lunedì 11 ottobre 2021

B21 schedule: NHK Japan

{English only, from complete NHK B-21 tentative schedule to HFCC; yet days of week have been deleted! Yes, most of them are 1234567 but not the 0430 and 0500s! 0430-0500 have been M-F only; 0500-0530 on Sat & Sun -- a needless confusion for listeners --- gh}

7245 0430 0500 46 SMG 250 175 0 156 Eng CVA NHK
9865 0430 0500 53,57 ISS 500 155 0 216 Eng F NHK
7245 0500 0530 46 SMG 250 175 0 156 Eng CVA NHK
9865 0500 0530 53,57 ISS 500 155 0 216 Eng F NHK

6165 1400 1430 41 TAC 100 163 0 896 Eng UZB ENC
6165 1400 1430 41 TAC 100 163 0 896 Eng UZB NHK
11925 1400 1430 49,50,54 DHA 250 90 0 218 Eng UAE ENC
11925 1400 1430 49,50,54 DHA 250 90 0 218 Eng UAE NHK
( requested fqs, language sorted NHK B-21 schedule)

(via BC-DX via WOR io group)