at 05.51 UT on Nov 29.
13700even CHN CNR13 Uighur service from Lingshi #725 site, S=8-9 at
05.52 UT. Pop mx of western style, seems excellent team of technician personal work on this site.
13710.008 IRN Interval signal even already at 05.51 UT, given station ID at 05.53:10 UT, 20 sec later Persias National Hymn played and sung by chorus. S=8 sidelobe into western EUR target.
13759.997 KRE Voice of Korea Kujang Spanish ID annmt, freq given, 05.54. Central America sce at 28degr via Kamchatka, Alaska, western Canada, Texas state to Cuba Caribbean. 05.00-05.57 UT.
13770even CHN CNR7 program Radio The Great Bay from Kashi-Saibagh #2022 site, talk on Mao Tse Dong mentioned in Cantonese language, S=9+5dB at 05.58 UT.
13780.045 ARS BSKSA 1st program in Arabic via Ryiadh site, at 05.59 UT.
13790even CHN CNR1 mainland Mandarin jammer against SOH TWN Falun Gong.
13820.003 IRN IRIB Zahedan site in Arabic, scheduled 05.30-07.30 UT towards NE/NoAF/Sahel zone and Central West Africa target azimuth, noted at 06.02 UT.
13830even BOT US AGM site VoA Selebi-Phikwe in French language, S=7-8, 06.05 UT, scheduled 05.30-06.30 UT. Journal program, report from Congo, and Israel pandemic politics of new South African pandemic virus.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 29)
yesterday Nov 28 observed IRIB Hausa Africa sce from Sirjan site 22.20-23.20 UT on 7225.001 kHz at 23.00 UT.
The K7RA Solar Update
Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: The Thanksgiving holiday and my hospitalization delayed the usual Friday Solar Update for November 26.
Average daily sunspot numbers for the November 18 – 24 reporting week were down by four points, from 30.9 to 26.9. Average daily solar flux went from 80.8 to 80.1.
Average daily planetary A index edged up from 7 to 7.9, and average daily middle latitude numbers rose from 4.9 to 5.4.
Predicted solar flux is 92, 94, and 94 on November 29 – December 1; 88 on December 2 – 6; 82 on December 7 – 8; 85 on December 9 – 11; 82 and 80 on December 12 – 13; 78 on December 14 – 20; 80 on December 21; 82 on December 22 – 26; 85 on December 27 – 30, and 82 on December 31 through January 4, 2022.
Predicted planetary A index is 8 on November 29; 5 on November 30 – December 2; 10 on December 3 – 4; 8 on December 5 – 6; 5 on December 7 – 11; 8, 12, and 10 on December 12 – 14; 5 on December 15 – 16; 8, 10, and 10 on December 17 – 19; 5 on December 20 – 23; 10 and 8 on December 24 – 25, and 5 on December 26 – January 7.
Here is the geomagnetic activity forecast for November 26 – December 22 from F.K. Janda, OK1HH. This will be his final report.
The geomagnetic field will be:
quiet on December 5, 10, 12
quiet to unsettled on December 9, 11
quiet to active on November 28 – 30, December 2, 6, 8
unsettled to active on November 26 – 27, December 3 – 4, 7, 15
active to disturbed on December 1, (13 – 14,) 16, 19, 21 – 22
Solar wind will intensify on November (29 – 30), December (1,) 2 – 4, 14 – 15, 29 – 5
– Parentheses mean lower probability of activity enhancement.
– “[This is] my latest prediction of Earth’s magnetic field activity. Nothing like that existed 45 years ago, so I learned to compile predictions of the Earth's magnetic field activity. Today we have relatively good forecasts from several places and, given my age, I can finally end this activity. Thank you for your attention.” — F.K. Janda, OK1HH
N4SO reports from the Alabama Gulf Coast (EM50tk:
“Frequency is 24.915, FT8 mode (WSJT-X ver 2.5.2 68dc11). Propagation is to the northeast, all with the same approximate bearing of 41° – 54, grids FN20, FM29, FM18, EM74, FM05, and EM84.
“On November 26, 0851 UTC, from N4SO by WZ7I (FN20kk83). Frequency: 24.915.993 MHz FT8, –17dB. Distance 1,015 miles, bearing 43°.
“0902 UTC, from N4SO by NA2R (FM29tn). Frequency: 24.915.917 MHz FT8, –9dB. Distance 1,010 miles, bearing 47°.
“RX at 0906 UTC, from N4SO by K1HTV (FM18ap). Frequency: 24.915.900 MHz FT8, –17 dB. Distance 819 miles, bearing 43°.”
Sunspot numbers for November 18 – 24 were 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 39, and 39, with a mean of 26.9. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 81.8, 79, 79.6, 78.9, 78.3, 79.8, and 83.4, with a mean of 80.1. Estimated planetary A indices were 5, 5, 10, 12, 9, 9, and 5, with a mean of 7.9. Middle latitude A index was 3, 3, 7, 8, 7, 7, and 3, with a mean of 5.4.
For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service, read “What the Numbers Mean…,” and check this propagation page by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA.
A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.
Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL bulletins are on the ARRL website.
Share your reports and observations. (
Propagation outlook from SWPC
:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2021 Nov 29 0301 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
22 - 28 November 2021
Solar activity was at very low levels with only B-class activity
observed. The largest flare was a B8.4 at 28/0859 UTC from Region
2900 (S26, L=256, class/area, Dso/160 on 28 Nov). This was also the
most active region on the disk during the highlight period. Other
notable activity included an approximate 10 degree filament eruption
centered near S36E33 and observed in GONG H-alpha imagery beginning
at 24/0958 UTC. The associated CME was observed in LASCO coronagraph
imagery beginning at 24/1412 UTC. WSA/Enlil modelling indicated an
Earth-directed component with an arrival time of late on 27 Nov. No
other Earth-directed CMEs were observed during the highlight period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached
high levels on 23, 24 and 26 Nov due to CH HSS influences. Normal to
moderate levels were observed on 22, 25, 27 and 28 Nov.
Geomagnetic field activity reached unsettled levels on 22-23 Nov due
to influences from a negative polarity CH HSS. Unsettled levels were
also reached on 27-28 Nov due to the arrival of the aforementioned
CME from 24 Nov. A relatively weak shock was observed near 27/2153
UTC causing enhancements in solar wind parameters. Total field
reached a maximum of 17 nT during the event at 28/0057 UTC, while
the Bz component reached a maximum southward deviation of -14 nT at
the same time. Solar wind speeds reached a maximum near 400 km/s.
Quiet levels were observed on 24-26 Nov with a nominal solar wind.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
29 November - 25 December 2021
Solar activity is expected to be very low to low throughout the
outlook period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is
expected to reach high levels on 10-12 Dec and 20-23 Dec due to
recurrent CH HSS influences. Normal to moderate levels are expected
for the remainder of the period.
Geomagnetic field activity reached active levels early on 29 Nov due
to lingering influences from the 24 Nov CME. Unsettled to active
levels are expected on 03-05 Dec, 12-14 Dec, and 17-18 Dec due to
influences from recurrent CH HSS activity. Quiet to unsettled levels
are expected for the remainder of the period.
:Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2021 Nov 29 0301 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2021-11-29
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2021 Nov 29 92 10 3
2021 Nov 30 94 5 2
2021 Dec 01 94 5 2
2021 Dec 02 88 5 2
2021 Dec 03 88 10 3
2021 Dec 04 88 10 3
2021 Dec 05 88 8 3
2021 Dec 06 85 5 2
2021 Dec 07 82 5 2
2021 Dec 08 80 5 2
2021 Dec 09 82 5 2
2021 Dec 10 82 5 2
2021 Dec 11 82 5 2
2021 Dec 12 82 8 3
2021 Dec 13 80 12 4
2021 Dec 14 80 10 3
2021 Dec 15 85 5 2
2021 Dec 16 85 5 2
2021 Dec 17 85 8 3
2021 Dec 18 85 10 3
2021 Dec 19 85 5 2
2021 Dec 20 85 5 2
2021 Dec 21 85 5 2
2021 Dec 22 82 5 2
2021 Dec 23 80 5 2
2021 Dec 24 78 5 2
2021 Dec 25 78 5 2
Antenna Rai Caltanissetta, i chiarimenti del'arch. Daniela Vullo, Soprintendente ai Beni Culturali
“Disponibilità alla riproposizione del vincolo in attesa delle valutazioni dipartimentali”
Facendo seguito al comunicato stampa inerente quanto in oggetto, pubblicato in data 21 novembre scorso da varie testate giornalistiche a firma dei rappresentanti delle Associazioni Legambiente Caltanissetta, Comitato Parco Antenna, WWF Sicilia Centrale Caltanissetta, Italia Nostra Regionale, con la presente si ritiene di poter fornire tutte le opportune informazioni e i necessari chiarimenti su quanto contestato a questa Soprintendenza, in merito al proprio operato, nelle attività che riguardano la richiesta di smontaggio dell’antenna in parola avanzata da Rai Way, tramite SCIA, al Comune di Caltanissetta.
Primariamente si rappresenta che questa Soprintendenza, da sempre disponibile al dialogo ed al confronto con le Associazioni che operano nel settore dei beni culturali ed ambientali, non ha mai ricevuto, in merito all’argomento in parola, nessuna richiesta di incontro da parte delle sopra citate Associazione ed in particolare da Legambiente e/o WWF Sicilia Centrale, firmatarie, oltre che del comunicato stampa predetto, anche di due diversi atti di diffida inviati a questo Ufficio in data 15 e 19 novembre u.s. . Per tale ragione si evidenzia che, a giudizio della scrivente, sarebbe stato opportuno anteporre alle note formali, fortemente accusatorie nei confronti di questa Soprintendenza, un incontro tra le parti, sereno e costruttivo, finalizzato prevalentemente a ricevere opportuni chiarimenti sulla possibilità di applicare le norme di tutela segnalate dalle dette Associazioni negli atti di diffida.
Evidenziato ciò si precisa altresì che questa Soprintendenza, con due note datate 18 e 19 novembre indirizzate alle Associazioni Legambiente e WWF (regolarmente ricevute), aveva già puntualmente riscontrato, con precise argomentazioni, gli atti di diffida predetti, pertanto non si comprende la ragione per la qua- le non si faccia minimamente cenno di esse nel comunicato stampa del 21 novembre ove peraltro si ripropongono quesiti che già avevano ottenuto risposte..
Per tale ragione è opportuno riepilogarne qui i contenuti, ricordando che con sentenza n. 3853/21 il TAR Sicilia, sez. I, ha annullato il decreto del Dirigente Generale del Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana n. 1026 del 13 marzo 2017 con il quale l’antenna era stata dichiarata di interesse culturale ai sensi dell’art 10 comma 3 lettera d) del D.Lgs.n.42/2004
Nel primo “atto di diffida” del 15 novembre, le sopra citate Associazioni Legambiente e WWF, sottolineando che l’antenna RAI e le altre strutture ed immobili di pertinenza rappresentano beni di rilevante interesse sotto il profilo storico-culturale (…) invitavano-diffidavano questa Soprintendenza all’applicazione dell’art. 150 del D.Lgs. 42/2004 finalizzato all’adozione di misure cautelari sospensive volte ad inibire temporaneamente la demolizione dell’antenna senza valutare che il citato articolo 150 del “Codice dei Beni culturali” è riferito alla parte terza del Codice, “Beni Paesaggistici”, mentre nell’atto di diffida si fa ricorso a beni di rilevante interesse sotto il profilo storico-culturale che si attestano alla parte seconda – titolo Primo, del Codice, “Beni Culturali”. Ne consegue, chiaramente, l’inapplicabilità dell’articolo predetto.
Inoltre è stato comunicato alle suddette Associazioni che è preclusa anche la possibilità di applicazione del citato articolo 150 all’area ove insiste l’antenna, come sancito da una recente sentenza del Consiglio di Stato – sezione quarta- n.7856 del 3 dicembre 2020 che così recita: "Il potere di cui all’art. 150 d.lgs. n. 42 del 2004 è attribuito all’Amministrazione al solo fine di scongiurare interventi potenzialmente lesivi dell’ambiente nelle more dell’apposizione di un vincolo e non ha, viceversa, valenza generale. Il potere inibitorio è, in altri termini, escluso allorché si tratti di bene già sottoposto a tutela. Nel caso specifico l’area di sedime è assoggettata a regime vincolistico con tutela 1 dal Piano Territoriale Paesaggistico di Caltanissetta, approvato con D.A. 1858 del 02.07.2015".
Con il secondo atto di diffida si sosteneva che l’antenna RAI costituisce “bene culturale di interesse pubblico” in quanto inclusa in un elenco allegato al D.A. n.7732 del 9.10.1995 (dichiarazione di notevole interesse pubblico del territorio della Media Valle del Salso ricadente nei comuni di Caltanissetta e Santa Caterina Villarmosa).
A tal proposito questa Soprintendenza così rispondeva in data 19 novembre scorso:
– L’elenco allegato al D.A. n.7732 del 9.10.1995 contiene un palese errore in merito all’Antenna Rai, inserita tra i Beni Architettonici (tale non poteva essere perché non esisteva il presupposto normativo di cui all’art. 1 della legge 1089/1939 non essendo trascorsi 50 anni dalla sua realizzazione).
– Ancor di più l’errore si ripete nell’accostare al cosiddetto “bene architettonico” un riferimento normativo (indicato come vincolo n.431/85) ad esso totalmente estraneo quale la “legge Galasso”.
– A dimostrazione che quanto sopra evidenziato non risultava conforme alla normativa del settore, in sede di redazione del Piano Paesaggistico della Provincia di Caltanissetta, gli autori del Piano predetto hanno ritenuto di non inserire l’antenna in parola tra i “beni isolati” da sottoporre a tutela (vedi cartografia allegata).
– Si evidenzia altresì che l’area ove insiste l’antenna, nel predetto Piano Paesaggistico non risulta inserita tra i “siti rilevanti”, infatti ha livello di tutela I cioè minimo.
In questa sede, ad ulteriore supporto di quanto sopra esposto, si invita chi legge ad una semplice riflessione.
Se fosse stato vigente un vincolo paesaggistico risalente al 1995, come asserito dalle predette Associazioni (dunque con efficacia immediata), per quale ragione questa Soprintendenza nel 2017, avrebbe dovuto proporre al Dipartimento Beni Culturali il vincolo di tutela recentemente annullato dal TAR, il cui iter procedurale è lungo e complesso? In merito inoltre a presunte “autorizzazioni” allo smontaggio dell’antenna rilasciate da questa Soprintendenza per le quali si diffida la scrivente a disporne l’annullamento d’ufficio e la revoca degli atti, come già esplicitato nelle citate note inviate alle due Associazioni predette questa Soprintendenza non ha mai emesso alcun provvedimento bensì con la nota n. 9682 dell’ 11.11.2021 ha comunicato al Comune di Caltanissetta che lo smontaggio dell’antenna non necessita di autorizzazione paesaggistica, in aderenza alla sentenza n.3416 del 27 marzo 2018 del TAR Lazio II-bis che, in materia di demolizione senza ricostruzione, così recita:
E’ da escludere che interventi mera demolizione di opere già esistenti (ovvero interventi di demolizione a cui non faccia seguito alcuna ricostruzione) versanti tra l’altro in condizioni ormai “fatiscenti” nonché prive di un qualsiasi valore sotto ulteriori profili (quale ad esempio quello storico od artistico) possano essere annoverati tra gli interventi imponenti il previo rilascio del permesso di costruire e, ancora, tra quelli soggetti al previo rilascio dell’autorizzazione paesaggistica da parte dell’autorità competente, attesa la piena idoneità di essi a garantire proprio la salvaguardia dello stato dei luoghi, così come oggetto di tutela da parte del legislatore.
In conclusione si sottolinea che questa Soprintendenza, nell’ambito dei poteri ad essa conferiti dalla vigente normativa del settore, può porre in essere solamente azioni amministrative e attività di tutela discendenti da precise disposizioni legislative. A tal proposito si comunica (come già anticipato nelle nota inviata il 18 novembre alle due Associazioni in parola) che in merito alla possibilità di avviare ulteriori azioni di tutela, consistenti esclusivamente nella riproposizione del vincolo recentemente annullato dalla sentenza del TAR, (ovviamente emendato dei vizi indicati e con le prescrizioni ivi contenute), questa Soprintendenza, in adempimento all’indirizzo politico avanzato in proposito dall’Assessore Regionale ai Beni Culturali, ha ufficialmente manifestato al superiore Assessorato, con note del 16 e 17 novembre, la propria disponibilità alla riproposizione del suddetto vincolo, il cui decreto, si ricorda, compete al Dirigente Generale del Dipartimento
La scrivente, ad oggi in attesa delle opportune e necessarie valutazioni dipartimentali, ha trasmesso altresì, per quanto di competenza, la richiesta Relazione Tecnica, comprensiva di valutazione economica inerente gli interventi di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria da effettuare sull’antenna, redatta dal Prof. Ing. Liborio Cavaleri, professore associato di Tecnica delle Costruzione dell’Università di Palermo, direttore dei lavori di monitoraggio che questa Soprintendenza ha commissionato ed avviato all’inizio del corrente anno sull’antenna e che nei giorni sorsi si sono conclusi. (Radio CL1)
Agenda DX 29/11/2021
Radio El Mundo, Argentina 1070 Khz (1935)
Radio Granma, Cuba (1932)
Radio Sicuani, Perù 4826 Khz (1959)
Radio Tucumàn, Argentina 1110 Khz (1928)
domenica 28 novembre 2021
Ascolti della settimana IW2NZR
Un po' di ascolti della settimana, sto setacciando le onde medie più delle corte. Alla ricerca delle low power.
ggmmaa utc kHz SINPO rx emittente 221121 1258 1458 35444 it Lyca Radio in EE 221121 1700 5955 45444 it Radio Romania Internazionale in IT 221121 2147 1368 35433 it Manx Radio in EE 231121 1235 11725 35444 pr Radio New Zealand Pacific in EE 231121 1845 1152 45433 sv LBC News in EE 241121 1340 1548 45433 it Gold Radio in EE 241121 1158 11725 45433 pr Radio New Zealand Pacific in EE 241121 1700 1152 33333 mr LBC News in EE 251121 1450 927 45454 sv Power 9-2-7 in EE/IT 251121 1803 1584 45433 se Radiodiffusione Europea in IT 251121 1939 1458 55444 mr Lyca Radio in EE 261121 1730 1449 44444 it Rai Belluno, GR Veneto in IT 261121 1857 1459 55444 mr Lyca Radio in EE 251121 1933 1035 34433 mr Lyca Gold in EE 261121 2133 909 44444 pr BBC Radio 5 in EE 271121 0203 1026 23443 de Radio Tabriz, AZAN (sciita*) in Arabo, e recitazione del Corano in AA 271121 1600 6005 35444 mr Polskie Radio in tedesco (via SWservice) 271121 1642 918 32432 pr AM Italia, in IT/EE (QRM Spagna, vedi sotto) 271121 1658 918 33433 pr Radio Inter in Spagnolo (prevalente su AM Italia) 271121 1752 198 45433 mr BBC Radio 4 in EE con impietose previsioni meteo 271121 1922 225 45444 mr Polskie Radio Jedenka in polacco, mx pop inglese 281121 1000 9610 55544 tr AWR La Voce della Speranza in IT 281121 1707 1017 43433 it Amica Radio Veneta in IT, QRM Spagna 281121 1807 1026 34333 it Radio Tabriz, radiodramma in azero
Ricevitori: it = ITT Tiny 107 Electronic e ferrite interna pr = Panasonic R100 e ferrite interna (o telaio per le onde corte) sv = Sokol 308 (10 transistor) e ferrite interna mr = Murphy B842 e ferrite interna de = Degen DE1103 vecchio modello e ferrite interna tr = Tecsun 9012 e stilo telescopico
* = Un consiglio a tutti gli ascoltatori: se sullo stesso canale c'è una emittente di un paese sciita e di uno sunnita ed ascoltate la chiamata alla preghiera (Azan), potete riconoscerla: la chiamata sciita chiude con La ILAHA ILL'ALLAH ripetuta due volte, una sola in quella sunnita. Poi ci sono altre differenze, ad esempio oltre al Profeta Muhammad nell'Azan sciita viene ricordato anche Ali.
Davide IW2NZR
Glenn Hauser logs November 27-28, 2021
** CANADA. 401 MCW kHz, Nov 28 at 0734 UT, dash and YPO, 500 watt ND beacon in Peawanuck, Ontario. First audible tuned to 402 USB where mixing with HU Hutchinson KS really on 404. Only one logged before offdozing tonight despite entire continent clear of any Blitzstorms.
YPO, logged a number of times since Dec 8, 2018 when I appended: ``love these colourful placenames. Wikipedia: ``Peawanuck is an isolated Cree community in the Kenora District, Ontario, Canada. It is located near the confluence of the Winisk and Shamattawa rivers, about 35 km from the Winisk River's end in Hudson Bay. Its population is 237.`` --- that does not mean it is anywhere near Kenora in the SW corner of the province! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA. 6100, Nov 27 at 2245, anniversary of Commie Party in Spanish, with music; about China, not Cuba: CRI this hour via Beijing site (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CHINA [and non]. 7500, Nov 27 at 2254, two Chinese mixing for a total of S9+10: VOA via THAILAND, and imperialist ChiCom CNR1 jamming radio war, this hour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 11880, Nov 27 at 2246, jazz, presumably the RHC English hour; what else? Spanish defectively: 13740 S9+40 of dead air, then cuts on with historical talk, stronger than // 11760; 11850, S9+10 and suptorted; 9710, S9+25 but suptorted,
Note: the official RHC B21 sked shows the Antillas angle goes from 9710 to 9650 at 0000-0500, yet to be confirmed. Both appear in green for reasons unknown (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925.0 AM, Nov 27 at 2242, S9-S7 of dead air, presumably some pirate. Halloween 365 reported a bit earlier:,89609.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
6920.0 AM, Nov 27 at 2243, S8-S6 of undermodulated music, some pirate. Nothing reported now in HFU but R. Pushka after 0025?,89612.0.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** PHILIPPINES. 6150, Nov 27 at 2244, S9-S8 of talk in English and music, listed this hour as BBCWS via Tinang; no luck checking for R. Saturno, Brasil (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2114 monitoring: confirmed Saturday November 27 starting at 2036.5 UT on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, S9+10 into KB0FX SDR.
Also confirmed UT Sunday November 28 at 0030 on WRMIs 7730 and 5950, both VG direct; program sked now shows something else now on 5950, maybe from next week?
Also confirmed UT Sunday November 28 already near the end at 0422 UT on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, S9+10 direct and finishing at 0425.5, so started really early circa 0356: tune in before 0400 to be safe and listen to the variable-length ham shows.
Not awake at 1330 Sun Nov 28 for WOR on WMRI Europe, via Channel 292, Germany on 9670. Did anyone hear it? roger in Germany reports:
``WRMI [sic] via 9670 kHz 1300-1330z, WOR2113 Nov 28 at 2:22 PM [= 1322 UT] [sic] "Now Playing: Glenn Hauser - wor2113.mp3" 9670 kHz // webstream roger``
So he axually heard last week`s WOR before 1330 on 9670? When I look at the schedule page at 1650, there is nothing about WOR, rather 1300 as Bex Carter, 1330 nothing, 1400 Classic Rock. Next:
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Steve McGreevy, N6NKS, Keeler CA for a contribution via PayPal to woradio at and says, ``LOOOOOONNNGGG overdue, Glenn(!), and thanks very much for your endless wonderful work for the DX community!``
One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5950, Sat Nov 27 at 2302, WRMI for first airing of `Encore` classical music --- NOT. First hearing Indian classical music, sitar, tabla, etc., then 2311 a `cello sonata alone; 2327 mixture of S Asian and `cello, for rest of hour with no announcements at all until 2359.5 WRMI ID and into Wavescan. This certainly does not match the Tumbril playlist for this week or last. I notified Brice. Nice music but not Encore, which still shows on the System L sked.
5850, UT Sun Nov 28 at 0100-0200, next broadcast of `Encore` on WRMI succeeds, matching the Nov 27 playlist with Brice`s commentary. Next repeat on WRMI should be UT Monday at 0300 on 5950 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5050, UT Sun Nov 28 at 0014, WWRB still on summer frequency/band, contrary to what Dave announced last week, shift to 3215/new 3360. 0200 still on 5050, which is when 3360 was supposed to start instead of 3195 or 3185; eventually? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5085, UT Sun Nov 28 at 0055, WTWW-2 with `TOUTA` already underway so switch to $tereo webcast; but original recordings of George Wright as a teenage thorganist are mono: no wonder, dating from 1938y? Bob Heil explains how the recording fi was as hi as possible for that era. Finishes at 0140.5, so might have started circa 0040 if an hour long, but you never know. Is it too much to ask for a program to stick to a specific start time, whatever it may be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1922 UT November 28
Logs in Friol, NW of Spain
BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0140-0156, 27-11, Quechua, comments. 15321.
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belem, 0501-0612, 27-11, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Clube”, “Clube da Madrugada, na Radio Clube, onda media, 690 kHz, onda tropical, 4885 kHz…, unha emisora da Rede Amazonia de Comunicaçao, Para, Amazonia, Brasil”. 35433.
6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0737-0755, 28-11, Brazilian songs. Very weak. 15311.
6150, Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0448-0458, 27-11, pop songs in English. 15321.
Also 0710-0758, 27-11, heard again at 0710 when closed Radio Austria on 6155, pops songs in English, Portuguese, comments, eclipsed at 0758 by Europe 24 signing on. 15321.
Also heard, 0725-0758, 28-11, pop songs in English. 15421.
9550, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2108-2125, 26-11, Portuguese, religious comments. 15321.
9666.1, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 1954-2010, 26-11, Portuguese, religious comments, songs. 24322.
9819.1, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2005-2023, 26-11, Portuguese, religious comments. Very weak. 14311.
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1916-1950, 26-11, Portuguese, comments. 25322.
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1948-2010, 26-11, Brazilian songs, “Programa Terra Brasil”, “Radio Brasil Central”. 33433.
Also 0900-0925, 27-11, id. “Radio Brasil Central”, program “Nosso Goiás, música, noticia...”, 35444.
15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1716-1741, 26-11, Brazilian songs, id. “Inconfidencia, 880 AM,”, comments. 15321.
COLOMBIA, 4940, Fuerza de Paz, 0503- 0549, 27-11, Spanish, religious comments. 25322.
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, Bejucal, 0444-0500*, 27-11, Cuban songs, Spanish, comments, “Radio Progreso les ha ofrecido su programación del día de hoy...” anthem and close. 35433.
ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0453-0459*, 28-11, Spanish, comments, anthem and close. 25322.
ETHIOPIA, 7110, Radio Ethiopia, 1632-1648, 24-11, Vernacular, comments. 35433.
Also 0452-0510, 27-11, East African songs. Ham QRM. 32422.
GERMANY, 6150, Europa 24, Datteln, *0758-0835, 27-11, pop songs, identification in English, “This is Europa 24, our email address”. 35433.
6055, Radioi Nikkei 1, Chiba-Nagara, 0803-0815, 28-11, Japanese, comments. 15321.
6115, Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara, 0734-0753, 27-11, Japanese, comments. 15321.
KYRGYZSTAN, 4010.2, Kyrgyz Radio, Bishkek, 1655-1710, 24-11, Kyrgyz, comments, 15321.
KUWAIT, 5860, Radio Farda, Kuwait, 0507-0524, 28-11, Persian songs and comments. 25322.
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0705-0723, 27-11, religious songs, English. 15321
MALAYSIA, 9835, Sarawak FM, Kajang, 0940-0956, 27-11, Malaysian comments, songs. 14321.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0514-0555, 27-11, Spanish, comments, songs. 25322.
Also 0501-0800, 28-11, classical music, Spanish, comments, Mexican songs, pop songs in English, oldies. At 0800 eclipsed by Radio Classic Sunday on the same frequency. 24422.
6020, Radio Monique via Radio Delta, Elburg, *0600-0720, 28-11, id. “Radio Monique”, pop songs, Dutch, comments. 35433.
6150, Radio Onda, Borculo, 0732-0750, 28-11, songs in French and Portuguese, id. in French “Ici Radio Onda”. 34433.
6185, Radio Classic Sunday via Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, *0800-0825, 28-11, songs in English, id. “Radio Classic Sunday”, comments in Dutch and English, also identification in Spanish “Escuche Radio Clásica, los domingos...”. 34433,
NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 1638-1655, 24-11, pop and rock songs. 13321.
Also heard 1655-1815 , 26-11, songs, “Country Classic”, id. “Radio Northern Star”.. 13421.
Also 1620-1655, 27-11, pop and country songs, id. “Radio Northern Sar, Bergen”.
SUDAN, 7205, Radio Sudan, Al Aitahab, 1610-1645, 24-11, Arabic, comments, songs, at 1630 French, “La Voix de L’Afrique”, news, comments, East African songs. 33433.
Also 0450-0457, 27-11, Arabic, comments, songs. 35433.
TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1704-1725, 24-11, Tajik comments. 15321.
4905, PSB Xizang, Lhasa, 1624-1636, 26-11, English, comments, Tibetan songs, program “Holy Tibet” // 7385. 35433.
7385, PSB Xizang, Lhasa, 1610-1625, 24-11, English, news, comments, program “Holy Tibet”. 33433.
4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1940-1955, 27-11, English, religius comments and songs. // 6065. 15321.
5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 1705-1746, 26-11, Vernacular, comments. 15321.
Also heard 1645-1910, 27-11, Vernacular comments, African songs, at 1800 interval signal, Fish Eagle sound, English, news, more vernacular comments and African songs. 25422.
6065, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1835-1920, 26-11, English, religious comments, id. “Voice of Hope”. 43433.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Friol, NW of Spain
Tecsun S-8800 and PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters
Ascolti AM Treviso 28 novembre
4840 28/11 0601 WWCR NASHVILLE, Nashville Px rel. E 35533
4885 28/11 0602 Radio Clube do Para, Belem PA Mx P 25522
4980 28/11 0603 WRMI The Overcomer Ministry, Okeechobee4 Px rel. E 35533
5025 28/11 0604 Radio Rebelde, Bauta Mx Px Es 35533
5040 28/11 0605 Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta Px Es 35533
5085 28/11 0607 WTWW, Lebanon TN Px E 25522
5930 28/11 0608 World Music Radio, Bramming Mx Dk 25522
5905 28/11 0609 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg Px meteo D 45544
5995 28/11 0610 Radio Mali, Bamako Px F 25522
6155 28/11 0614 R. Oesterreich 1 Inter., Moosbrunn Px D 45544
6165 28/11 0613 NHK World R. Japan, F-Issoudun Px A 45544
6180 28/11 0615 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pinneberg Px meteo D 35533
7505 28/11 0617 WRNO, New Orleans Px rel. E 45544
9330 28/11 0619 WBCQ World's Last Chance, Monticello Px rel. Es 55555
9400 28/11 0621 The Overcomer Ministry, BUL-Kostinbrod Px rel. E 55555
9420 28/11 0623 Voice of Greece, Avlis Px Mx Gr 55555
9510 28/11 1030 IRRS- Living The Bible, Tiganesti jingle ID Px rel. E 45544
9610 28/11 1031 AWR Europe, Nauen Px <RVS Magazine> It 55555
9610 28/11 1100 AWR KSDA, Guam-Agat infp ID E Px rel. M 44544
9750 28/11 1101 NHK Radio Japan, Ibaraki-Kog Px Nx J 35533
9900 28/11 1102 Radio Cairo, Abis test Px A 55555
9910 28/11 1103 KTWR GUAM Unlimited Grace, Agana TX6 Px rel. E 44544
9965 28/11 1104 Hope Radio Healing and R. PLW-Palau Medor Px rel. E 35533
12120 28/11 1104 KTWR GUAM Do You Know, Agana Px rel. Mon 45544
73 da N. Marabello
QTH Treviso, Italia
Ant.: filare 6 metri
Log Roberto Pavanello
648 25/11 00.15 R. Caroline - Orfordness EE MX buono
675 25/11 17.30 Qatar MC - Doha Arabo MX suff.
693 23/11 12.15 R. Zainet - Siziano IT MX buono
738 22/11 12.30 R.N.E. R.1 - Barcelona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya suff.
774 23/11 12.30 R.N.E. R.1 - Valencia SS NX reg. Comun. Valenciana suff.
801 25/11 18.04 R.N.E. R.1 - Girona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya suff.
819 23/11 23.50 Lomp R. - Emmen Dutch MX buono
837 23/11 18.50 COPE - Sevilla SS NX reg. Andalucia buono
846 27/11 00.10 R. North - Redcastle EE MX gospel suff.
864 26/11 18.04 R.N.E. R.1 - Socuellamos SS NX reg. Castilla La Mancha buono
909 24/11 17.55 R. Cluj - Rumeno MX buono
918 24/11 17.50 AM Italia - Villa Estense EE MX techno buono
999 25/11 23.48 COPE - Madrid SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1008 25/11 18.30 R. Girona - Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono
1053 24/11 23.14 COPE - Castellon SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1107 24/11 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Logrono SS NX reg. La Rioja buono
1125 22/11 18.04 R.N.E. R.5 - Castellon SS NX reg. Comun. Valenciana buono
1130 24/11 00.40 WBBR - New York EE talk insuf./suff.
1251 26/11 00.15 R. Renascenca - Lisboa PP talk suff.
1287 24/11 23.01 R. Castilla - Burgos SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1395 22/11 23.35 R. Seabreeze - Grou Dutch MX suff.
1400 26/11 00.35 Harbour Light of the Windwards - Carriacou EE predica suff.
1638 22/11 17.30 R. Spanningzoeker - Dutch MX suff.
1638 24/11 17.30 R. Ros AM - Dutch MX buono
1638 27/11 23.00 R. Ruimsicht - Dutch MX suff.
1652 27/11 23.30 R. Moby Dick - Dutch MX buono
1660 25/11 23.20 R. Monte Carlo - Dutch MX suff.
1665 23/11 17.40 R. Josje Power - Dutch MX buono
1695 27/11 23.55 R. Korenklopper - Dutch MX ottimo
3330 25/11 23.40 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
3905 25/11 17.30 R. Sovereign - EE MX buono
3920 26/11 17.35 Mike R. - EE ID e MX ottimo
3940 21/11 17.20 R. Free Waves Bay - Russo MX suff.
3955 24/11 17.05 Vorstellung con C. M Obrecht - Tedesco MX techno ottimo
4775 23/11 23.20 R. Tarma - SS NX suff.
4885 23/11 23.25 R. Clube do Parà - PP talk suff.
5140 21/11 13.20 Charleston R. Int. - EE MX ottimo
5780 22/11 17.45 Harmony R. - EE MX ottimo
5880 21/11 13.40 R. Rock Revolution - EE MX ottimo
5995 21/11 13.25 R. Ronalisa - EE MX buono
5995 25/11 23.55 R. Mali - Bamako Vern. talk buono
5995 28/11 09.50 R. Blackstone - EE MX buono
6130 28/11 09.55 R. Casanova - EE ID e MX ottimo
6185 28/11 10.25 R. Classic Sunday - EE ID e MX ottimo
6160 21/11 13.40 Shortwave Gold - Wietze IT Scorribande buono
6260 28/11 10.25 R. Quintus - Dutch MX buono
6275 27/11 14.30 R. Abu Dhabi - EE MX ottimo
6290 21/11 13.35 R. Batavia - EE ID e MX buono
6290 28/11 09.45 R. Blauwe Panter - EE MX buono
6295 27/11 15.30 R. Pioneer - EE MX buono
6985 21/11 13.50 The Vault - EE MX buono
9610 28/11 10.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
9665 25/11 23.45 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP predica suff.
11780 24/11 23.55 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP talk suff.
Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia
A cuore aperto: Zenith H500 Transoceanic (1951)
Oggi ho pensato di mettere a cuore aperto un ricevitore molto noto tra i collezionisti e davvero molto bello. Si tratta del noto ZENITH H500, portatile risalente al 1951, costruito in varie versioni negli Stati Uniti e spesso dato a corredo degli ufficiali dell'esercito per ascoltare le trasmissioni della Voice of America in qualunque punto si trovassero; il manuale lo definisce molto utile anche a naviganti, campeggiatori, sportivi ed in generale a tutti coloro che avessero necessità di ascoltare notizie e previsioni del tempo, contrassegnate in rosso su ogni banda, da parte di stazioni radiofoniche appositamente create.
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Alimentato a batterie o direttamente dalla rete a 110 volts, continua o alternata, impiega 5 valvole miniatura con accensione ad 1,4 volts. Quando non funziona a batteria, oggi introvabile, l'alimentazione e data tramite un diodo rettificatore al selenio ed una grossa resistenza di caduta che provvede ad alimentare i filamenti; l'anodica viene ottenuta tramite una ulteriore sezione di questa stessa resistenza. esisteva anche un adattatore, da inserire nella femmina posta sul telaio, che consentiva di alimentare l'apparecchio anche a 220 volts, ma personalmente, non l'ho mai visto.
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Il circuito è il classico supereterodina con media frequenza a 455 Khz. Il ricevitore è dotato di una valvola amplificatrice in AF che conferisce una sensibilità notevole su tutte la gamme esplorabili. I sette circuiti accordati ed il controllo AGC che agisce su tre valvole contemporaneamente, fanno sì che questo apparecchio, pur essendo estremamente sensibile, non entri in saturazione neanche con segnali fortissimi.
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La selettività, direi molto buona, è garantita sia dai circuiti accordati ma anche dalle "nuove" medie frequenze con nucleo in alnico ed isolate su gommini antimicrofonici. E' dotato di una antenna telescopica per la ricezione delle onde corte e di una loop magnetica per l'ascolto delle onde medie che può essere tolto dallo sportello superiore e fissato alla finestra tramite un cavetto di prolunga.
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La bassa frequenza, di ottima qualità, è fornita da una valvola 3V4 che, unitamente al sistema brevettato RADIORGAN, equalizzatore posto sul frontale e molto efficace e ad un ottimo altoparlante magnetico a forte flusso, garantisce un ascolto eccellente. Le gamme coperte, oltre alle onde medie, sono: 31, 25, 19 e 16 metri, più la copertura continua dai 2 ai 4 megacicli, ove erano appunto presenti stazioni meteo e servizi vari.
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Le valvole impiegate, tutte del tipo miniatura ad 1,4 volts, sono: 1U4, 1L6, 1U4, 1U5 e 3V4. Il tutto è contenuto in un mobiletto parallelepipedo con gli spigoli stondati e dotato di una robusta maniglia per il trasporto. I suoi accessori trovano posto sullo schienale interno del mobiletto, dove c'è anche un portavalvole a 5 posti dove tenere le valvole di ricambio. il cambio gamma avviene tramite pulsantiera e sugli stessi pulsanti è stampigliata la gamma selezionata; accanto a questi, sulla scala, viene anche riportato il miglior momento del giorno in cui sia migliore l'ascolto per ogni gamma.
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All'atto della ricezione, questo ricevitore testimonia tutta la sua qualità, regalando un ottimo ascolto sia delle onde corte, che delle medie, con ottimo audio e buona selettività. Anche dopo 70 anni, il nostro ZENITH H500 fa ancora ottimamente il suo dovere ed è un piacere ascoltarlo. Spero che anche questo glorioso apparecchio sia di interesse per tutti gli appassionati.
Paolo Pierelli
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